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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. back to an important question: what is the specific definition to the word "douche bag" that we are referring to? And what specifically makes the bag worse than the actual douche? And a douche its self isn't so bad, its only when it gets used? Also the term seems a little sexist, I would prefer a little more gender neutral idiom.
  2. Miami just pipped OKC Thunder Sonics at the finish line! Me so excited.
  3. we were all down with Macklemore and Slick Watts down at the NEW SEATTLE SUPER SONICS PARK
  4. Half way through the month...lots of good TRs rolling in. Get sum!
  5. http://www.kgw.com/news/Rescue-crews-headed-to-Mount-Hood-after-climber-fall-159030815.html article including family statement.
  6. quality stuff there polishbob
  7. http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlesports/2012/03/07/guess-whos-in-charge-of-the-nba-relocation-committee/
  8. you're the one touting the savings. http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2010/07/09/restaurant-jobs/ its a highly lucrative career! you would think a guy like you could sell something. that is what capitalism is all about, isn't it? Put that coffee down JayB! [video:youtube]raKdE4PCpcY
  9. looks like most make the #5 work. haven't done it myself. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/594125/page/1 http://www.alpinedave.com/enchantments/dragontail/backbone/backbone.htm etc
  10. if we could get rid of the damn unions, hiring cops and firemen could be as cheap and easy as hiring someone to flip burgers.
  11. the problem is when the simpletons and "average work-a-day joes" read propoganda like this: http://www.businessinsider.com/here-are-the-four-charts-that-explain-what-the-protesters-are-angry-about-2011-10 then they think there is actually money somewhere in the system that could be paying for middle class (and union) benefits. and that someone is actually getting rich in this economy? impossible. how do we sell this to them so that they think it is in their best interest? On one side you had the rich folk who gambled and lost (tanking the economy), and on the other you have unions that don't see the rich people taking a bath so they don't want to either. until someone gives bankruptcy is certain. the owners in this system just needs to do a better job of packaging and selling it to their servants. at least thats how a caveman mind sees the situation.
  13. [video:youtube]wvsboPUjrGc
  14. if only one CEO paid their fair share of the tax burden, it would easily pay for all this my good Comrade. now join me in the line for shoe leather. We must have nourishment if we are to do the states good works.
  15. its all easily paid for with a little redistribution from the top, Comrade JayB.
  17. Roman Dial for the lazy: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5551705
  18. I know most don't care about this petty crap. But who are you rooting for (other than none of the above, which is not a bad choice). Just remembering listening to the Sonics win the championship on the radio as a kid (Downtown Freddie Brown, Gus Williams, Dennis Johnson, Jack Sikma, etc. ) Yeah, professional sports are crap. But if you care, who?
  19. olyclimber


    Feck, you totally screwed that one.
  20. go drew!
  21. olyclimber


    BITCHES. THIS IS HOW ITS DONE. http://bit.ly/vXtvlP
  22. just stopped in to see if i really still exist. VALIDATED!
  23. One of my favorites all time as well. Vikings? Check. Rawk? Check. etc.
  24. Hi bro!
  25. olyclimber

    Peter Puget

    This picture proves is: Mariners are definitely gay friendly.
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