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Everything posted by babnik

  1. brings mentions to this... KILLING BABIES IS STILL KILLING! baby killers! i am gonna get banned fo this but oh well.
  2. i just see that crazy bastard singing that from the top of some tree in sea-town!
  3. EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW You just need stop right there man. yah cause kiten is gettin horny! meowww!
  4. my sentiments exactly... mother fucker!
  5. babnik

    where are...

    erik sucks... that is what's up
  6. babnik

    where are...

    and i got banned!?!? fucking riot man! this is the greatest day ever!
  7. babnik

    where are...

    gee wonder who did that...
  8. babnik

    where are...

    the block features so i can stop erik from sending me PM's???
  9. babnik

    latest books read

    up in the air- walter kirn. witty read. kinda dissapointing ending though. enjoyed it still.
  10. which one YOUR MOM WHEN SHE IS AT THE BEACH! Erik- you are one sick fuk! why my mom doesn't even go to the beach but yer whore of a mutha...whoaaaaaaa. i hear shes more a chunnel then a squeeze! prolly so i was born with an ego the size of deleware! and a dick the size of a tic-tac
  11. Erik, Fence/Babnik is in now way worse than most of the people on this board. Your whimsical banning is juvenile and makes you look incredibly insecure. Maybe you should ban me for posting this. dotn worry he will. when you call him out is when he bans you. i learned that the hard way.
  12. you banned me cause i called out the anti-semite. aint my fault he hates jews.
  13. you snorted that shit?!?! faq dawg that explains a LOT!!!
  14. you ban 30 people a day fuckstick! how does taht mean i said "fence_sitter"? fuckin retard!
  15. oh shit sphinx finally comes in with a winner! damn i can just see greg standin in the back of his truck singing that song too!
  16. babnik

    that's it!

    its beer:30! who's with me!?! going to the fridge to grab a pils olde style
  17. ok Mr. i got some D-cells in a sock to whump you on the head. you tell me who has issues. fuckin neanderthal you dun donnagree. i whump you in head. go back to swingin from your tree hommeboy.
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