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Everything posted by babnik

  1. if this is the same artcle as i read it was something like "despite environmental concerns, farmed fish a valuable rescource for world hunger" or something like this. isn't that kinda opinion as to who will say whether several tons of contentrated shit in the water and increased risk to polluntants is worth saving 2-3 cents on a fish?
  2. yeh. but there is still enough food for the time being. in fact why dont you look up how many lbs. of food it takes my make on lb of beef. then you will see the answer dickhead. sure 3W countries like india are breeding like fuking bunnies but we can share the blame in that we support wastefull excercises like taking (3W style) edible food and transforming it into a fraction of the same amount of beef. this was discussed with the salmon, but it is on much larger scale with the cows. its a two sided thing man, there is no one group at fault, was are all the problem.
  3. haha funny joke, but will that ever get to 3W countries? fuck no. they have been using this propaganda for GM corn for years and even though most of the GM corn is produced in 3W countries, it is consumed here in the good ol' U.S.A. yes and they can consume it if they so choose and they can earn $$$ to buy other foodstuffs. obviously not perfect, they're probably getting the shaft in some regard but there is a problem producing enough food for the billions on this planet. any progress towards that is good no there isn't. there is currently more than enough to feed everyone, but we greedy fat mother fuckers are eating much more than our share, throwing good food out and such. the main problem is distribution, not quantity.
  4. haha funny joke, but will that ever get to 3W countries? fuck no. they have been using this propaganda for GM corn for years and even though most of the GM corn is produced in 3W countries, it is consumed here in the good ol' U.S.A.
  5. yeah and pay 3x's as much. when i have a 6 figure income i will definitely do that. for now, i am sticking to kraft mac n' cheese with mank ass pink salmon tossed in for good measure.[insert barfing my faqin guts out incon here]
  6. and wasn't that like 6 months ago??! and he is STILL jerking off about it? faaaaaaq
  7. you obviously dont know much abotu the community you are " standing up for" cause we dont appreciate people getting porked in the ass so they can try to get our already commercialized park systems even more so. hope you enjoyed getting skewered by a politician.
  8. ne eh. i am able to get into it.
  9. my first comps were the mac plus and the classic.
  10. in other words, the nasty fish that you wouldn't eat without a whole lotta cajun spices anyways.
  11. and that guy farthest away is about to pass the fuck out!
  12. i like brillo head. hommegirl's got the full outfit and the spotting skizzils to match! faq
  13. i have never seen that in washington.
  14. beck either this is a realy shitty troll or you are a pathetic ass clown. i hope the lieutenant secretaryof the vice mayor's assistant donkey punches you next time ass wipe
  15. dude it is totally bullshit that you make a "natural" product soo ugly that you have to dye the actuall consumable part of the product just to make it look edible. it is also deceptive not to label this shit. it is obvious that these fish will have more toxins because they will be chillin in puget sound ALL their lives. they will also spend it nearer to population centers as it is more cost benefecial. lets not even get into the mass concentrated fecal matter that in concentrated in just one small area by these fish pens. i am a conservative and i still think that is bullshit. it is bad for cunsumers, it is bad for the environment and when enough people find out about this, it will be bad for the farmers.
  16. yeah, but where is more money at? who do you think is paying for the phoney science? prolly the farmers eh, since they are the only ones with somethin to profit.
  17. babnik

    Cheap HC

    tnagy summer sausage. how flaming does that sound?
  18. again i will say "told ya so" this is my pet peve for sure!
  19. babnik


    damnit... i get off classes and take a peek before rugby and expect some good fukin spray and this is all i see?!? you should all be ashame3d of yoursleves! what have you been doing all day working? where is the erik bashing!? where are the death threats!?! phaw this sucks compared to yesterday and any other day for that matter
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