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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. i am nice, but not to assholes and dull tools like yourself. let me refresh your memory and remind you who started calling whom "you polok"? if this isn't a slur i don't know what is? don't expect any sympathy from me after calling me a commie either.
  2. how about social security?, health care, energy policy, monetary policy for starters. what about military?
  3. i am sure that was the argument of Hans Frank during his trial. somehow it did not work so great
  4. that's the load of shit. he stated clearly several times he has an issue with my birthplace. he also stated several times his dislike of people different from Caucasians. imo he is a product of a dogfuck.
  5. Thats right Bill. FW has been consistent with his conservitive bullshit right wing racist attitude. His type of thinking is what is wrong with our country. all the right wing fuck nutz love their cheesus, hate jews, sweatbacks, niggers and foreigners. they also love their daddies, particularly in the tool shed behind the house.
  6. your mom, that explains why you turned out this way.
  7. and you are a closet commie jizzeater.
  8. Why? Obama's youth and inexperience. no because he is black. and dumb cunts like FW won't vote for a black guy. and fw is too big piece of a shit to say it out loud.
  9. saw it today: "GWB Leave no child a dime" "January 20 2009- end of an error" pretty much sums up last 8 years.
  10. you have no fucking idea what you are talking about, do you? several of the dead were highly skilled climbers sweet jesus what more does it take to move this piece of shit thread to spray where it belongs? actually Hugh, you are wrong. I talked to several people who actually summited K2 and historically there were no fixed ropes above the last camp. so why now? Even highly skilled climbers make mistakes- vide K2 tragedy a decade ago. Looks to me if at present the climbers loose the ability to take care of themselves when shit hits the fan. and then they proceed to blame everyone else.
  11. hey, but you still vote for it, so stfu.
  12. Amen, brother. And the checkpoints suck donkey dicks but they are not the same as Nazi Germany either. not yet. so how many terrorist did they catch through check points thus far? sounds like another great way to waste tax $$$
  13. Blurpy, there is no rational conversation with our pee-wee brain FW. this guy is a total douche fuck stick.
  14. i hope one of these fuck will eventually stop me, so i can tell them to fuck off and sue them after my arrest. i don't feel like carrying my US passport inside this country.
  15. Stated as you did, it's not. Mattp's expressed desire for a government monopolized system has caused me to brush you with his contaminated paint. and you expressed a desire for US to ditch the allies in europe you red fuck. why don't go and suck putin's cock. the reality is you are just a stupid fuckwad and your mom boning high school football team. a classic example, that syphilis and pregnancy don't mix.
  16. but it's right up your ally you closet commie puke.
  17. after you spit out your dads shpunk out of your mouth. get back on your meds. you are a true commie.
  18. oh, what a wisdom! your insight is just fucking amazing.
  19. You're either 1.) Not disclosing all appropriate details 2.) Aren't being completely truthful 3.) Aren't being told the full story by said coworkers not the truth is we see it daily. you just choose to ignore the facts of life. sorry, but your response is just plain stupid (like most rest of them).
  20. time for fundamental political reform? like 2 party bullshit! with society so diverse i find it strange to have 2 choices.
  21. your posts remind me about value of lithium. keep at it pal
  22. ok, so the article says 79 million people have problems paying medical bills. That makes over 30% of population! On top of that there is even greater number of people who manage but still have to make cuts. And you say that system is OK? and your initial post about rats in a hospital? go and see facilities in NYC and see if there aren't any roaches? you are obviously blind fo facts of life. and the fact of life is we can the shittiest health care for the money it costs. Biggest part of the problem are drug companies and insurance companies promoting illness. There is no insentive to be healthy. If your insurance rate was like car insurance- the situation would be easier. However with 60 plus percent of obesity and 20% morbidly obese there is no system that can afford to provide coverage. you must understand that this was deliberate action of food, drug and insurance industry, creating life time of permanent consumers. and the trend continues. there is still no talk about preventive medicine. the insurance company will pay for gastrac bypass and weight loss pills, but will not pay for nutritional counsellings! how stupid is that? so yes, the health care is already shitty and is going to get even more shitty. and the reason is that people in this country don't even know how to feed themselves and how to take care of themselves.
  23. so 79 mil is wrong? looks like system is working great! what a dush.
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