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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. yes, while republicans are really eager to protect life of fetus, somehow they are ok with fucking them after the birth. great logic! let's discuss this topic. let's discuss the fact 30% of children in this country live below poverty line, let's discuss cuts to the social services for children in poverty, let's discuss also cuts in education, health. Let's discuss mortality rate among children, which are so high, United States is lower then countries like Iran! somehow you neglect to mention this aspect. just shows how stupid and incapable of putting two and two together you are.
  2. tough, but not on real crime. this is what happens, when you politicize police force.
  3. FW and science= oxymoron. Hard to argue with the fact, that air pollution is harmful, so argument about global warming is just secondary in nature. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1902967/pdf/jcgprac00025-0163.pdf
  4. Shot last summer with my nephew. nothing big, just a family time: [video:youtube]
  5. "I don't even have a fucking clue what are you talking about".
  6. Not twisted, just blind! it's hard to see with eyes shut with corporate jizz. keep on sucking that cock !
  7. lipo suction that fatso and you could light up a major city for a few days on his blubber. just like your mom?
  8. I think a lot of people have marketable and employable skills and make good living- while maintaining a high level of climbing level they represent. Just look at people like Raphael Slawinski. I think if your image is the only source you can cash on there is even more reason to be cautious on which circle jerk to join. So on the contrary- there are a lot of people who will not fall for the trap of making ass out of themselves for sake of making a few thousands of dollars.
  9. Salomon is the owner of the Arteryx, nothing have change. I don't think much is going to change as far as 5.10.
  10. I don't think Bear Grylls rolls in dough either- in his case I don't think he i all that different on and off camera (my speculation- never met the guy). But to back up my argument I must say, that someone who spent a long time in a military is definitely an "A" type personality.
  11. Both Discovery and NG buy all the rights, if you deliver a program, non-negotiable. There is a difference between stringing and production. But shows like Ice Road Truckers or Deadliest Catch (both produced by Original Productions) are owned by Discovery (and all the channels associated with it- like History) out right. And that includes the footage that did not make it through the edit. Mike, what you said was right, but I am describing completely different scenario.
  12. Somebody hands you a script of one hour of televised buffoonery and a check for a couple hundred thousand...what are YOU gonna do? Just asking. This is NOT the price range we are talking about. Most likely it's a plane ticket, day in a hotel and maybe a couple of grand. I doubt even Honold walked away with more then 50K in the pocket, and networks like CBS pay way more. Discovery is really stingy what it comes to money. On average 1 hour episode will sell for about 30K, and on the top of that you are losing rights to your footage/story. So the question is if 2 or 3 K is worth participating in such circle jerk?
  13. I think the author should read up on newer literature. Most of the research used is either from the 90's or early 2000. There is a lot of recent research done in the past 2 years, which proves hydration, diet and stress as leading causes of muscle cramping. Muscle weakness plays also huge role as well. No silver bullet for an answer, but there is an scientific evidence contradicting the article. I'd really like to see some of these studies. From what I can find online the hydration, electrolyte hypothesis hasn't been supported at all. In experiments, hypodrated and dehydrated muscles cramped just as readily when electrically induced. What has been demonstrated is that pickle juice, most likely the vinegar, actually works, pretty fascinating. I get hit by cramps harder than most, and the only real solution I've found is climbing a lot and maintaining a high level of fitness. I've experimented with dosing and mega-dosing with all the electrolytes and they do seem to help a bit, but for climbs to come, I think I'm gonna pack some vinegar.. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/09/phys-ed-can-pickle-juice-stop-muscle-cramps/ Like I said, there are numerous causes, so looking for a silver bullet solution is a dead end.
  14. Also it's kind of funny, how they post the number of 23 dead while climbing on ElCap. I wonder what is the criteria of "the death while attempt"? Also it would be interesting to see what would be the total number of people, who actually climbed the face. I do not dispute that he is a strong climber. What I have my beef is how this crap gets shown and twisted on TV. I bet there are more people killed while hiking or driving through Yosemite, then people killed climbing. While Kevin doesn't have a direct control over what is being said (or shown), he should use a better judgment in which "circle jerk" he participates.
  15. Interesting viewing: Pics Before and after Looks like a few routes were just taken out. Check out a huge new roof!
  16. A lot of climbers from Elbsandstein or from Czech Republic will argue, that the whole grit scene is nothing but a complete pussy fest. They have the point, since TR is not really looked upon kindly in these parts of the world. I think gritstone gets over reported due to the fact that it is in English speaking zone- hence it gets to the press easier. It's the same with climbers from Slovenia, who were putting up hardest shit for at least 3 decades and just now started getting some press.
  17. FW, you have too much time on your hands. I suspect you are checking your feces for fiber with close visual, tactile and oral inspection every day. Keep up the good work! P.S. I would like to show you big, fat gut with the title- "American Climber"
  18. Unfortunately hydro-fracking is a dirty precess and releases some heavy duty shit into ground waters (like mercury and other heavy metals). I don't think people are realizing they are creating large scale "Love Canal".
  19. I contacted Jon about making a little movie about cc.com. I find this whole "internet climbing" quite fascinating. Maybe some of you could donate some time to the project?
  20. This topic was discussed ad nauseum at least 50 times on this forum alone. Anybody, who has questions should read "Murder of Impossible" by Messner, http://upwardtrail.multiply.com/journal/item/1/The_Murder_of_the_Impossible or "The art of Suffering" (Mountain # 121 May/June 1988. There is also an old article by Greg Child in Climbing #115 "Between the Hammer and Anvil". Basically the point made in this literature is that at this moment, the climbing technology improved drastically, hence if you throw enough resources together you will get to the top. The question becomes not about once as a climber/team, but about resources spent.
  21. WTF, ron paul? I thought you were all libertarian and shit. Just another fucking ass puppet trying to legislate christian morality. How can anybody respect his position? He's not even consistent. Please tell me how a sitting president can tell any court how to decide anything? I call BS. They usually tell things standing, unless it is a TV interview or Oral Orifice speech.
  22. please move this whole and pointless rant to spray, where we will be totally free to discuss spelling douchenozzle vs. douche nozzle.
  23. Speed rock climbing on trade routes doesn't involve nearly as much rick as doing so in the mountains, especially on mixed climbs. I'll be forever in awe of people doing hard solo enchainments; however, climbing El Cap in 5 hours versus 2:38:15 (or whatever)? meh, it seems meaningless to me in terms of what is required to break new grounds, which doesn't mean that Florine or whoever aren't excellent and graceful climbers. it's the 4 minute mile of climbing with RISK involved. if i climbed the nose in 6 days i'd and told the world of my accomplishment i'd hate to hear ur feedback on my adventure. i doubt ur that good of a climber to even have an opinion. UR A SNOBBY fratboy yes, bragging about your speed ascents of aid routes doesn't give you much credibility in this department. Ragging on everyone around makes you look like a total wank douche nozzle, with (most likely) fitness level of a greyhound bus driver.
  24. Speed rock climbing on trade routes doesn't involve nearly as much rick as doing so in the mountains, especially on mixed climbs. I'll be forever in awe of people doing hard solo enchainments; however, climbing El Cap in 5 hours versus 2:38:15 (or whatever)? meh, it seems meaningless to me in terms of what is required to break new grounds, which doesn't mean that Florine or whoever aren't excellent and graceful climbers. it's the 4 minute mile of climbing with RISK involved. if i climbed the nose in 6 days i'd and told the world of my accomplishment i'd hate to hear ur feedback on my adventure. i doubt ur that good of a climber to even have an opinion. UR A SNOBBY fratboy And neither Steve House nor myself were talking about climbing Nose or any other technical route. However his comment was regarding speed ascents on Rainier, or Everest, which are at the moment pretty much non technical routes due to the fixed ropes (hence eliminating 99% of any danger). So at last to me these ascents (even though I will never be that fit) don't really differ from say 50 mile run.
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