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Everything posted by mike1

  1. I typically don’t go into areas were hunting is prevalent any more. I think if you hunt, then you should have a certificate or license that has to be renewed periodically by a test. Like a drivers licence. Maybe even a psych-eval too! I use to hunt and I remember this course I had to take in order to get my goose card. We had to watch videos on geese flying in different light and different aspects in order to show how difficult it was to identify the tav’s from the dusky’s (protected). It was very difficult! How does the hunting community’s ignorance become the rest of our problem. If they’re worried about shooting people, then they need to be trained how to hunt properly and be held accountable.
  2. You mother wears plastic boots. I don’t care much for plastics either, but they have their pros, definitely. I have the Scarpa Triolets for most climbs, but I’d wear my Nepals up Rainier. Warmer and more supportive. Between the two you mention, I’d go Prime for Rainier. Then maybe pick up the Trango S or the Triolet for a good 3 season boot. Gone are the days where one boot does it all huh?
  3. May the force be with you.
  4. Got out with Verizon from LeConte and Formidable.
  5. I'm holding my own this week at 190 (6'1"). My b-day is tomorrow so I’m figure I'm going to have to hit it hard next week to make up for the gluttony in my future... Right about the time I’m catching up in a month, my next batch of porter should be ready. I’ll reward myself 1 beer for every 10 miles I run... Maybe that way I can make it last. :brew::brew:
  6. burn baby burn...
  7. I picked up a few of these when they were still in biz. They were good mag’s but I didn’t think they were worth it. I’d rather invest in climbing gear! Wouldn’t they have to add more advertisements and lower the cost per issue to be able to pull this off. Hey wait... I think Climbing and R&I have been doing that for... how many years?
  8. Let it rest...
  9. mike1


    If he messed up the oath, did you ask him to re-do it?
  10. mike1


    The oath as written originally did not have the "so help me god". George Washington added it verbally when he was sworn in. Everybody else is just a poser.
  11. eh... week long trek. You could chance it and just drink it straight. Giardia symptoms typically take a week to start showing.
  12. If speed is crucial and you're taking are steps to go lite, then go with tabs. Otherwise take the filter and enjoy the clean clear water. If you go with the filter, make sure it's in top working order before you leave and take the little repair/lub kit with you. I always have a few tabs in my kit just in case.
  13. I bought an Avocet watch more than 10 years ago and I still like it very much. I have to send it in every couple years to get new batteries, but they also re-calibrate it and they have been generous about replacing other worn and broken parts. I use the barometer function quite a bit as well which you typically wont get with a GPS. IMO you get a good altimeter and are a good navigator/planner with a map and compass and you can leave the extra weight of a GPS at home.
  14. That is totally ambiguous.
  15. I agreee. First time on Hood just go South Route. Next time look into Crater Rim or Leuthold's Couloir.
  16. Hmmm... let me think about it. Yup, I like beer What do you think about the Barley Mill Pub this time?
  17. mike1

    Does Hugh need help?

    um, that hurts... I think you should P.M. me an apology for that. besides, I think I earned the right to be a little sarcastic.
  18. mike1

    Does Hugh need help?

    I am left to assume that you are referring to my suggestion that more respect to others on this site could lead to more participation is “disrespectful unamusing junior high douchebaggery”. Or was it my comment about the Spray forum detracting from the site’s potential that was “disrespectful unamusing junior high douchebaggery”. I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. I'm not saying the Spray forum should go away. Just uphold the existing rules. One alternative could be to add another group of forums for Politics, World News, National News, Music, etc. They could be in a Spray free area. I’m sure it would allow for more participation and still have your respite to the world of Spray. Everybody's happy...
  19. mike1

    Does Hugh need help?

    your sucking further proves mine. now pansy-ass turn in the jolly roger and run over to telemarktips.com where they'll call you a douchebag in more polite terms Since I don't know you, then I have to assume you are just a hateful person and that this isn't just sarcasm. Let it go Bug and follow KKKKK's advice. Go climbing! BTW, I like Telemarktips!
  20. mike1

    Does Hugh need help?

    You just prove my point. Thanks.
  21. Glue diamonds on them.
  22. mike1

    Does Hugh need help?

    I don’t claim to know the relationships formed between members of this forum, Bug. I’m sure many members have climbed, do climb, and will climb together. But it’s like some here have forgotten (or just don’t care) that they’re communicating with other civilized human beings. Personally it keeps me from being much more than a lurker in most discussions. If this was a welcome place where members had some level of respect for others, then I’d bet you’d see a lot more from the other 10,000+ members. I mean if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face then why would you type it to them? Seriously, think about it because there is a reason. Furthermore, spraying doesn’t mean people get to be disrespectful, call names, or use threats on others - though one usually leads to the other in the real world. IMO this Spray forum is a huge detractor for this CC.com and has successfully kept it from its potential as a place for climbers to interact...
  23. 199 on Tuesday, 194 today. I'm a loser...
  24. 17,641 topics, 368,741 posts... some one should harness this engery and use it to power SUV's
  25. cheers! I’d like to traverse the pickets this summer and the recent freeze scared me into thinking I might miss on some rare gorge ice because I haven't climbed ANYTHING since October. I’m game for a weigh in. I’ll start now with 199lbs!
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