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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Call up Obama and make the NANNY STATE fix it for u.
  2. Wow Joseph... you really jerk HARD. Pull harder and tell us more!
  3. well its already happening to a certain degree...there are those like Cain that think the problem was that they didn't stay right enough. the other contingent just thinks they were working off stale demographics and need to adapt. of course this sort of rationality is not going to sit well with those that think inflexibility is a strength rather than a weakness. the question is, does that second contingent have a prayer*? *or "hope" for you heathens.
  4. you guys disappoint. jerk harder.
  5. In case you were wondering how I knew this would be a circlejerk, its because Nate Silver (my personal hero, YAY MATH YAY SCIENCE) predicted it.
  7. Party 1: Against gay weed Party 2: Perhaps pro gay, as long as it doesn't have fiscal impact, should definitely support weed
  8. Point is there seems to be at least two types: 1. Social conservative/very religious based + sees no problem with spending money they don't have on the "Crusades" + Needs ban abortion, even in the case of rape, etc. + Needs more laws in place in order to rule over the heathens 2. Libertarian/Fiscal Conservative + truly wants small government + truly believes in the principals of evolution, especially when they apply to economics + are perhaps atheist, or at least are not driven by religious dogma They have banded together to this point, but will they split? I know a few posters in this board that clearly described by #2 above...heck they even make fun of the people in camp #1, but perhaps they like making fun of stupid liberals more.
  9. Maybe my diagram isn't very well thought out. Libertarians are always going to be fiscal conservatives. Maybe it should just be two circles.
  10. I know this is going to end up as a circlejerk, but who doesn't love a great circlejerk? So if the conservatives are really going to reorganize after losing the past two elections, then what are they going to reorganize as? http://www.salon.com/2012/11/07/gop_civil_war_herman_cain_calls_for_3rd_party/ 1. More conservative party (this has not worked out for them in the past). 2. More moderate, focusing on fiscal rather than socially conservatism. 3. What other direction can they move and still be called conservative? The only types I see coming out of this are Type A (religious people who favor fiscal conservatism) or Type B (atheists who favor fiscal conservatism). Which type has more people today? (I think the answer is A). So which is going to win and be the NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY?? Or does it really split into two, and the Type B folks are able to raid enough of the people who voted for Obama this time around to be relevant? Ok, got that out of my system, let the jerking commence.
  11. Yeah, move to Spanish! Otherwise, if you want to live here, learn to speak American.
  12. olyclimber

    Lame Duck Obama

    who doesn't live in an insular bubble? I know i count on mine, especially during the winter months....it keeps me warm.
  13. olyclimber


    I always felt that the lyricism of Billy Squier should have won him WAY more awards than what he got... [video:youtube]_roIbwyx3lY
  14. olyclimber


    pleez don't call it that pink....its called "glam"...geez
  15. olyclimber


  16. olyclimber


    [video:youtube]qZH5aY48BP8 don't give me politics don't give me public schools
  17. olyclimber


    I really like the thought and creativity in the Ratt videos.
  18. olyclimber


  19. olyclimber


    way better than Van Halen....amirite guys? [video:youtube]FhA1Tbr_XKk
  20. [video:youtube]WecrsiXlGis
  21. Looks like Nate Silver might keep his job after all
  22. [video:youtube]KEIYNvwXD0Q
  23. dudes, we'll know tonight how its going to shake out: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/americas-newsroom/index.html#/v/1948281797001/karl-rove-plays-out-electoral-college-scenarios Rove has been noodling over the numbers says that he thinks the Republicans are going to take Ohio despite what other polls are saying. You can tell he wants to outright say that they will win, but barely holds back. He doesn't want us to get onto the fact that he has rigged the election there. Amirite Kev? Also, he was going to a get a BJ in the hall after the spot by the talking head apparently.
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