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Everything posted by babnik

  1. i am not right. i am just showing you morinic liberlas that this shit goes down on boths sides of the fence. you are naive to believe that you donkey punchin padnah is not scammin over the enviro too. politicians are all corrupt get over it. look at it this way. what are you doing to help other than spraying on some BBS? yeah that's what i thought. "but i clean up on adopt a crag day"
  2. babnik

    we're all gonna die!

    so you wanna take a bet on that action there cheif? i'll give you 50:1 how does 100,000 sound?
  3. babnik

    we're all gonna die!

    he doesn't know shit about jesus either. we have already established this in another thread.
  4. i will be up there thursday afternoon through sunday hommes. cya there wanker.
  5. if you have any other weekends free, i would be interested after the rain. i have friday throught sunday off so lemme know.
  6. so its agreed. partisan politics is ruining this country, but hope is lots as our chances of abolishing this obsolete system is nil. $$$ talks suckas and we aint got any! so quitcher bitchin'!
  7. for sure. a 3/4" metal tube went though my gut! time
  8. no doubt can you say delusions of grandeur? i would love to see the shocked look on their faces if they knew what their 'straight-edged,' 'tree huggers' were doin on their dime. a perfect example is al gore. can you deny this? or will you perpetuate the myth that he has done nothing wrong? if so, your naievity is as bad as those you lambast from you haughty liberal thrones. i think truthfully, that politicians are really all in this shit together and they made up this partisan crap so you retards would bicker about which side is better while both sider are running off with your money and your recources. dems are dook and repubs are piss. take your pick cause dinner is served.
  9. nah, you'd be the stoner on the couch with the floyd cranked up
  10. i think we have a new rivalry: catshit and fairyweather. haveater kids! ou
  11. me too. alaska is the only part of this country headed in teh right direction.
  12. babnik

    canada sucks!

    i would rather it rain sooner than later! melted freshie dance time!
  13. i am sorry. i forgot that in your presence i must type absolutely perfectly. eat me ass clown
  14. schhhhhheeet! hear that? that is the sound of the kit-gloves comming off!
  15. have to agree with that one, unless you count a 16 person hippie community in eugene.
  16. is that the #1 reason for abortion advocacy? better kill the bastards before they get a chance to jack my deck!
  17. babnik


    Camalots are the shit. and they are heavy as shit!
  18. i think i have seen every one of those on angry girls dressed in black in high school.
  19. no doubt! he got married like 10 years before i was born! congrats on keeping this mrs. Some day mabe i will be as lucky.
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