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Everything posted by babnik

  1. babnik


    there is always: "not that there is anything wrong with that!"
  2. babnik


    man-hands was funny. well shti they are all funny. i miss that show! kramer with the horse and the junk food was funny too, and JFK's golf clubs was a good one. i cant pick just one.
  3. i dont rope up on interglacier, but be careful because yes they can and do swallow people. i would like a bit more than tennis shose for traction if my life is dependant on it...
  4. i cant erik banned my other one dammnit and i dotn have avatars, just me. i get new avatars when the old ones are banned.
  5. babnik

    canada sucks!

    cool. its like i am popular or something.
  6. damn that was good. where did you find that one?
  7. quit it with the euphamisms. bitch-tits is the prefered colloqial term.
  8. babnik

    canada sucks!

    that is why i am pissed, but the 12th is my b-day and i cant think of a better present from mother nature!
  9. babnik

    canada sucks!

    i wanna climb damnit!
  10. read up cheif. he ain't climbing it. meeting folks.
  11. hey i am in langley... i dont have a car for a week or two so i may need a ride, but i am interested. lemme know.
  12. the reason the envelope is being pushed even farther is caue of the high tech stuff. if people didn't have this gear, they would likely be doing the sme shit that was done in the 20's. How many people would go do super remote FA's sportin cotton? and who wants to hump 200lbs of shit in when now it is more like 35?
  13. babnik


    i was biking in the valley and an injured crow jumped right in front of my bike. i had to swerve like a muthafaq.
  14. What is the gossip? - i got banned Did Ray drop a brown coil on anyone? -yes. everyone. Did catbirdseat and marylou consummate their affair? yes; all weekend Did erik's bulimia get diagnosed? yes, its chronic Is trask still single and blueballed? Or did the neighbour put the herd out to pasture again? no, his arm got out of the cast Please PM me with fresh juicy details. you got it!
  15. look out for this kid. how old are you again?
  16. what is that about $5,000? and muffy, i dont think he is carying it all at once.
  17. should they? no. should they be able to? yes. ay there's the rub.
  18. man you fall for the forced cool... dave has natural 'coolness' far superior to the inflated, machismo riddled chest beaters on this site. sheesh!
  19. dave, you are without a doubt the coolest poster on this site.
  20. So, are the Russian goats you fucked as lovely as the Scottish ones you are used to? How about the American goats I hear you've been terrorizing? Sick fuck!!! JG is a one goat guy now after his recent numptuals. that is unless he be cheatin'. scot' bastards!
  21. that is a lot of $$$$$$$
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