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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. 1. Joemama 2. I Gives a Shit - Somewhere near the "I hope somebody will drop his name for me so that I can feel cool" area. 3. I barely climbed out of bed this morning. BTW - I took a whipper on the second pitch and decked.
  2. Man boobs are aid.
  3. Something like that. I wouldn't have the lady on my arm, so I saw little reason to go solo.
  4. Since every other climbing party has a liason officer, you would most likely be caught by one of them. Getting caught would suck ass. I've got money riding that 007 will never leave the US. When his "climbing buddies" find out what needs to be done on the fly in China, they will all bail. BTW - How's it goin Dave?
  5. One ticket for Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge Amphitheatre for the sold out Saturday night show (9/4/04). I would like to get face value ($47.00). Jason Mraz is opening. The tickets are about $60 each from Ticketmaster after their "convenience" charges. Show up early on Saturday to climb at Vantage, then go see the show at 7:00pm.
  6. What about Menthol chalk? Will they have a clove version out as well?
  7. I remember hearing that a pound of fat is 3500 calories. I don't remember where I heard that, though.
  8. Looking past the random-assed spray nature of Joe's posts, they are almost identical. "The definition of pverty is..." "Sexual harassment is..." It reads like a shitty editorial in the PI. Methinks this guy just wants get his editorials out to the world, and spamming web boards is the easiest way.
  9. Kerry: I said pull my finger, soldier. Marine 1: I don't think that would be a good idea after eating here, sir. Marine 2: We have found the WMD...
  10. I've got an eye infection... I couldn't see coming in to work today. I got some sun in my eye.
  11. Haaarr..... Your image did get shanghai'ed. Yyaaarrr....
  12. seen today: Lick Bush and Dick in 2004
  13. what is a pirate's favorite drink? What-Aaarghhh...
  14. River Riders was always my choice. They are inexpensive, professional, and fun. My first trip was the Wenatchee. It was a lot of fun for a first trip. As I recall there was a small section of the Wenatchee that you had to walk around a spillway. Still fun, though. Personally, my favorite ride was the Methow under good conditions. It's all class 3-4 so the guides will pretty much bust ass through everything. I have done the Skykomish more than anything because of how close it is. It is a class 5, but that is only one small secction called the Boulder Drop. It's a hoot. If you don't have a strong team in the boat, the guides will walk to raft around the rapid. River Riders
  15. Aaargh!!!! It be a Troll....
  16. I found one of my GF's thongs in the dryer. I put it over my head like an eye patch and asked her "Aaarghh theeese Yooours?" No points scored...
  17. Did you hear about the sequel to "Pirates of The Carribean"? It's going to be rated Aaarrrrrgh.
  18. rent rent rent (Feathered Friends and Second Ascent)
  19. Whatabout the Miox, or an even older gadget, the Steri-pen? The steri-pen uses UV light to purify the water.
  20. So he's a great climber, just not so good at tying things to his pack...
  21. How about a LINK to a past thread? And another LINK singing praises of the BD Shrike (On sale now HERE)
  22. They don't show you what was in that little "space tube" do they?
  23. This is my favoritest troll ever. If it isn't a troll (rememebr snugtop?), it's my favoritest online dumbass ever.
  24. King Buzzo? Unfortunately most of the heavy shows in Seattle are all-ages. Talk about gapers... FYI - Soulfy is coming to town on August 5. They are playing the Graceland in Seattle. If you like the heavy stuff, you will definitely like Soulfly.
  25. My $0.02: Glacier screws: Long Russian Ti jobs. Why would you want a sub-standard screw? I'll tell you why. 1. Cheap 2. Lightweight. Chances are you won't be doing any gripped vertical climbing on a glacier, just some running belays on moderate ice (to 45 degrees) you will have a great stance to place them and remove them. You also won't be too broken up about leaving them for a bail piece. Pickets I think the Yates pickets are the V-type, not the T-type. I have heard reports of the V shaped pickets collapsing and pulling out under large loads. Is this something to worry about? Probably not, but it is something to be aware of. Disclaimer: I don't know shit about shit.
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