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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. fenderfour

    June 15

    New Slipknot album
  2. fenderfour

    Photo Caption?

    Does this 'fro make me look fat?
  3. Thanks for playing. Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3
  4. All of the rescuers with SMR, TMR, and the park service deserve our gratitude. They risk their lives to help people who were taking unnecessary risks. They respond from afar when called to do a difficult and dangerous job. The people with these organizations have a sense of duty and service that I will never have, but I truly appreciate what they do.
  5. We were the Boealps crew. Another Basic Class is over. (almost)
  6. Too bad. He just couldn't resist the juvenile attacks.
  7. The folks at NWHikers even like Martlet. Dude, You rock!!!
  8. I was up there on Saturday too. I was with a huge group of 12 slogging up the hill without skis. Near white-out conditions kept us off the pyramid as 8 of our party of 12 were basic climbing students. It was a good time and it showed the students what it was like to slog 6000' feet in one day. The glacier was a bit evil for kicking steps. A crust seemed to let go with every other step. We were told that the gulley had about 3" of snow over the rock. It would have made for an interesting climb. One more thing - there was a group of 6-8 climbers that walked right through our camp at 4600' on Sunday morning. Learn some manners jackasses.
  9. Personal helicopter? COBRA COMMANDER weather modification satellite? Hand of God? The mountain mafia can't hook you up? Maybe just making sure you have a good weather window would do the trick. I'm with Jim. No way would I have been up there, but I'm a wuss and I didn't buy a plane ticket to get here either.
  10. I'm not doing the hindsight thing. There are a lot of people who can do climbs in conditions that would be suicide for me. I can't question their abilities or skills, I'm just wondering if the schedule might have clouded their judgement of the weather situation. I agree with iain. Had there not been an injury, they probably would have been fine. I don't think it's overplanning to make sure you can be rescued if shit breaks loose.
  11. Reading about the two climbers on Liberty Ridge got me to thinking about how some traveling climbers let their own schedule dictate their climbs. Would any of you gone up Lib Ridge last weekend knowing what the weather was like? Please don't get all bent out of shape. My thoughts are definitely with the two climbers right now.
  12. I have a gust that I modified. I added compression straps on the sides, a wider hipblet (still just fabric) and a lightweight framesheet. It has carried 50+ pounds comfortably for a weekend. The fabric is pretty damn tough. I did a little hauling with the pack and I didn't see any abrasion damage.
  13. Does it matter if we like Martlet? Did anyone really like Trask?
  14. I was wondering why Martlet was such a dick, then I looked at his posts. He started out nice enough. It was the rest of you that started this childish mudslinging. Sorry. You created it, now you have to deal with it. Maybe he can teach you how to deal with playmates who don't share the same political stance. Now go out and CLIMB!!!!!
  15. They're back...
  16. You could also look up Rainy Pass Repair in the U District. I don't know how much the mod would cost. I've never used them.
  17. I'm glad I could help you fly more easily.
  18. Northgate to Renton.
  19. 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot, but that doesn't negate the fact that Mr. Moore is a douchebag.
  20. Might need some spray sunblock to go with that one.
  21. fenderfour


    Martlet... the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you could stop tonguing it, but you can't.
  22. If Jon ever stops being Rick James, I would really like to be considered for the position.
  23. fenderfour

    W00t w00t

    w00tlet? or Martw00t?
  24. fenderfour


    Why can't people just leave the mountains to the climbers? Story
  25. fenderfour


    And a page-top hijacker. So why are you being such a dick anyways? Don't get me wrong. I think it's fun when someone like GregW comes in with a different political view and shakes up this little community of climbers, but is there any reason to be such an asshair about it?
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