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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. I can proudly say I got only 0.5/22.
  2. I am not sure if school ruined your life.
  3. ken4ord


    Some fish I think you can do this with, but most sushi grade fish has been frozen before hand to kill bacteria. Freezing is not going to kill bacteria, it will some but not all. The freezing is to kill parasites, not bacteria. Again freezing not going to kill all parasites. Bacteria and parasites are pretty hardy criters. I think most of the time sushi quality fish is flash frozen to preserve the freshness of the fish not to make it healthier to eat.
  4. I agree, I love the stuff so much including swill, but I have to cut back on it or I will never drop the weight belt.
  5. ken4ord


    Some fish I think you can do this with, but most sushi grade fish has been frozen before hand to kill bacteria. Freezing is not going to kill bacteria, it will some but not all.
  6. That is some serious craziness. I remember first hearing about this route 10 years ago or so, it is such a badass line, one that I don't see myself ever getting on. My balls just shrivel up to nothing, just thinking about those run-outs.
  7. you are doing way better than i am!!!! It is driving me crazy right now, but I really hope it pays off in the long run.
  8. Stop it, you all are killing me. I am starving and all the latest posts are about food. Come on. I weighed myself again though I shouldn't have, I am holding steady at 192. Friends are leaving town this weekend so we are going out, I am going to try like hell to not drink, mainly because I don't want to cut into my post ride beers on Saturday. Saturday should be good for me I am almost gauranteed to drop 3, but the sad part it is mainly water. It will be awesome if I hit 190 by Monday. I can already see a slight difference. Hope it is going as well for others. Drop the wieght so I can climb hard. That is what I keep reminding myself.
  9. ken4ord


    Preparation is a lot of fun too, I love coming up with new combos of flavor. I also like experimenting with doing hand rolls, reverse rolls, tempura rolls and other forms. Next time I am in Seattle I want to purchase some boxes for doing pressed box sushi.
  10. Definitely working out is key. I am looking forward to my bouldering session and running later tonight.
  11. I don't wonder what-so-ever why they cost so much, it was an interesting read, especially since I am in the pharma field as well. It is really funny that I am where I am now. In college back in the '94 I read my first article on microbicide research. At that time I thought it was such a cool idea, to create a compound that would block HIV infection. I would have liked to have gotten involved with microbicide research then, but nobody near me was doing that research. I think I recall doing a publication review of the research out there for one of my classes. At that point all of the work was still just done the lab and animal testing hadn't even been started, and there was no solution to how one would conduct a clinical trial where the drug compound was estimated to be only a maximum 60% effective. Furthermore there was no to very little market for a product that is 60% effective when condoms were found to be almost 100% effective. Around the same time the genocide or should I say "acts of genocide" were taking place in Rwanda. I recall seeing congressional deliberations on whether or not it was a genocide. It was frustrating, and I also thought quite disgusting that they wasted so much time while 1000's of people were being hacked apart (in the end it was close to 1 million people killed). At the same time who could blame them, just the year before we had a bunch of Marines who were ambushed and were thrown into a situation that they weren't prepared for in Somalia. Fast forward to 2005, my girl friend was offered a job and I was decided to come out to be with her. Within 2 weeks of being in Rwanda I find myself with a job setting up a microcide research site with the intentions of conducting clinical trials. Still with no money making market for microbicides, research is now funded by non-profits. With statisticians help they were able to devise plans for conducting trials that would provide data needed to know whether or not a compound is effective enough to reduce transmission of HIV. Ethics issues on conduction a trial have been resolved by making sure that even if the compounds don't work that HIV transmission is reduced through counseling, education, and condom promotion. And now the compounds are more effective ~80% and promising indications that these new compounds can be formulated with other to increase effecacy and also work in prevent other STD's. We are still looking at another 10 years of clinical trial work before we will see first generation microbicides possibly hit the market, but it satifying to know progress is being made.
  12. Blake how can having everyone else do your crossword be fun?
  13. ken4ord


    I still prepare sushi here in the middle of Rwanda. I haven't had any sashimi for a long time, that requires a flight to Nairobi and haggling with sushi resturant owner to sell some whole fish. I still have perserved salmon and crab and get lockes and smoked talapia for making rolls or rice bowls. Also have a bit of wakame for salads and miso for soup, oh damn I am doing it again. I am hungry. Ok sushi tonight. mythosgrrl, I wish there was more of you sushi haters out there, just mean more for me. Mm mm good. I think the thing I like about it best is that it is really light and refreshing meal. After eating sushi I feel like I can do whatever, go for a run, hang out, whatever, instead of feeling like I gotta lay down and digest for a while before doing anything.
  14. Yeah my early PT was freaking dull and consisted of the stuff up above, except for cold lazer. WTF is that any ways? I started 4-5 days after surgery, we waited that long mainly because they wanted me to get used to my crutches before going to the clinic.
  15. So last night I ended up breaking down, well sort of. My plan is to limit myself to 6 drinks a week. Well last night I had a friend over and had a double scotch (2 drinks) and beer. That leaves me with 3 for the weekend. Damn it had been since saturday since I had a beer, it tasted so damn good, but this morning I woke up sort of guilty that I indulged with 3 drinks, so I went and weighed myself maybe to give me some more amo to beat myself with. I weighed in at 192, I was shocked. I came back and did it again and I was still 192, and I hadn't even pooped. It made me stoked to get to my goal weight and made me believe I can get there. I gonna climb hard and ride hard as soon I drop my weight belt. I can't weight.
  16. I have seen this approach in Africa as well. What they fail to do is involve the community in all three step, especially the first one. Without the involvement of the community there is no long term success. It is really crazy, I work in reasearch, sometimes I do visits to the National Reference Laboratory, and it is so sad when I step into a lab where there is a $50,000 (or more) piece of equipment that is just sitting there not being utilized. That is mainly because the project wasn't thought out. They do a pilot program and when the funding is over the use of the equipment is finished, because the don't have the resources to maintain and operate the equipment. As for food aid doing more harm than good, I guess I was speaking from my own expience here. If the food aid was say bannanas and potatos, hell yeah, it could really screw things up for farmers here, because those are the most abundant crops. In Rwanda so far all of the food aid I have seen are things that aren't locally produced. In a country that is smaller than Conneticut and has a population of 8 million, they cannot produce enough food for everybody, even though every square inch of this country is cultivated. So from my experience food aid is important and helpful to the community.
  17. Its called the master cleanse, more intense then a juice fast...less then a water fast. I did it for a spring cleaning, its a big transition time in my life and I felt the need to do it. I don't go to doctors and this is my way of healing my body....after day 10 your body starts repairing damaged tissue...blah blah blah. I wanted to go longer but you get sorta spacy which I was getting tired of One thing I have wondered about doing this type of fast is if I need to cut out my activity. I just can imagine having no energy. Did you use spirolina or super blue green in your juice or any other type of suplement? Ken: Since you are in the minority of folks that can actually assess the scientific evidence to support the specific claims made by the folks that advocate fasting, I'd encourage you to do so. Yeah I am not sure, I have thought about it time to time, it seems interesting. Just more curious how my body would react. My major problem with fasting is I love to cook and eat. It relaxs me and it is chance to get in touch with my creative side every day. Seriously, last night I went to the fridge, we hadn't been shopping for a week, I still was able to make a herb crusted talapia fillet with homemade coponata on the side. When I make a sandwhich, I just don't throw together a PB&J, last time it was imported belgium ham, with grilled onions, goat cheese and homemade homemade spicy honey mustard. Earlier today I was at the grocery store, since last night we had no food in the fridge, well they had local oyster mushroom, so on tonights menu it is homemade ravioli stuffed with mushrooms, homemade ricotta, leeks, chives and garlic served with a red sauce. Damn I am getting hungry. See what my dilema is?
  18. I don't even have to look at it and know which video it is. Let me guess Lover's Leep sumthing like 5 minutes something? Also he is one of the slowest climbers out there now, he's dead.
  19. So are you working on this dudes crossword puzzle?
  20. That sucks!! Well I have done the same, except my triage was acl, mcl, and 3 patella tears. It took me 5 month of recovery time, could have gotten out sooner, but decided to hold off. Definitely reccomend getting done as soon as possible, instead of dragging out your time that you are laid up. I had mine done 4 days after my accident. I had a patella tendon graft for the acl, this is mainly because I had torn both of my hamstrings a couple of years prior in a snow boarding accident. From what my doctor told me he said that hamstring grafts take less time for healing. The mcl was left as is. I had two tears trimmed out and one stitched, if you wait long you won't have the option to stitch a patella tear. As far as I can tell the stitch has held up. Hit PT and stick to it. I was lucky because I was sponsored by one of the top centers in the country Orthopedic Associates (Portland, Maine) they worked on a ton top atheletes (football star and olympian skiers mainly from what I could tell by all the signed posters everywhere), I was also sponsored by Healthsouth therapuetic associates. So I got top notch care. I was in PT 3 times a week and they picked up the slack after my insurance company stopped paying and let me keep going. I hit the gym 2-4 times a week to lift (upper body even when I was still on crutches). My cardio fell by the way side for the first several months mainly because I bought an oz. smoked all the time instead of taking pain killer and it help alleviate the boredom. Later I was doing pool work outs and cycling on the stationary bike. So when I got out for the first time I hopped right on grade 4+WI then followed by grade 5WI ice climb. I felt fine but nervous about slipping or falling. Don't get down, get up and get better. My goal (after a few days of depression) was to come back stronger than I was going in, within 6 months. It worked. Good luck!
  21. Dude, I am in the start of my third day, give me a break. I am weighing myself once a week. No point in doing it everyday, since I can flucuate several pounds in water weight. Though Kurt said he has lost 3.5 since the start, that is crazy. I am shooting for 2 a week, which would put me at 180 in two months. Oh BTW that cinamon roll looks like shit.
  22. Yeah I was speaking strickly for myself in the way that I purchase items. I used to better about looking into the companies and purchasing based on what companies gave back. Lately I think I have become cynical, and really see that most people don't really care one way or another, including myself and that companies are just out to make a buck. I do think though there is a lesser of two evils when it comes to companies and if company does good and makes a good product, then I am happier to purchase that item.
  23. Racism? Are you fucking joking me? You GET REAL! Why does everyone believe we need to "Westernificate" everything. Disease? Who brought it there? We did. They seemed to take a shit no problem before, what has changed? If they want these things then fine, but forcing it on society is another thing completely. If they really want hospitals and such there is a great solution... MOVE TO A TOWN OR CITY WITH A HOSPITAL! These people aren't stuck there, they choose to be there and live that way. Sorry they are stuck there. To move to a town or city would mean death, on the street no food and very little chance of making it, letting alone affording health care or education. Hell here in Rwanda last time I went to the hosipital, (I had an alergic reaction), to see a doctor and get a shot of Hydrocortizone cost me 5000RWF ($10) to get my perscricption was 7500RWF ($15). Now when I go out to a rural village and stop at a store (mud hut) to get a coke most of the time they have difficulty making change for 1000RWF note for a 150RWF, this is from a shop owner. BTW that shop owner may make as much as 4000RWF a month, that is if he does a lot of business. You really think they can just afford to pack up and afford housing, food and health care, you are out of your freaking mind. I would really to see you manage to move your family with a couple of dollars from a rural area to a city with no transport, no skills for employment, no housing and then afterwards, I would like to hear you say that you still think it is by choice that they stay in a rural area. I agree people don't want to loose their culture ( be westernificated), but they do want food, education, toilets, housing, clean water, electricity and health care. I can tell you that every Rwandan I have met out in the village would gladly prefer to cook with gas instead of in some smoked out mud floored hut cooking with twigs. Oh btw this mud hut they happen to sleep in as well and call home. Diseases are everywhere and are constantly mutating to say they are coming from a particular is fucking rediculus. Come on people. In the state we are lucky we have access to health care, medication and vaccine all which work on controlling outbreaks.
  24. One of our econ people can elaborate on this much better than I can: but I have read numerous studies that show that we mess up local markets beyond repair when we send food over to starving countries. The current move toward helping them with agricultural education is a step in the right direction, but it won't cure everything. The world can produce enough food for everyone--that's not the problem. Every instance of starvation in modern times is a result of polical efforts--and that won't be fixed by us. It sucks and it makes one feel helpless. You are right about agricultural education is a step in the right direction, and that does happen, it is seperate from Food Aid, it is managed through US AID, also the UN has a whole agriculture division as well. Food Aid actually designed to help US farmers, from what I understand it the food that is produced by US farmers but there is no or not a large enough market in the states. The government purchases it from US farmer so they don't go bankrupt and doles it out to countries that have problem producing enough food. By no means is it designed to eliminate hunger issues, but it does help in the meantime while countries are trying to improve farming techniques. As far as messing up local markets beyond repair, I do not believe that, please elaborate. As for Africa needing more help than Nepal, first off you cannot compare Africa to Nepal, that is just crazy thinking. Africa is hugh continent with many countries, some are good some not so good. Nepal is small country in the larger continent of Asia. Hunger, human rights abuses, lack of education and poverty are a world problem, including in the states. IMO to say that Nepal is in less need than say Malawi, is rediculus. They are in both need of help and receptive to that help. What I think is that should happen to see where you get the most bang for your buck and help those countries. Usually the biggest factor to aid and whether it is effective, has to do with how much corruption there is. As for the outdoor industry being disingenuous, there might be a little of that going, hell every corporation is as far as I am concerned. There tends to be a big focus on help that is given to far off exotic places, but in the sceme of things of where their contribution go most money tends to stay locally. When it comes to me and purchasing outdoor gear, I don't look at their charitable causes, I look at how the item I am interested in purchasing functions, how it is constructed and if I really "need" it.
  25. Its called the master cleanse, more intense then a juice fast...less then a water fast. I did it for a spring cleaning, its a big transition time in my life and I felt the need to do it. I don't go to doctors and this is my way of healing my body....after day 10 your body starts repairing damaged tissue...blah blah blah. I wanted to go longer but you get sorta spacy which I was getting tired of One thing I have wondered about doing this type of fast is if I need to cut out my activity. I just can imagine having no energy. Did you use spirolina or super blue green in your juice or any other type of suplement?
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