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Everything posted by mike1

  1. It's good to know I can still kick out 6 miles after months off from running. I'm back!
  2. Finally a step in the right direction...
  3. Dude asks a freakin question and some of you are actually trying to answer him respectfully. I think that’s pretty cool. So what the hell is wrong with the rest of you?
  4. You don't hear much about the Sierra-Designs Mojave but I picked one up a few years ago with the lid and I really like it. If you get the lid it comes with a single layer nylon bottom that zips onto it to make a super light summer bag. I used it as a bivy bag on a sub freezing night on Stuart Pass and slept warm (enough). Mike
  5. Nice stuff. Check out some Pepe if you like the Spanish guitar. [video:youtube]zgw8ZL66qb4 Also John Clark is like a young Mariachi. I really dig this dudes stuff... [video:youtube]PHU-AJTn0I8 John Clark and http://www.youtube.com/user/johnclarkemusic
  6. Right back at ya Bug.
  7. I've seen a trip report on this site for that climb haven't I? I think I'll pass.....I like adventure as much as the next guy, but that might be a bit much for me. Sorry to focus on numbers....I'm happy to climb 5.4 or even 4th class routes that are fun, but I need to limit the search somewhat in order to recieve helpful answers. Otherwise people will suggest 5.10 routes I can't climb and glacier slogs I'd rather not travel for. That's all. Thanks for the help though, everyone. These are some really good ideas. ok - i wouldn't dismiss it out of hand b/c of me though check out the various tr's on it here - it's not dangerous, just very easy to get to, very long, very exciting, very scenic and spectacular, and generally a climb that anyone who drives up the rd to cascade pass must dream about doing, given its instantaneous and spellbinding effect on the first glimpse - it's a mix of vertical forest, steep heather slopes, rock-scrambling (the crux is a 1/4 pitch chimney that's more realistically 5.8), then steepish glacier (in short, every kind of challenge the cascade's can throw at you rolled into one big mountain route - doable in 2 days) A couple friends did this route a few years back... Sounded epic but totally do-able. It's on my list.
  8. First an economic meltdown, then we meet our "neighbors", then the end... of the calendar. I'm kind of excited to see how our "civilization" would take the realization that we aren't alone. I should prolly go get more ammo and food. Rations MRE's (6) Comfort Food Packs (3) Vitamins (Extra Vitamin C) 4 days Tea/Hot Cider Bags (12) Water (2 Quarts - Minimum) Combat Load Harness Web belt Ammo Pouch - 2 Combat Knife Bandoleers - Loaded Flashlight Compass & Protractor Winter Camouflage & Loam Face Paint Wind Proof Lighter (check fuel) Fire Starter Ear Plugs Individual First Aid Kit Knee Pads Tomahawk Existence Load Ruck Sack E-tool Mechanical Pencil / Space Pen Toilet Paper (1 roll) BDU's (1 in ruck) Sweater Heavy Socks (2 in ruck/1 on) Lng Underwear - ( 2 in ruck/1 on) Underwear (2 in ruck/1 on) T-Shirts (2 in ruck/1 on) Towel Wash cloth Fingerless gloves Watch Cap Field Jacket w/liner Sleeping Bag (AO Dep ECW rating) Thermarest/Sleeping pad Personal Hygeine Kit w/sanitary wipes Dust/Wind Goggles (Fog Proofed) Parka/Heavy Gloves/Insulated Hat Snow Shoes Snow Poles Gaiters & Ice Crampons (Optional) Range Finder (Optional) Arctic Canteen (2) Weapons & Ammo Rifle 10 Magazines 400 rounds Combat Knife Sidearm (Optional) 3 Magazines 50 rounds Cleaning Kit Cleaning Rod Solvent Spare Rifle Parts Cleaning Patches Shelter Heavy Poncho w/poles & stakes Survival Saw Single Burner Stove w/fuel (Optional) Ground Poncho Large Medical Kit (Team) Cleaning Patches (all calibers)
  9. Getting a higher post count=bragging rights... Hahahah... The sad part is that you are actually right. Do you all know how incredibly LAME this is? Sometimes I am amazed that you are climbers. Such a peaceful, gratifying activity that you turn into a way to brag about how cool you are. Some day you'll (hopefully) look back and realize what it is really about. Go post some more TR’s!
  10. Thats what she said Badoomtss
  11. So this is what it's all about huh?
  12. mike1

    this s ucks...

    That does suck. Here's to a fast recovery RuMR!
  13. Good times!
  14. I bet Table has some gnar on it too.
  15. It sounds obvious, but make sure there are feathers behind it when you apply pressure or you'll seal the backing to the other side of you jacket. Better to stick a few feathers to it... Merry Christmas!!! Up kinda late Ben... lookin for Santa?
  16. Just coat the entire bottom surface of the patch and the entire area on the jacket that will be under the patch. I placed wax paper over the patch and sandwiched it between to 25lb. weights for 24 hours. You can probably skip the patch backing and get good results.
  17. I know you've resolved it, but I had a thought for you physics people out there. Couldn’t you freeze the hose, thereby shrinking it slightly, then push it through? Personally, it only took a few times of dealing with frozen hose before I went back to drinking BPA's from my Nalgene.
  18. I patched a 2" x 2" "L" shaped tear in my puffy with seam grip and nylon I matched at the local fabric store. Cut two patches of the identical shape and size to cover the tear; coated one side of one patch with seem grip and stuck it on the back side (inside), then sandwiched the tear on the outside with the second patch. Did that 5 years ago and it's still holding with no signs of failure.
  19. mike1

    Pope Benedict is Gay

    What a fucked up thing to say!
  20. mike1

    Pope Benedict is Gay

    there's no place like home...
  21. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  22. I do the same on my Nepals, but more out of habit... having laces come undone is not an option. On the flip side, my Scarpa Tiolet's laces blew out after 3 seasons so I replaced them with Sportiva laces. Sportiva laces have lasted longer than any other lace I've had.
  23. 2... I'm not that good
  24. That's not true!! It's fun even if your mediocre, it's just not a bit practical that I can see If you're already good at downhill, you'll probably pick Tele up relatively quickly. I meant more emphasis on REALLY. In other words, it's fun - but really fun if you're good at it.
  25. St Helen's. Telemark rules! But it's only really fun if you're good at it...
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