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Everything posted by babnik

  1. has there ever been a war fought for ideal reasons? i cannot think of one. perhaps our first. i am not excusing any of this, but it just seems that thsi has been going on for a long long time. i mean what do you think the civil war war really about? slaves? ne eh. so it almost makes sense for there to be a 'rules of engagement' but for enforcement we would need a 'UN'. This cannot be the current UN as its obsolete policies enable cruel dictators to kill millions and fat cat capitalists to just sit there and watch. I believe that the key to this millenium is the reformation of the UN. This is th only thing that can restrict the actions of major powers of the world and give a virtual solidarity that can diffuse terrorism on a global level. my 2 cents.
  2. true dat after they get shot up for their country they come home and get bent over for one more fleecing. great!
  3. i think there is little of this for western culture. after they finish their duty. whether or not they should have been there in the first place, shit has to be completely played out. we dont need another 1991.
  4. great... we can all put it to real good use around here.
  5. Beck, what the hell is wrong with you? This really pissed me off as soon as read it. You have some anonymous geek spraying all over the internet about his hard-on for a woman at a retail store and you go posting her full name. If that was my girlfriend, or my sister, or even me, I'd wring your fucking neck. You're a DICK. Yeah, so what's new? And I'm not a geek. yeah, but beck is still a dick! i would punch your fucking lights out chief. how fucking naive are you? are you not aware of all the fucking wackos out there? edit your post jackass and quit trying to be Mr. 'in-the-know'. fuck you and goodnight.
  6. Boy Howdy, did you hit the nail on the head sista. I've spent the summer frolicking with a fun gal, and now am so bored with it all I can hardly stand to see her. I'm even hiding out and not returning phone calls. Where's my balls? Tomorrow I tell her it's a sex only relationship or nothing. good luck brutha!
  7. the dogbone thisn is like when you use a short sport climbing quick draw. it is really stiff (compared with the length especially) therefore more suceptable to not only rope drag but also having the rope tug and possibly tug the piece out. but yes it is likely a longer runner would alleviate this.
  8. yeah mabe join the screamer to a longer runner.
  9. you know that ain't gonna happen tho'! its clear we are gonna keep goin'. it is times like these i am glad i have multiple passports.
  10. i dotn know abotu using it on small nuts. i would think that it might yank the piece out. i assume that the same principle as the 'dogbone draws' is in effect and that it would lever the piece out with rope vibration.
  11. what do you think the U.S.'s relationship is gonna be with other nations after this fiasco. i seriously doubt our asistance will be granted 'pro-bono' as we just got the serious cold shoulder. the watered down UN is being held together with papier machee and being hit with fire hoses. is restructuring possible? or are nations going to have to craete pacts, and treaties as they go so-to-speak? this a definite turning point in terms of international-cooperation. if terrorist hits france, will the U.S. step up? or will the U.S. go back to it's inter-war style international politics. i am very curious about this. perhaps, instead of curious, we should be scared. if the radical islamists sense the break-up of the unity, it will be blood in the water. faq. aint lookin too good for da future eh?
  12. i think the more likely threat would be to s. korea or japan or another such nation. but this is an argument against a pre-emptie strike yah? i doubt if we went after n korea hard and fast, they would still be capable of touching us, but some of their neighbors? that is much more likely. it is hard to argue though that n. korea needs some ahem "restructuring." if you wanna talk human rights violations, WMD and pollitical instability, there it is. what is the death toll in n. korea for hunger alone? 2-3 million?
  13. one other thing i thought to be interesting. why wont we touch north korea? because they have nukes. 'why' did we enter iraq? bause they 'had' them. interesting parallel.
  14. Hmm. my question right now is: what the war pre-emptive in nature or was it strictly to oust a problematic regime? I think this is as important as whether or not we were told the truth abotu WMD and it also can make the aforementioned quote irrelevant.
  15. babnik


    hell's yeah! may the ban be lifted soon!
  16. Paranoid, too? Gawd, what a basket case. you have no idea!
  17. you been talkin to my girlfriend?
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