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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Heck ya! http://cascadedesigns.com/Our-Story great company.
  2. Ya we should have called you when we went through Concrete John. Given Ulee's sports schedule, this was one of my few chances to get up into the hills and I didn't want to miss it. It is a really nice little hike! I'm sure its much nicer without the haze. Otherwise it was nice to get out and see the rockery. Camped down at the free Diablo site and met and talked with a woman who said a lot of her family helped build the dam there.
  3. not to mention smokey.
  4. Nice work telemarker! I always enjoy your TRs. Way to stick with this one!
  5. I was just up there today. There is smoke for sure, and it gets thicker as you descend down to Mazama. However (based on pictures alone), it is no where near what you've got there in Der Town. It certainly isn't that crisp mountain air, but it looked ok to me. We hiked the Maple Pass Loop and though you could smell the smoke in the air all day, and views were really obscured, it was nice to get out there. It really does suck...its like for most of the Eastern Wa Cascades someone farted under the collective blanket and there is no fresh air anywhere.
  6. So Romney has a sex tape on the internetz?
  7. http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2019205184_wenatchee20m.html "...worse than Mt. St Helens..."
  8. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

  9. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    can someone explain what happened to Ted Danson?
  10. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    I'm not sure, but most likely the reason is a crazy, over the top conspiracy.
  11. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    too much good stuff
  12. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    this is the funniest thing about these conspiracy theories. that our government can't do shit right, but damn they sure know how to run a conspiracy! but not that good, but because the brain trust has got'em figgured out.
  13. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    obviously so nobody would see the cruise missile. Duh We have a winner....... and no one saw the cruise missile hidden in this 3D hologram. [video:youtube]XELamUnF0EU i thought "denying the holocaust" comparison might have been at little much, but after thought it isn't.
  14. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    Rob thats because the links are to the internet and everyone knows you can't trust anything you read on the internet.
  15. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    Keep battling the logic Kev, the illogical point of view is really under represented in this country. many that espouse this point of view are only capable of grunting frontier gibberish, so your eloquence is very welcome. Logic is so anti-creative, to get the juices flowing you really need to abandon all that you know, and divest yourself of stale Western reason and approach the problem from an alternate angle.
  16. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    Some people don't think the holocaust happened either.
  17. Applied orally, didn't try it the other way.
  18. Yogurt chaser worked, no butthurt.
  19. I can't do math. Does this mean the election is over?
  20. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    Agree Kev...keep fighting the good fight. We must find out why they faked the moon landing, and who shot JFK. The simple answers are usually never the truth. More often than not, there is a complex web of lies, deceit, and a secret society behind every event of any consequence. WTF is that eye mean on the dollar bill after all? Is it there by chance? No, everything has its reason...and that reason is to manipulate the uniformed and unquestioning masses. Good on you for not being sheeple.
  21. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    http://www.neothinksociety.com/default2.aspx yeah baby lets go to this kev.
  22. olyclimber

    RIP 9/11

    woah! I have never seen this! this changes everything.
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