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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


  2. is there now a $10 transfer fee? or this an invention of the OP?
  3. i LOL'd. seriously.
  4. olyclimber


  5. olyclimber


    lol. to pander, single malt.
  6. olyclimber


    I voted for Obama, but I'm really not going to do as you say. To be perfectly honest I didn't see him as being that great from the get go. I really didn't know that much about him. But then the competition: John McCain and Sarah Palin. John McCain is still alive to date! This means that Sarah would not yet be president. I can't say that we would be in a better place with them in charge. Maybe you can prove so, and I invite you to do so. Maybe if the Republicans want to remain in charge they shouldn't fuck things up so bad as they did with Bush Jr. Then the whole country will be behind them.
  7. let me be the first to respond about Polish people and recent immigrants.
  8. olyclimber


    Call? Hardly a tactile sensation.
  9. olyclimber


    its you.
  10. olyclimber


    IS IT ME?
  11. olyclimber


  12. what about the REAL JAY BEE?
  13. Post this to your facebook status if you consider yourself a civil human being.
  14. [video:youtube]2oOHZvAYmxk
  15. killer buds
  16. The United States will extradite you for this heinous crime.
  17. well someone will be paying taxes on the investments when they are cashed in for actual money. until then, they are subject to market fluctuation. Its more tax deferment in Jobs case. And the taxes will be dependent on the stock value. but how about this for avoid taxes? (car tabs/license): http://gizmodo.com/5611196/the-mystery-of-steve-jobs-plateless-benz
  18. Well its like a state incentive to be poor. In Communist China, the state fines you unless you kill off female your babies.
  19. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/08/11/4870560-nbcwsj-poll-public-down-on-congress-political-parties
  20. http://conservapedia.com/Counterexamples_to_Relativity#cite_note-0 yes i think god is responsible
  21. just use these caffeine patches lol http://www.spotonenergy.com/index.html it would be sweet to have one nicotine/caffeine/methadone patch for maximum efficiency.
  22. I was raised on food stamps and I can tell you their nutritional value is negligible.
  23. Jesus. I was going to send the pink route.
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