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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. That fucking pissed me off. They don't give you the answers without a goddam ass reaming. Don't post shit like that, there are plenty of fun quizes that don't make you fill everything out and then get pop ups afterwards. I fucking hate emos. I'm pissed they wanted me to fill in my addy, email, and a bunch of other crap. I might play along with some stupid quiz if they didn't want a bunch of ways to email/mail me crap. I agree, bunch of crap, I hate sites that think they have everything from me. Hell the only thing that they didn't ask for was my social security number and bank information. I think the whole emo thing is just the same as other scences over the years, every generation trying to come up with a new way of expressing how much it sucks being a teenager.
  2. ken4ord

    Your ideal town

    If we are talking US "towns", then my choices are: (1) North Conway, NH- good resturants, good pubs, great climbing, ok skiing and excellent moutain biking. Everything is in walking and biking distance. (2) Moab, UT- Excellent climbing and mountain biking. Alright resurants, pretty cool people, good pubs (shit ass weak beer). Laid back. (3) Fayetteville, WV- Excellent climbing, moutain biking and paddling. Good pubs, cool laid back southern scene. I would miss winter. (4) Twisp, WA- Looks like a great place too. Our course again the climbing and mountain biking. Through in some great bc skiing. Maybe a little to sleepy for my taste. (5)Idywild, CA- Beautiful weather great climbing, good mountain biking, ok pubs. Close to J-Tree. Little too small for my taste. If we were including Canada, then Canmore would probable be my number one choice. If we are including cities then there is one choice, SEATTLE.
  3. Alright I am back after a 1 week hiatus, I ended up getting bronchitis and stayed in bed all last week. I am getting somewhat sick of being overseas and getting sick, oh well comes with the territory. Well my start weight was 196 My weigh in weight today is 185 Overall drop of 11 lbs. I am pretty stoked, I think I will be able to reach my goal of 180.
  4. I am kicking ass right now, or I should say this coll is kicking my ass. This moring I weight myself and I was 188, I wish I felt better though.
  5. My evening was hardly wasted. Spent it with the greatest little girl in the world.
  6. What are you proposing? Killing them for being dumb? How insensitive is that? In your case it might be good to make the exception.
  7. ken4ord


    Yeah I thought this was a cooking thread, bastards!!! Please moderators can set these folks up with a room at the Cafe Sensetivo?
  8. ken4ord

    For the parents

    The laughing babies one is great. I shot a couple videos the other night of Simone loosing it. She thinks it is the funniest thing ever when I press my face against here travel crib and make snorting pig sounds.
  9. When start harpooning the dumb ones let make sure we get the dumb humans too...... Boring and stupid arguement, come on how are we going to asess which ones are dumb and which ones aren't. You get an environmentalist to do the job and they are all going to be smart, you get whale hunter to do the job and they are all stupid. Just cause they make a mistake and can't understand that we were trying to help makes them dumb? Shit.....
  10. ken4ord

    The Pirates

    It's sunk long time ago.
  11. Ivan- yeah the genocide is all people seem to know about Rwanda, it is sad, but that was 13 years ago. To be honest though it is a small just trying to get by. I don't think there is much history making material here. With that said there are a ton of countries similar in that regard. Alpinfox- yeah those are banana trees. It is one of the main crops in Rwanda. wfinely- It sometimes very tiring having people around you all the time. I have gotten to a place where I just except being surrounded as part of the experience, though sometimes it is annoying. One thing I have notice thoughjust the smallest amount of kinyarwanda goes a long way in creating an atmosphere where there is some mutual respect, especially with teenagers. G-spotter- Hell there is way too many people to allow any other creature to live in those areas. As for a cheetah on a downhill descent, we might be about the same speed, but on the flats I would be dinner. MisterE- The soil around here is clay in most areas, we had rain the night before so in places it was like riding on ice. Just a smallest bump could send your wheels sliding out from underneath you. Hence how I tumbled off of a 7 foot high terrace.
  12. Holy shite!!!!! kitergal is still around, been a while.
  13. I was tempted to not weigh in this morning I drank too many beers and I had a large pizza for dinner, but I had too I was starving after riding all day long.
  14. I'd climb 5.12, I think.......
  15. ken4ord

    The Pirates

    You mean to tell pirate talk is no longer cool??!?!!?!?
  16. Trip: Rwanda-Mt Kabuye MTB ride - Muzungu Express Date: 5/20/2007 Trip Report: Mt Kabuye So I have been eyeing this mountain for mountain biking or over a year, every time I pass by it. Mt. Kabuye is on the way from Kigali to Rhuengeri, in Rwanda. The mountain has an elevation of 2643m with a drop of 1000m, (3000 foot descent). Most people around here are pretty content on riding the dirt road and call that mountain biking. The only other person around who really enjoys riding like myself was too busy, but luckily I had some friends visiting and when they saw the mountain it peaked their interest. By the end of there stay here they were stoked to give it a try, though a little apprehensive. Now in order to make it more enjoyable I need to rope some drivers into going. This way they could shuttle us up the first 500m of elevation gain. Nienke and Mory volunteered, which Mike, Heather and myself were very happy about only having to pedal half of the ascent. They dropped us off on the road and were going to go to the base and do the hike up the mountain. The plan was to meet up on the summit. Gearing up, Neinke and Mory looking on thinking we are nuts. The ride up the additional 500m and across three other peaks proved to be easier than I suspected. I had always seen the single tracks across the front side of the hills, but it turned out there was a dirt road behind the hills and wrapped around to Mt. Kabuye. We find this out until we crossed the first peak on one of the single tracks that I had seen. Even that turned out not so back with a dozen or so hike a bike sections. On the back side climbing away. We eventually made it to the summit of Mt. Kabuye with in 2 hours, not too bad. We had figured it would take Mory and Neinke about 3 hours to make the ascent. So we kicked back ate and attempted to nap. Kicking with our crew. After 45 minutes waiting and not seeing Mory or Neinke, we figured we would make our way down. We figured worst comes to worst we would have more time to put back some beers down below. So we took off, on the initial part of the descent we decided that it would be better to stay off the trail, because it was so greasy. Hell, I already fell off of a 7 foot high terrace, bike and all, and that was going up hill. The initial descent through the upper forest. The initial part of the descent was followed by mainly 950m of single track descent except for a short section at the end of ride upon reaching the village. The trail was really greasy in sections, so I couldn't really open it up, but we still managed to put on a good show to the locals who definitely had never seen people riding bikes over that type of terrain. Eventually we came around to the frontside of the mountain and realized we didn't make the summit, but after looking at the maps I relize the mountain is actually three summits. In reality we were shy of the summit by 13m. Oh well next time. Mike loving the single track, but wishing he had his bike here. Mike getting chased by a local, with Heather in the background hot on his heels. Heather and Mike loving the ride. Mike making his way down a slick straight shot section. Heather in the lead blazing by some locals The descent took us about 45 minutes. There was fun tech sections, good jumps and few very small wheelie drops. I did manage one hip jump that was spectactular. We had kept it pretty mellow but we were at time hitting speeds at 35-45 especially on the straight aways. Well all that there was left to do was kick back and wait for Neinke and Mory to return. Mutzig time while we waited to Neinke and Mory to return. This ride by far was my favorite ride in Rwanda so far, nice people, beautiful views and great riding. The exposure on the mountain was intense, the picture never seem to capture how steep the hills are around here. All in all, just good times, can't wait to get back on the mountain again. :brew: A parting shot, the route we took went down the backside of the mountain and around the right side of the picture. We then traversed across the face below the forest and took the ridge down that is to the left of the major drainage on the face. Gear Notes: Bikes, water, food, and the water of life apres da ride... Approach Notes: Up paved road to the NW of Mt. Kabuye as high as you can go and then cut right and continue climbing on dirt road along the backside of the mountain. Then single track most of the way down.
  17. No bacon here, sushi, pizza, and lots of exercise.
  18. Well week two is here and still makeing progress (slow progress though). Starting weight: 196 End of week two: 193 Total loss: 3 I wish it would go faster oh well.
  19. ken4ord

    new bike

    I always went to Greg's or the Downhill Zone. Neither of them I really cared for. Greg's to big and impersonal and I wasn't cool enough or didn't have any tattoos get much help at the Downhill Zone.
  20. ken4ord

    Summit Pack

    :tup: for Serratus Genie
  21. ken4ord

    Overdo it

    YAY i like being right and smart about something I've read some of the Tao, and after today's disscussion I want to read more!!! I'm trying to figure out the physiology behind it, but not only do women have MORE orgasms, the ones they do have are like 5 times more powerful than men's! Maybe it has to do with a reflex arc. "flutter" at the lumbar spine..... Hey, Layton would know! Your not thinking in the right direction. The most powerful sexual organ we all have, male or female, is the MIND.
  22. ken4ord

    Overdo it

    with practice you can. people have this idea that it takes women so long to cum, this is not necessarily so. generally what takes a woman a long time is the mans unwillingness to go the extra mile where it counts. for each woman that extra mile is different. there is no blanket that covers all women in this area. it takes finesse and interest and some willingness to experiment. women are built to be multi orgasmic. it is pay back for child birth, cramps etc... and let us not forget, if you have sent sexy e-mails all day and whispered sweet nothings in her ear all through dinner and took the time to help her mind forget all the other junk that doesn't make her feel sexy... she might cum before you do a damn thing Yeah, physiologically speaking you guys are set! I'm not sure what I'd pay to be able to have multiple orgasms back to back. But sinse I'm incapable of childbirth, I think I'd pay in the area of $22,000,000 - if I had that much! actually men can learn to be multi orgasmic. i read a book about it once. if i meet a man who can do it.... well i call dibs True enough, it not too hard to learn to. It is one of those things that just take practice and despite what some have said, you don't have hold back your orgasm.
  23. With Sherri mentioning chili, that reminds me of my veggie days. I use to make chili with TVP (texturized vegitable protein), mmm good stuff, not really beef texture, but no flavor. Gas bomb material fo sure.
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