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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    Debunk this.

    DEBUNK THIS KEV!!!!! [video:youtube]MgOq9pBkY0I
  2. olyclimber

    Debunk this.

    Kev, you and Donald Trump.
  3. This sounds like a great time to talk about my plans to defund FEMA!
  4. olyclimber

    Debunk this.

    [video:youtube]Y5felAN1O1s thats just your neighbor
  5. [video:youtube]ws0Xjr58ImY
  6. [video:youtube]TF9NQ-VlS9c
  7. [video:youtube]Pach7UpSRl4 the only really appropriate response to this.
  8. http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2012/10/23/why-we-should-reject-initiative-1240
  9. [video:youtube]mR1AWwVa4wQ is this real???
  10. [video:youtube]pCPwXCRZLDs
  11. ah yes...the end of days. I've heard that one before kev!
  12. ivan, what we have is not democracy. instead we live in a construct built by a secret society that carefully controls every detail of every one of our thoughts. Kev just somehow escaped their control. [video:youtube]OYecfV3ubP8
  13. His signature could have been forged or he could have signed it under duress. Or maybe Washington DC doesn't even really exist? Who knows. Meanwhile you're going around blaming everyone but yourself. Maybe you should look in the mirror some times, ya think???
  14. how do you KNOW kev? The truth is you don't and can't know. You never will. All you can do is go around pointing fingers at people when something smells funny...when you should be checking your own shorts!
  15. remember when the government made cheese? I basically grew up on that stuff. it made the best cheese toast. slap a bit of mayo on there between the bread and cheese and put it in the oven for a little bit.
  16. i'm not sure that my mind exists
  17. the endgame here Ivan is a public school free utopia. BUT! The current migration patterns of intelligent breeders will be halted by the voucher system, which will of course disrupt the real estate market, sending the economy into yet another tailspin.
  18. olyclimber


    I'm agnostic when it comes to politics
  19. Pete now a model/pilot for Abercrombie: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/Abercrombie-Fitch-gulfstream-rules-687452
  20. Think of the newly minted jobs making Molotov cocktails!
  21. Its the free market in action!
  23. maybe they do, maybe they don't. you can't prove it completely. this may all be a grand hallucination. amirite.
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