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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. [video:youtube]SmL2XAnvjQE
  2. lynch mob...arrest and confiscation of the "nails" link
  3. i only speak in platitudes
  4. I don't remember what I did yesterday, except write a few letters to my congresspeople about SOPA and PIPA. Oh, and I bitched at some woman on FB that was complaining that she didn't have any schnapps to go with her hot chocolate... dude...that is a pretty horrible issue. stop being a heartless bastard and understand that not everyone has 3 cases of schnapps squirreled away for such emergencies.
  5. January 18, 2012: Site Closed for SOPA and PIPA Awareness Today, for 24 hours, cascadeclimbers.com goes dark to raise awareness of two bills in congress: H.R.3261 "Stop Online Piracy Act" and S.968 "PROTECT IP", which could radically change the landscape of the Internet. These bills provide overly broad mechanisms for enforcement of copyright which would restrict innovation and threaten the existence of websites with user-submitted content, such as cascadeclimbers. Please take today as a day of focus and action to learn about these destructive bills and do what you can to prevent them from becoming reality. make a call sign a petition
  6. what is a kevbone?
  7. fake
  9. BAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLERRRRZZZZZZZZZ you guys are adrenaline fueled risk junkies
  10. hahahahhaha LOVE THAT ONE
  11. No snow and 40 degrees in West Seattle.
  12. its a sordid tale. one of trim and two men (most likely unless i find a woman carpenter).
  13. That is an awesome story! Burning money...there is a parable there.
  14. its a great idea. i did put in all the windows and doors in (replaced them rather). however i have no time and no space to work in. i probably have all the tools already. my house doesn't have a garage to do the staining in. also, as i've never done finish work before, I pretty sure that i would be noticing every imperfection and screwup of my work as long as i live in this house. i would love to learn how to do it...but i would need to learn from someone who knows all the tricks. that and the very little free time i have right now i spend with my son.
  15. People on this site seem to often confuse attacking another and calling them names intelligent. Yet it isn't. In fact, Kevin's posts are more challenging and interesting than yours on this thread. As you haven't exhibited any intelligence yourself why not just sit right there on the bench with the bone? Opps, nevermind: as Kevin has been significantly more interesting and intelligent than you, he'll be elsewhere. I'd stay in the middle if I were you, trust me on that. BS. the video i posted was way more interesting than anything said so far in the turd of a thread.
  16. Why don't you have to nuts to stand up to the racism charge that was just leveled at you?
  17. [video:youtube]JQ1ZOFNBL68
  18. sounds to me like Ron Paul wants to get rid of the separation of church and state, basically making the US a theocracy. DIDJA KNOW THAT????!!!!!!!
  19. [video:youtube]UVmKeisK2cU
  20. I have a few leads. Just get lubed up...I'll pass the info on when I have it. You're next in line, be patient!
  21. Where do you live these days Senor Crisco?
  22. olyclimber


    and they would not be drinking da wodka...the wodka would drinking them.
  23. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Trim
  24. yes. and thanks for the pictures of your dong. I have them setup as my new wallpaper.
  25. Anyone have a good Seattle area interior trim finish carpenter they can recommend? I need interior trim done for the interior of my house. PM me if you do it or know some who does it for reasonable rates. thanks.
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