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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    As For Poets

    Robert Sund, a family friend: In wheat country for miles telephone wires and power lines loop between thin poles standing across the country like people saying the same things to one another over and over. Sitting on a wire, one bird keeps it from happening.
  2. Great Pix, Rdawg. The first one is so f'in classic BRING THE OLD SCHOOL!! You guys and your SCANNERS!!!!
  3. OK, I got a cool effect on my Joshua tree mist pic: Fresco-stylee! Edit: Shit! It's Mordor!
  4. dude. OK, I am an addict:
  5. Hey, Ivan. I bet you didn't get the "in-Town" rates didja?
  6. Fuckin' Hilarious! :lmao:
  7. How many thousands of years is your soul willing to suffer through that kind of personal responsibility? Because it is not new, that.
  8. I met your wife last year, you are still the LadyKiller, my friend!
  9. Shock Jocks, Shock TV: The natural extension of a reactive culture. Laughing at the whole charade is the healthiest solution to your well-being.
  10. Leave it to us cheap bastards to come up with the niche solution. Thanks Ivan.
  11. I like how Gary assumed some of his pictures had been missed, the implication being: If you had seen them, they would have been in the finals.
  12. I noticed that too. IPA and Ropegun bribes were offered, I suspect. Great pictures everyone!
  13. EWolfe

    the red button

    Just curious? Funny ha-ha, or funny weird? Thanks in advance.
  14. I remember topping out on a slippery .10 arete with sketchy gear at Seneca, to encounter a wedding party: complete with full families and in formal regalia, just taking their vows. The couple and the preacher had climbed up, and the rest of the party had hiked around. We got a glass of wine!
  15. EWolfe


    ...on a shingle! Apparently Poo likes glissading, too.
  16. Post 'em up! Trying to recreate the Maxfield Parrish look I remember from childhood: Colorized self-portrait:
  17. EWolfe

    spam of the week

    Lots of Alpha pheromones, a flat-top haircut, and a leather wallet with a chain should get you close. Oh, and hang out at The Wild Rose.
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