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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. A foot bridge across Frying Pan Creek is out on the Frying Pan Creek Trail (approach for Little Tahoma). There is a difficult bushwhack up the creek to a ford. Wet feet almost mandatory. This changed my weekend plans.
  2. I'm no relationship therapist, but I don't think your problem is with a non-climbing SO. It sounds to me like your SO is more interested in playing the field than playing in your field. Even if you drop climbing all together, your SO will still be looking to "Bag that hottie". Disclaimer: I'm not saying anyone is a bad person here. All I know is what you wrote in your posts, and you aren't really painting a pretty picture.
  3. Cheers!
  4. How would you swing that thing around in a dark hallway? Geez... Some people.
  5. Follow this LINK Thanks for playing.
  6. Damn republicans. Next thing you know they will be killing kittens to use as fertilizer for their tobacco fields.
  7. ... strikes fear in my heart.
  8. The Roaches Have No King by Daniel Evan Weiss Very funny and makes some pretty good commentary on people in general.
  9. Ummm... I think he said the Emmons route...
  10. Actually, there are ropes in the selected items. Click on the gear tab.
  11. We had quite a heated discussion about this one yesterday. One person thought that the dog owner might have been using his pack of wild dogs (one of which is a service dog) to randomly assault other hikers, and that he was running to incite the dogs to violence after the first warning shot was fired. What an ass. I'm with JoshK on this one. There is very little in this story for gun rights (or restrictions), and a whole lot on an asshole that probably shouldn't be carrying a gun at all. Had the dogs been shot first, then the other guy, I might believe the self defense theory. I'm not a fan of lawsuits, but I hope this guy gets a massive wrongful death lawsuit slapped on him.
  12. Sorry folks. I thought it was going until it was gone.
  13. I was lucky enough to meet a climber chica at a bar. On our first date she took me bouldering at Clayton Beach in B-ham. I'm trying to convince her that alpine climbing is fun. I'm having problems with that one.
  14. fenderfour


    I will see YOU at Wrestlemania XXVI!!!! Ok, dad, now take the dress off.
  15. Apparently there was a pretty good clearance sale at OR on First Ave in Seattle. They still have some stuff left. I picked up a pair of OR Pro Modular gloves with liners for $10. They have a lot more gloves and mittens available for $10/ pair if you need either XL or Small.
  16. How many people use snoboy's pic? Kyle and Beck, who else?
  17. fenderfour

    Peeve thread

    I bought my Subaru so that I could sleep at trailheads. Eat ass and die!!!! Bwahahaha!!!!
  18. fenderfour


    Ridge didn't think that the latest alert was necessary, so Rumsfeld gave it instead. Drumroll please..... BULLSHIT!
  19. I've got two. And piercings.
  20. fenderfour

    memorial day

  21. fenderfour


    I will save you all the hassle of givng me shit for being slow. Instead, I will simulate my run by staying in the parking lot and making myself puke.
  22. fenderfour

    Other Boards

    Maybe cracked can post his now infamous bouldering series there.
  23. Educational or not, *steaksauce is a bastard.
  24. fenderfour


    They run a race to the Haystack every year. I think the winner did it in 38 minutes last year.
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