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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. hey guys.
  2. guys.
  3. guys. guys. guys.
  4. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2018352723_apcncanadabeareatsmurderer.html
  5. i used to have a Colin Haley rookie card. Too bad I taped it to my bike spokes to make a motor noise.
  6. damn that kid really battles and wins. really cool climb, really cool vid. he just floats upward.
  7. Note the Cascadeclimbers.com assumes no responsibility or guarantee that the partners you connect with in this forum or on this site will be "safe and sane" or capable and properly trained climbers. Do not assume if you meet an anonymous and unknown climber on this website that they will be safe to climb with, will be truthful about their own experience or abilities, or will even know how to use basic climbing equipment. There are many capable and safe climbers on this site, but Cascadeclimbers.com does not provide any service to match you with them. Usage of the site or this forum to find partners is completely caveat emptor, so please use caution when you link up with new partners here or anywhere online.
  8. I once spent a summer flagging the hell out of the forest for DNR timber sales. good times.
  9. thanks guys! yes, i'm planning on running up the Bros with Ulee. I think we'll wait a little while longer so we can car to car it more easily as his baseball schedule is crazy and we only get a day here and a day there.
  10. olyclimber


  11. there you go brutha, logon is still the same though
  12. how can that be? both porter and olyclimber exist. i can change G-spotter though. G-sputter?
  13. Thanks Ned.
  14. Anyone been up there recently? How much snow pack on the east side of the Olys this year?
  15. that wasn't my kid. lest you think that kids some how have a monopoly on this sort of thing...
  16. for real shizzledizzle, and its racing not a bunch of posuery. its funny how every outdoor pursuit seems to have about 25 different offshoots though.
  17. this thread is locked. the above is the reason.
  18. single speed mountain bikes? imma catch hell for making fun of Vince! He is a baller.
  19. Gotta agree with him...there are a remarkable number of people that I know that would be better off going to the Grand Canyon and taking a bunch of psychedelic drugs and losing it for a while.
  20. [video:youtube]HZwMX6T5Jhk
  21. wow. just wow.
  22. this thread needs some EPIC SAX [video:youtube]KHy7DGLTt8g
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