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Everything posted by babnik

  1. i cam 2 nuts on GNS. boootae! cam was jsut a little stuck and the nuts i think fell off the rack and landed (1) in a crack adn (2) on teh legde. shitty deal for them!
  2. c'mon baby! you know i was just kiddin'! whelp there goes that one.
  3. 'tis the season. every year, just in time to help me fail my mid-terms
  4. yeah that is why i tossed in he disclaimer at the end. i though of that right away, but i know that unlike the catholic church, divorces in the protestant tradition are getting exponentially easier to get. so i am wondering if there is any advantage. that and i am trying to justify my virginity
  5. tru dat E besides 'Stacy Mc Knight' sounds like a porn name and i would have gotten some sick sexual imagery from it (like i am doin' right now ). therefore it would have stuck out in my mind.
  6. i am not bitter. i am callin it like i see it. from PM's people agree with me. i cant climb cause i am in canada without a car. buddy boy is gettting here tomorrow and all wll be right with the world. but someone has to call this boy for the lies and bullshit he is sprayin. what name did beck use?Stacy Mc Knight (not a chance)the real name (the one that e-rock edited out)
  7. haha e-rocks got his shit straight. e-rock, you gonna come up ehre for any shows? amon tobin is comming...
  8. prolly sound advice. i read a statistic that while about 50% break up. people who abstain form sexual intimacy before marriage, have more than 90% chance of staying together. i wonder if there is truth to this.
  9. i agree. i think that people jsut dont have the desire to make it work and shit. i think that isnce the idea of divorce is not as taboo, it is more of an option and couples are not forced to wrok through their problems. i fully plan on being a person who is happiest at 65 when my wife and i have figured how to enjoy each other's company and bee 100% bliss-full. people do it, so it is possible. i just think ya gotta find the right person and wrok your ass off, but i, too am jsut a snotty-nosed brat.
  10. in other words, learn just enough to kill themselves. sounds good to me!
  11. babnik


    yeh yeh yeh. "its mah pahtay an' i'll cry if i want to cry if i want to..." so at this rate, by october at the party will be beck, his 'secret' girlfriend and a whole bunch of wankers handing out 1oz. cups of beer! have fun beck
  12. pink lycra no doubt... which you obviously scrounged up in the dumpster outside her house. and you are collecting her old climbing gear? that is cute what is next? crawling around on the floor at marmot and picking up her hair off the floor. "wait that on is not hers!" "damnit!" "oh here's one! it still smells like herbal essences too!"
  13. babnik


    i just got un-invited to rope-up too!
  14. huh hu beck. and lemme guess. this magikal girl is all over your knob and is your sex slave and also your rope gun. beck, after so many lame-ass 'that was a troll' attempts and other various lame-as shit you have pulled, do you really think anyone here gives a shit about some fantasy you are having over some chick at Marmot? get over yourself and get a life.
  15. we already have that. its called PCP!
  16. catbirdseat you are a fucking moron! he changed it from a real name to that after we told him to.
  17. uh beck... if it wasn't real, then why did you change the name? uh yeah. your fucking lame man. always saying you are satirizing this and that, but the only joke around here is you champ.
  18. Keeping the piece is what bootie is all about! its a chick. getting the digits is even more important. then you have a place to crash when you get evicted. much better investment than some manky cam
  19. Yeah, same here. Kinda ruins my day, actually, but there's no denying I agree with him. A well-articulated argument that entirely coincides with my own thoughts on this issue. From Trask. Who'd a thunk it? Maybe be the rain has him feeling out-of-sorts today, or something. Gotta be an explanation for it... Can someone stop by and check on him? i think he gave the g/f the ultimadum and he hasn't had his 'breakfast' yet. poor guy. leave him be.
  20. Agreed! Adventuregal, It's about time to you make the big move out west! It's easy. You just pack up and leave. and hop on unemployment and climb all day... seems to be the thing to do!
  21. babnik


    ditto. mabe she is just sloppy drunk.
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