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Everything posted by mike1

  1. mike1

    Reporting Bugs

    It's because you're approaching the speed of light in a vacuum. It's an E = mc**2 thing... I new you were going to write that before you did. That's because you're still young and nimble-minded, and I'm aging much faster than you are. Getting senile, I am... Oh, and it's "knew", not "new"... I'm not totally senile yet... Young and nimble left me more than 10 years ago. Give me a break man, it's hard to control my dyslexia when I'm typing near the speed of light.
  2. mike1

    Reporting Bugs

    my clock runs slow too. Maybe I live in a different dimension... It's because you're approaching the speed of light in a vacuum. It's an E = mc**2 thing... I new you were going to write that before you did.
  3. I have some old T2's that have the powerstrap attached to the liner. Needing new liners, I want to go with thermoliners but they stopped attaching the powerstrap to the liner and now attach it to the boot shell. A few emails to Scarpa Warranty and they're sending me the assemblies to retrofit my boots. Considering the boots are still in great shape and I don’t have the extra $ for brand spankin boots I thought this was very cool.
  4. That is something. And beautiful shots of the larch. Gotta love the larch!
  5. Yeah thanks for the stoke! I need to get my freakin boots fixed ASAP!!!
  6. Thanks man! Baker is such a cool mountain......
  7. mike1


    Is that, is that Nameless Tower in there?
  8. mike1


    I'm thinking Droog. Anyone know where I can get a codpiece?
  9. mike1

    Reporting Bugs

    my clock runs slow too. Maybe I live in a different dimension...
  10. AKA: Challenger Middle or Challenger 3.
  11. freeze it. Edit: if it's below freezing and you can lay your gear out, then you can reduce quite a bit of the dampness by freezing it. Shake out and pre-warm items a bit before putting them back on or getting in your bag. Works best for smaller things like gloves, socks, etc.
  12. mike1

    Reporting Bugs

    wierd... it's only happening to me on this forum.
  13. mike1

    Reporting Bugs

    Is it just me or are others seeing a lagtime between typing and seeing the text show while posting?
  14. I do the same, but I think the rope brush would be best. I should get one...
  15. I am surprised that this has been so challenging.
  16. No sir.
  17. quartz diorite... though this peak does have a bit of rot. Not Sinister.
  18. No and Yes.
  19. That was very cool! Thanks for sharing!!!
  20. that's a bummer man.
  21. was that really necessary?
  22. I know a guy named Andy. Are you saying no way to anchor the rope with a bollard? dead man or picket maybe then? Just can’t anchor in the Andes? Regardless, my point isn’t as much what Simon coulda woulda shoulda done as much as what I’m trying to take from it.
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