How about "I dunno. It might rain"
It might not be bothersome if we hadn't been planning this climb for a week assuming it would be raining. When it comes time to buck up the wankers got whiny.
The Metolius Easy Aiders arent' really meant to be adjustable. The footlops sinch down on your feet, so you are never really ou tof them. They have a friction device at the top so that you can lift your foot, pull the webbing through the device and voila! you've taken a step up the aider without removing your foot.
But you all knew that already.
Pandora? As far as I know neither of my partners know her...
And I don't think cracked is talking about me...
Is the Inspiration glacier pretty safe this time of year? Would it be unreasonable to solo Eldo and Austera?
I was going to climb Eldorado, Klawatti and Austera this weekend. Now my partners are whining about the forecast. They want me to bivy at the car on Friday so that we can get up at 6:00 am to rain and drive home. WTF?
Anybody else have weak-ass climbing partners?
Not too stupid. Too proud. Go back to ego surfing. Noone else cares. After you are done with that, maybe you can get someone else to wipe your ass.
Your lips are so big Chapstick had to invent a spray.
This isn't about numbers. It's about the stability of the country. In theory, the vacuum created by the assasination of a leader can cause some nasty problems for the people living there. Saddam may have been a bastard to his people, but he did keep things orderly.
I'm glad you can regurgitate meaningless tripe that you found on the internet. Otherwise, this wouldn't be much of a battle.
Grow some balls and make up your own material.
My vote is for some new ti crampons.
One note - Ti is a severe bitch to cut. We played with it a bit a few years ago, trying to make an RC car chassis. We had to apply a lot of pressure on the bandsaw and wait fo rthe heat to cut the metal. IT chewed through bandsaw blades very quickly.
good god, is that the best you can do?
And I thought the sparying powers of Dru were legendary.
It's almost like you had all of those crappy lines, pent up, just waiting for the right moment to use them. I hope you're not proud of them.
I thought this was a thread about how MattP got completely sussed at last night's pubclub and rampaged through snugtop's home, smashing things in a fury of shredded drywall and beer bottles.
too bad.
Being a bigger guy makes it easy. Look them in the eye an solemnly shake your head before they even say anything.
FYI - this doesn't work with the blind ones.
huh? Avoid the Aztecas and try some of the smaller taquerias (sp?). If you are the only non-Mexican in the joint, you are in the right place.
Don't forget to try some Horchada.