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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Because of this precedent, those Nazi Home-Owners Associate Fucks are going to require MLU's in my 'hood.
  2. I went to Indian Creek for the first time last weekend. I was lucky enough to have the guidebook author, David "The Doctor" Bloom as my climbing partner. He was doing recon for the new IC guidebook. We showed up Thursday night, and Friday morning, who was the only other person at our site? The Tuna, Tom Ramier, a friend from Seattle! The next party to show up at the site was another friend, Johnny, from Bellingham and his friend Isaac. Washington represent! David checking the goods: Tuna's sweet setup: We all joined our forces and racks for a painful day of climbing thin hands .11's. What an introduction! The next day it rained, so we hung out at camp and did some bouldering. The sweet cave: The next day ws nice again, so we went to Second Meat Wall. The Doctor leading a warm-up: I got on a climb next to Machine Gun Disco, and got some shots of Tuna leading: Isaac leading a nice .10: Then Tom got on a new un-named climb that looks awesome: Also present were friends Josh Cross, Tom Grundy and Julie DeJesus. All in all, an amazing 3 days, and I have the gobies to prove it!
  3. Implants for the regulars is the obvious solution
  4. The negative impact of sensationalism.
  5. As a previous galley slave, I likes the stovature gimbling, 'tis true. The pool table be for the barons, but I seen 'em.
  7. Apropos of nothing, I get my dis
  8. [font:Arial Black] NON-QUITTER!!!![/font]
  9. LOL Apropos of the subject: But, if one concedes that humanity itself is a disease, then top-roping is a secondary offense. I loves me some ropes from aboveses...
  10. Not that there's anything wrong with that.... -Toprope Hero
  11. Discuss, then get out on the sharp end...
  12. EWolfe


    The first quit is free.
  13. EWolfe


    Christmas in March.
  14. A new low Seahawks must be a gym climber if he even is one at all....
  15. Welcome Back, Extremo! RIP IT UP! LOL!
  16. EWolfe

    the queens of spray

    no no, kevbone is pink's lapdog...which is probably even kinkier given what kevbone will do for a little attention and a pat on the head Interwebs Smackdown.
  17. EWolfe

    Snaffle Gadgets!

    Tip of the iceberg
  18. That training was almost just in time for 6 months ofstupid, agonizing head-fucking alpine! Congrats!
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