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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. [video:youtube]1r3tx3IEsN4
  2. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

  3. is this plane English you're using?
  4. 30 lbs! Congrats!
  5. Well, since the main enemy would be precipitation and there has been so little, I'm betting it is a still go. Might not be after this coming weekend though. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=47.950355&lon=-124.3854867&site=all&smap=1&searchresult=Forks%2C%20WA%2098331%2C%20USA
  6. http://video.foxnews.com/v/1871307727001/
  7. [video:youtube]TI_9RIZFi04
  8. what the fuck bob....PolySci is very lucrative! Something like 44 percent of Congress are millionaires.
  9. hahaha I'm always losing that fucking thing. I thought I lost the first one so I bought another one and then immediately found the first one. Then they came out with the new ones. Love them though. Great motivational tool to remind a deskjockey to keep moving.
  10. you should write a book, and maybe go on a speaking tour. just think of the unwashed masses waiting for you to drop your financial knowledge. you could get us out of this mess Kev!
  11. Wow Kev, the way you go on here one would think you might know what you're talking about! Should I be buying gold? Investing in pork bellies?
  12. how would you score their climb on 8a.nu?
  13. I know! Their all clowns. Even Ron Paul. Amirite?
  14. Didn't watch it either, but I bet Ron Paul schooled everyone!
  15. at least link something you cryptic little hipster [video:vimeo]45805681
  16. olyclimber

    pop up camper

  17. http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/million+maple+syrup+stolen+Quebec+recovered/7336807/story.html tragedy averted
  18. olyclimber


    "dis is mah goatse"
  19. olyclimber


  20. plus Index is a pretty awesome place. why would you go any place else? ding.
  21. its a common ruse rob. http://youtu.be/TowiNdfmslU?t=10m39s
  22. Which can claim to be more Euro? Both cling to their "football" match fanaticism!
  23. It appears to me (as someone who really isn't that hip, never was hip, or is post hip...which mean I'm hipper than you all) that Seattle is the city that the non-hipsters think is hip and that Portland is the city that hipsters think is hip. So the argument could be made that Portland is more hip. But since I'm post (or non) hip, I'm not paying attention to any of this. Fucking hippies.
  25. http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-best-cities-for-hipsters
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