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Everything posted by babnik

  1. babnik

    Cattle Grazing

    I have too seen damaged habitat and trash from humans. Packed out my fair share of others garbage. But with humans you can talk to them and try to teach. I have talked to many a person about the results of their actions. Been told to fuck off, but have also been thanked and told the person didn't know or think about their actions. Try talking to a cow. i think the cow is smarter than most humans i have met.
  2. Are you recommending he leave behind pickets and/or rope? Pick it up on the way back? Maybe I'm just too drunk to understand what you mean by this... yer not the only one brah!
  3. if anyone needs a ride from cannuck land, i am volunteering my buddies cherokee to take anyone who brings beer for me.
  4. so then do it... yuo got a whole lotta catching up to do. start drinking and i'll tell you when to stop.
  5. chat room drinking games for the mext few minutes? who's with me?
  6. babnik

    Cold Feet

    vladislavs told me this: if you cold. you drink vodka.
  7. i am bored i hope these fuckers get here soon. muffy, do us all a favor and get some moskovskaya and get plastered. yopu are way funnier when you are plasterd. who wants to play internet drinking games?
  8. right awn. i am drinking way to much because it is first day of school tomorrow and i haven't even left the house yet. this will be some kinda night. i just hope i dont end up in a whore house. oh well. that would ge fun too. i think the people in the condo below are smoking chronic. lucky bastards. i can smell taht shit and it is nice. later guys i am off for a night of drunken debauchery!
  9. obviously we are all drunk as fuck. i will be the first to fucking admit it. i am about to go out and get even more so. whom else cant forego their cc.com addiction despite their obvious inebriation?
  10. i'll give ya the 3rd one if you are the chick in your sig!
  11. hearts are for pansies. i am getting in on big business early so i can own all you miserable liberal fucks. fuck you and good night
  12. hey man chill... just joking. take a coupl' percoset and chiiiill. i like beer by the way. i had lots.
  13. here here! even tho he hasn't "been angry in 4 years"
  14. i will i am going up tomorrow afternoon
  15. babnik

    latest books read

    Trask, just because YOU haven't read anything besides this message board all summer doesn't mean that everyone else is as pathetic as you!! yeah, but these wanks still dont read for shit. have you taken a look at this babble? i mean shit! 1/2 these motherfuckers responded to my threads! how pathetic!
  16. is there such thing anymore? i think it is all via ferrata now.
  17. true dat! seen that south park? it is the only episod i have ever seen. "i would like an abortion" "how far along is it?" "96 months."
  18. most o' them boys can go hit up the mowitch or something similar and call me mid route and tell me its not technical or climbing.
  19. babnik


    you can get your dick shaped like a miata?!?! no way!
  20. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. DO you EVER shut up????? wow babe! retract them claws!
  21. like the way e-rock judged all christians to be doctor killers? riiight. gotcha. we have a word for this in english i think... lemme think... oh yeah! hypocracy!
  22. oh yeah Mr. generalization? well what do you have to say? you think this is typical from the christian right? do ya? huh?
  23. you are quoting a tiny fraction of the anti-abortion people who kill as the "religious right" you are beyond hope anyways. pshaw i defy you to find where Christianity or the morality which was created from it condones this killing. dare ya.
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