When I first saw this topic I thought it might be about some killer home brew based off an ancient recipe. I just bottled up another batch last night of what I'm calling Zombie Mountain. Ya, it’s a Porter... get it? Ah forget it.
Anyways, I worked a fed highway survey crew for a few years in the early ‘90's and this old codger of a project lead told us that if we stumbled across an old beer we could drink it on the spot if we guzzled or shotgunned it without any concern for whether it was going to kill us or give us a buzz. In those two years I put down a Bud in the Grand Tetons, a Hamms in Yellowstone and a couple Raindog pounders in the Tongass NF (that was a gooood day). I'd have to say the Hamms was the scariest because it was so faded but it wasn't swollen so I shotgunned it. tasted like Hamms.