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Everything posted by babnik

  1. babnik

    we're all gonna die!

    Actually, she' breathing, isn't she? She's not wooly with horns and hooves. you clearly haven't met her.
  2. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    find the post where i said i was fence_sitter. i didn't do it butt-hole. bad form! bad form!
  3. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    pathetic. dru go back to reading nancy dru novels ya hack detective wanna be!
  4. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    no i didn't. it was in a PM. you just broke the code brutha. time to ban ewrik! hasta chica
  5. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    damn this is fun. it should be pretty f-in obvious! granted i am doing one thng different to make it a little harder.
  6. damn! that sounds sweet! anyone wanna hit that up? PM me!
  7. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    mmm..Turkish Pastries.... mmmmmm....pastries stay away from my pastries! i have standards you know! you are slime and are stuck to the bottom of my shoe awww. you finally found someone who doesn't wanna jump in your pants on this BBS. get over it and call allison! there are lots of people who post here who don't want to jump me (and thank god too, a girl only has so much time ) i am not even gonna touch this one. too damn easy!
  8. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    mmm..Turkish Pastries.... mmmmmm....pastries stay away from my pastries! i have standards you know! you are slime and are stuck to the bottom of my shoe awww. you finally found someone who doesn't wanna jump in your pants on this BBS. get over it and call allison!
  9. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    mmm..Turkish Pastries.... mmmmmm....pastries stay away from my pastries! i have standards you know!
  10. babnik

    Who is this Babnik

    eh fuck off asshole!
  11. You never had anything original to add from the beginning, dicksmoker. like any of your right winged rhetoric is orignal, thought provoking or even pertinent to life? cripes, i just got back from having that splinter removed i got from hugging my tree hoping to find some new ideas about becoming even more liberal. all i find is this nastiness. comeon everyone....group hug, everyone grab a tree you can grab mine.
  12. babnik

    we're all gonna die!

    Is there money involved here? i'll bring the shovel!
  13. That's his pacifier necklace for when he's feeling blue. ironically enough "blue" means gay in russian... yuo may be on to somethin' here.
  14. i expected one of those ones with penis' that were captured from the enemy after battle in africa.
  15. probably cause of the LA earthquake too. i think hillary is part of al qaida! using dildoes to take over the world for allah!
  16. babnik

    Cheap HC

    coo. worth checking out. thanks.
  17. babnik

    Cattle Grazing

    yeah buddy i am all about snaggin me a free range cow. we just need a heli to drag its fat ass outta there, or a few peeps that wanna help me take out some pieces.
  18. urban cragging while being piss drunk in vancouver climbing buildings and such.
  19. babnik

    Cattle Grazing

    that is why i was talking about the eggs. they are all ovwer my campus... you can juggle them
  20. babnik

    Cattle Grazing

    oby the way. does anyone know what a canadian goose egg tastes like? times are tough and da birds are plentiful.
  21. babnik

    Cheap HC

    is that marked or something, or do you have to ask for the discount?
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