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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. One of our econ people can elaborate on this much better than I can: but I have read numerous studies that show that we mess up local markets beyond repair when we send food over to starving countries. The current move toward helping them with agricultural education is a step in the right direction, but it won't cure everything. The world can produce enough food for everyone--that's not the problem. Every instance of starvation in modern times is a result of polical efforts--and that won't be fixed by us. It sucks and it makes one feel helpless. You are right about agricultural education is a step in the right direction, and that does happen, it is seperate from Food Aid, it is managed through US AID, also the UN has a whole agriculture division as well. Food Aid actually designed to help US farmers, from what I understand it the food that is produced by US farmers but there is no or not a large enough market in the states. The government purchases it from US farmer so they don't go bankrupt and doles it out to countries that have problem producing enough food. By no means is it designed to eliminate hunger issues, but it does help in the meantime while countries are trying to improve farming techniques. As far as messing up local markets beyond repair, I do not believe that, please elaborate. As for Africa needing more help than Nepal, first off you cannot compare Africa to Nepal, that is just crazy thinking. Africa is hugh continent with many countries, some are good some not so good. Nepal is small country in the larger continent of Asia. Hunger, human rights abuses, lack of education and poverty are a world problem, including in the states. IMO to say that Nepal is in less need than say Malawi, is rediculus. They are in both need of help and receptive to that help. What I think is that should happen to see where you get the most bang for your buck and help those countries. Usually the biggest factor to aid and whether it is effective, has to do with how much corruption there is. As for the outdoor industry being disingenuous, there might be a little of that going, hell every corporation is as far as I am concerned. There tends to be a big focus on help that is given to far off exotic places, but in the sceme of things of where their contribution go most money tends to stay locally. When it comes to me and purchasing outdoor gear, I don't look at their charitable causes, I look at how the item I am interested in purchasing functions, how it is constructed and if I really "need" it.
  2. Its called the master cleanse, more intense then a juice fast...less then a water fast. I did it for a spring cleaning, its a big transition time in my life and I felt the need to do it. I don't go to doctors and this is my way of healing my body....after day 10 your body starts repairing damaged tissue...blah blah blah. I wanted to go longer but you get sorta spacy which I was getting tired of One thing I have wondered about doing this type of fast is if I need to cut out my activity. I just can imagine having no energy. Did you use spirolina or super blue green in your juice or any other type of suplement?
  3. When I sea twat piture, I thunk I was tetwaded or sumding.
  4. I have to thank Mr. ApinFox for the camera and posting. I think I have to also thank Mr. AlpineDave for taking the stupid picture. Thanks, ya bastards!!!!
  5. I thought that was his buddies feet hanging out.
  6. That is a great picture.
  7. Sounds like you never get into the mountains except for your Tiger run. My schedule: All Days: stretch and crunches 30min in morning Mon: boulder 2-3 hours, short run 30min max Tue: rest Wed: morning road ride or night ride MTB ~2hours Thu: boulder 2-3 hours, short run 30min max Fri: rest Sat: MTB ride 3-6 hours, will boulder if I do shorter ride or climb outside on the real stuff if not biking Sun: MTB ride 3-6 hours, will boulder if I do shorter ride or climb outside on the real stuff if not biking I will probably start throwing in some more short run (I hate running) just so that I drop some more weight.
  8. Damn right that looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for putting up some pictures. I really do need to get back to the PNW.
  9. Sounds like they could have done everyone (who was not on the road) a favor and given her the damn keys.
  10. That sauce probably won't be so tasty with parsley, but here you go here is something you can use it for. 3-4 red holland pepper (steam, peel, de-seed, puree) 1-2 red onion chopped walnut or pinenuts 2-4 cloves of garlic 1 bunch of parsley sautee onion, nutz, garlic and parsley in butter and/or olive oil (healthier not as tasty). Add your pepper purre and simmer 10 min or so. Serve over pasta of choice with grated parm or romano.
  11. Will you two really shut up, damn you are making me hungry.
  12. I want to I'll meet you over there in a couple of days.
  13. BEEFCAKE !!!!! Well my first day was ok, moderate size portions, 1 sweet, no alcohol, 2 hours bouldering followed by a short run.
  14. One thing to take into consideration is that your first piece no matter how low or how high should be as bomber and try to make it multi-directional. As Rob mentioned mainly to prevent zippering. This is quite common when leading off the ground because belayers tend to stand away from the cliff. It is not so fun when you take a fall up above and then all off sudden all your lower pieces are pulling out before you know it your on a single piece. As for any rule of thumb for when to place gear, I say place it when you can. Starting off lead climbing get as much experience placing your gear. The more you place the better you'll get at placing gear and the better you'll get recognizing good stances to place gear and you'll get better at spotting what gear you will need above. Walking your gear as CBS described can be helpful, but it can also turn into a little bit of struggle if you are not clearly comunicating to your belayer. If they feel the slack from pulling out the piece they may take that up making it more difficult move it up. Also the weight of the rope can sometime make it awkward placing the piece above, but with your guns you shouldn't have much problem with that.
  15. So what happened out there? Did people show up and do some good?
  16. I watch that video every once and while and dream about being back in the PNW, great stuff. :tup:
  17. Alright it is Monday am for me, and I am at a fat 196. My goal I think will be to drop to 180, but I am giving myself two months, I think that might be a little healthier than trying to loose it in one month.
  18. My parents own some land down in Barancas de Cobre in Mexico. I went up to gocheck the water source and look for some cliffs up a side canyon. On my way up I passed several good size fields. I guess if I was in unknown territory I would have been worried, that they might think I was some sort of agent, but since I knew the old man who owned I figured I was pretty safe. Luckily for him though they were just babies otherwise I may have started grazing.
  19. will someone pretty please teach me how to remove a tricam??? thank you The pinks and reds are notorious for getting stuck, but there are couple of ways of working them out. 1. First I try getting behind and under the rocker on the tricam with a nut tool and twist to lift the rocker, forcing the spike down. Once loose try hooking around the spike and pull out out the tri-cam. 2. You can also try getting in front and on top of the rocker with your nut tool and twist to force the rocker down. Pull the tri-cam out while holding down the rocker with your nut tool. 3. For over cammed tri-cams bang the hell out of the bottom of the rocker. 4. For squeezed in tri-cams try 1. and 2., cuss like a mofo, scrape your knuckles, cuss even more, then yell up to your partner to get it on rappel.
  20. These are both tied the same way, I think what they are trying to highlight is having the load end closer to the spine of the carabiner. In my opinion it probably doesn't matter too much either way. The one handed technique will always have your load end closer to the spine. If you tie a clove hitch like I do (finger wrap and shift loops one in fromt of the other) then just make sure your load end gets clipped first.
  21. I am confused... I was under the impression that if any grades around here were accurate, they would be the ones at Index? Isn't it supposed to be similar to Yosemite? (I have not climbed there.) IMO, Index has some pretty stout ratings, meaning I have found climbs at a similar grade to be harder there than any other place I have climbed at. In comparison to Gunks and Yosemite, Index is slightly harder. Those two areas I found to be much harder than other places in the country until I got to climb at Index.
  22. Yes and no. My usual practice is to take one of the newer looking sewn shoulder length runners from my rack and simply girth hitch it to my harness. Then I put my locker and rappel device on the end of that runner, and the result is that the rappel device is nowhere near any pack belt or shirt tail or anything else I have on my waist. Quite often, it results in one LESS thing to deal with. The damn thing swings around a bit when I'm standing at a ledge pulling and resetting the rappel, though. I also like using a sling girth hitched to my harness for the same reason Matt mentioned. I also attach an additional locker biner to the sling, that way when I rap down to the next anchor, I can clip in and continue to rappel until tight on the sling, this helps reduce the chance of shock loading the anchor. Things you do need to be aware of while rapping with your device on a sling, yeah the pack straps and clothing is not near the rappel device, but your hair is. You need to be aware of long hair especially. It is quite painful getting stuck to your device. To make matters worse, when you rappeling from a sling it is extremely difficult to ascend up the rope even on a slab. That means if your hair get stuck you better have a knife handy. Also make sure you don't pass your rope on the way down (ie make sure your ends are down), because getting back up to it is hard to do.
  23. Way too complicated. It is complicated, I always get it screwed up with eat more, execise less. This will be good you guys are doing it then maybe I might be able to do it. Since the weigh in is on monday I might as well have my last Chinese supper today.
  24. Count me in. So how is this gonna work?
  25. ken4ord


    That is supposed to funny!?!?!? I don't see how something called a rape box can be considered funny, I find it pretty fucking disgusting that someone can market something like this. Gotta love the US where the sound of someone getting raped is found to be funny. Fucking idiotic!!!
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