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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. ken4ord

    new bike

    I have tried the Bianchi-Volpe and Kona-Jake, both bikes I really liked. I didn't spend too much time on either one of them. The Surly-Cross Check seems pretty nice. I am not sure why you would want to avoid disc brakes. Too they work well in all condition even wet, but hey it never rains in the PNW. Also they are lot lower maintenance. I been riding with some disc on my bullit for 5 years and the only thing I have had to do is to pull out old pads and put in new pads, which is done by hand without tools, can't get any simpler. These guys makes my all time favorite cross bikes, but expect to shell out some coin.
  2. Well then, you really definitely gotta get out to Africa, the guys around here really like big ole booty. I think for them the bigger the bubble the better. If you shake that sucker too you will have all kinds of suitors.
  3. This might be interesting! I always wanted to read this one, Catherine Destiville was so badass.
  4. Happy's Rwanda is the only store around me that sells it and not only is it $15 a pint, it is probably freezer burned too.
  5. I can wait to move tomorrow, hitting the cliffs tomorrow, fuck it has been for ever, I can't wait.
  6. All situations I use a single ascender and traxion. The ascender has two aiders cliped and single daisy, the traxion I clip to my waist. Step and pull on the ascender, pull slack through traxion and sit back. Repeat over and over. If I am on the rock, I will use at least one foot on the rock. Through roofs, I go into aid mode, back cleaning as I go. It is also easy to set the ascender and traxion for hauling after I am at the anchor.
  7. ken4ord

    Overdo it

    Fuck no!!!! How the hell do you expect to get anywhere with all that shit weighing you down!?!
  8. I don't think anyone here is claiming to be love-all-hippies, at least I know I am not, that is for damn sure. As for Falwell being from the doctrine of "love the sinner, hate the sin", I think is streching it quite far. I agree he was welcome to have his own views and beliefs and should be alowed to express them. And I have the same right. He was an asshole and won't be missed by me. As for flipping this all around and posing the question, "how would you like it if people were saying the same shit about you when you go?". First off I am sure that won't happen, hell there might be one or two, but for the most part I try to live my life and allow others do the same. Also, I don't believe that I will really care since I will be dead. I don't buy into any after life, well I guess I do, it's call rot.
  9. Thank you little baby Jesus for ridding this earth of such a POS.
  10. Holy shite!!! When did Alpinfox start working there????
  11. WOOOOOOOHHOOOO!!!!! One of these days we'll have to have a joint drunken fiesta. Mine is tomorrow. Happy b-day! No your birthday is today fool!!!! Happy birthday to all you bitches!!! :brew:
  12. You too obsessed. If I want a pint of Hagen Daz I have to shell out $15, pretty damn easy to say no.
  13. So was he responsible for the shortage of beer our his recent trip?
  14. Went a did a 4 hour of mountain bike exploring, rode through several villages, sorgum feilds and banana groves. We eventually made our way into Akagera game park. It is a fun ride through some great terrain and of course millions of kids running along side you screaming "Muzungu!!!". Camped inside the park with good people and good food. Pretty uneventful evening watching the sun go down and later staying warm by the fire. Next day got up early and went for a game drive, saw zebra, impala, topi, hornbills, warthogs, waterbuck and cape buffulo. Came back for breakfast then out for another drive saw all of the above and giraffe, mongoose, and ton of birds. Checked out a saw cliff in the park that might present some climbing though climbing is not allowed in the park.
  15. I'm so proud of you! :tup: Hey, no shame in trying the baby spoon thing. Utensil size is not an inconsequential factor in how much/quickly we eat. Stay away from those big soup spoons at any cost. Switch to chopsticks if you want to go hardcore. (Unless you happen to be especially dextrous....) I tried switching to chopstick for all of my meals, I just ended up eating just as fast once I got good at it.
  16. so hot ALL the time Yeah I can imagine lab coats could be hot, but I always seem to worn with clothes on underneath.
  17. ken4ord


    Keep wasting it away, the more of you that there are in the sleep lovers club, the more freedom in the hills I will have.
  18. Roasted garlic, especially whole cloves. I love the stuff, on pizza, spread on good crusty bread or in garlic onion jam served with some type of bird meat, but when I eat it, stand back. After having some 1-2 hours later the cramps start. They are bad enough to wake me if I am alseep. Then about 4-6 hours later really stand back, they are strong enough to make you think that all the oxegen in the room has disappeared and is replaced with a foul stench that has no competition.
  19. Yeah I have to agree, "dumm dumm dumm dummmmmmmm".
  20. ken4ord


    I hate sleep, I feel like it is a third of my life wasted. If I didn't have to sleep I wouldn't, except for post nookie nap, which is the best.
  21. That is some funny shit. Talk about super paranoid, he probably ruined the best part of his high by calling into 911 and having cops come over. Whew, sounds like a great party.
  22. ken4ord


    Mmmmmm, gamma ray sushi!
  23. Oh sad days are upon us. Minx is no longer the S&M duckie, but has gone the way of the beaker. Was this arch's fault, with this thread? You only answered yes to 27.272727272727272727272727% of the questions, granted that is bad, but not that bad.
  24. NO!!!!!! I guess it is ok if it is about cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries. Sweets have never done it for me. Now when you start talking about savory foods you have crossed the line.
  25. its a good thing sex doesn't have calories!!! Definitely. One thing I wish though is that more calories were burned. Ok weigh in weight was 196 Now 7 days later my weight is 194 (too much fun this weekend) Good news is I am still on target.
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