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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Call up the ALPINFOX. That is him selling the shovel. Don't let him tell you someone else drilled it out...he did it himself because he is a gram weany.
  2. olyclimber

    CC History

  3. so this requires high boots? why is that?
  4. Relax. He was just counting on his fingers. All the different ways to be polite!
  5. JOBS JOBS JOBS http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2018528816_asparagus26m.html soon no one will be out of work. plenty of employment for all!
  6. olyclimber


    why? do you just slam caplocks on and bust the fucking key off?
  7. only i can see this thread now bill
  8. i think you can pretend, at least for a little while, if it means a bigger insult in the end.
  9. Looks like it was the BLACK BLOC! http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/05/01/black-bloc-protesters-ignite-violence-at-seattle-may-day-protest/ DOWN WITH CORPORATE TYRANNY! DOWN WITH STORE WINDOWS!
  10. I was most interested in the self-regulatory decorum that the counseling corner seemed to foster and the interesting threads that stemmed from it. Spray itself has always been the worst example of what the mask of anonymity creates in all of us. eat a bag of dicks asseyes it is still possible. one just needs to pretend they possess the capability for self-regulatory decorum.
  11. 225,000 views. Gone in a flash...... http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/694236/To_the_fathers#Post694236
  12. olyclimber

    CC History

    i can envision a coffee table book
  13. "There is an active peregrine falcon nest on the Beach ledge in the Cheeks area, on the right side of the Index Upper Town Wall. The young birds are about to fledge. Washington State Parks and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife have asked that climbers not climb or work on projects in the area during the next three weeks, until July 7, 2012. The closure area includes all routes beginning and ending at the Beach ledge, starting from Engines of Archimedes on the west and including the Perverse Traverse. You can still hike along the base of the wall. You can also still climb one-pitch climbs in the Zipper area (e.g., Zipper first pitch, Active Boys Puke A Lot, Attractive Nuisance). Please respect this closure for the benefit of the young falcons and the future of climbing at the Index Town Walls."
  14. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Rescue-operation-underway-on-Mount-Rainier-159969055.html crap.
  15. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Rescue-operation-underway-on-Mount-Rainier-159969055.html these folks are usually the most on top of things (or seem to be) for the Seattle area for these types of events...like KGW.com is for Portland/Hood. Speaking of which, another Hood accident today: http://www.kgw.com/news/Climber-injured-in-fall-on-Mt-Hood-159892705.html
  16. I have to agree with every part of Matt's post. That has been my experience.
  17. olyclimber

    CC History

  18. olyclimber

    CC History

    no, but i made a photoshop.
  19. olyclimber

    DC = deer killer

    some people forget that Micheal wasn't the only Jackson. [video:youtube]PhVxculytUQ
  20. olyclimber

    Flying Cat

  21. it used to be. even love was free.
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