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Everything posted by mike1

  1. Introverted
  2. Anon99, We all like to think we have the metal to get out of a mess like that under our own steam, but you never know until you're faced with it... Anyways, I’m glad you guys made it out and thanks for sharing here.
  3. NOLS
  4. nah
  5. Our very own douchebag.
  6. Wow, that's messed up. I hope he pulls through ok. I'm betting they were local idiots, so they shouuld catch up to them. Anyone want to go skiing at Dougan with me?
  7. mike1

    Rope Washing

    MRA team I was on use to doughnut the ropes with daisy chain loops and throw in the wash with a dose of powdered Ivory Snow (recommended), then run it on gentle, pull out the chains and hang dry in the gear room. I’ve been doing it that way with my ropes for years.
  8. I've been up and down that trail 20 or so times and I can never remember being annoyed at others tracks. Probably because I've been so pissed off at the snow-machines down below. If you're on foot you're a friendly as far as I’m concerned. I've had snow machines throw beer cans at us and blast by near the parking lot attempting to rooster tail us with snow. I was mad enough to throw down on that dude but he sped off like a pansy... Beside that, you can make tree-line quick enough. From there you can lay tracks wherever you want. Man, I need to get up there....
  9. Maybe you pissed off someone in the parking lot and they were fu'ing with you. Hmmm, sounds like something I might do.
  10. there's 1'43" I'll never get back.
  11. There's your answer. W, take a pill man.
  12. Ah c'mon... I mean they're not my Mammut Champs, but they seem like a pretty damn good pant for bustin into the alpine summer climbs and traverse. I'll get a pair for $22 and laugh at you all!!!
  13. I think these pants might just kick ass!
  14. mike1

    What is this?

    very cool.
  15. When I first saw this topic I thought it might be about some killer home brew based off an ancient recipe. I just bottled up another batch last night of what I'm calling Zombie Mountain. Ya, it’s a Porter... get it? Ah forget it. Anyways, I worked a fed highway survey crew for a few years in the early ‘90's and this old codger of a project lead told us that if we stumbled across an old beer we could drink it on the spot if we guzzled or shotgunned it without any concern for whether it was going to kill us or give us a buzz. In those two years I put down a Bud in the Grand Tetons, a Hamms in Yellowstone and a couple Raindog pounders in the Tongass NF (that was a gooood day). I'd have to say the Hamms was the scariest because it was so faded but it wasn't swollen so I shotgunned it. tasted like Hamms.
  16. Indian Ocean, USS Enterprise working flight ops. Sad day.
  17. Did they look like this? I'm blind!
  18. Remember as a kid (80's) looking the old REI catalogues in awe at the plastic mountaineering boots and thinking, you'd have to be the shit to own a pair of those bad boyz! No? Maybe it was just me then...
  19. Fire control instead of fire suppression can begin now. What’s the hold up?
  20. So can I get a membership of climbing only for $20 a month ? Sorry man, $65 is just way too high for my taste. If you could offer a climbing membership for under $40 I'd look at it.
  21. I like it... the one stone approach.
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