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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Funny how silent the neo-cons (like KKK) are today.
  2. glassgowkiss


  3. It is unconstitutional no matter what the supreme court says. Forcing the public to buy a product then taxing (penalty) them if they don't is pure fascism plain and simple. I am for health care but not this way. And no I dont have all the answers because I am a simpleton And that is the crux of the biscuit. The whole "constitutionality" concept is bullshit, because the constitution should be re-written about every 50 years. So is the 2 party system, which is utterly corrupt and doesn't really represent anyone, besides a small group of power hungry fuckers. I just love how neo-cons always cry foul, when the ruling doesn't go their way.
  4. yea, like an oxymoron slogans: "government hands of my medicare"
  5. looks like a tough guy, i'll give him about 30 seconds in an average bar fight in poland.
  6. It is unconstitutional no matter what the supreme court says. Forcing the public to buy a product then taxing (penalty) them if they don't is pure fascism plain and simple. I am for health care but not this way. And no I dont have all the answers because I am a simpleton all these dirtbags who oppose the health care reform usually don't have a fucking health insurance. So it's also unconstitutional not to have liability insurance on a car? How constitutional is it to go to a hospital or ER and stiff the tax payer with the bill? Gee, get a fucking clue.
  7. sorry my comment went right over your head- stick with sheep fucking then, KKK can provide you with tips of proper technique and I am sure he has a spare pair of velcro gloves and high boots.
  8. that might be true, but kkk actually has a grasp on reality and ur on the obama plan... nuff said mister The plan and reality grasp. Yes, I am sure Chlorpromazine makes everything you crystal clear. That is the meds plan you are on.
  9. I'm not the one being a whiny little bitch no, you are not, your mom is though.
  10. kkk, we all know you are a fat fuck, who doesn't really climb, and if roped up you start breaking sweat on 5.7- explains why you don't care.
  11. This is hopeless: more rain It's wet even by biking standards!
  12. Last rap requires 70m for sure, 60 WILL NOT REACH unless you traverse and do some funky shit.
  13. I think I have met him and seems like a nice guy and a good skier.
  14. I am so glad Sonics are gone. Seattle is one of those places, that doesn't have what it takes to collect a winning teams. Instead of paying half a billion dollars for baseball and another several hundreds of millions for football, they should have had kick them all to the curb. The only team that produces some results is Sounders.
  15. said the Joker democrat to the Thief republican.
  16. I think way better way is drytooling your rod with both left and right arm while reading cc.com tr's, for a full forearm pump. you'll get inspired by another 5.6 ascent of the choss in the rain.
  17. well, if you trained a bit, instead crying on the bb about your weak pansy ass bitch arms, you could join the ranks.
  18. are you two done cornholling each other in the public?
  19. OK, after everyone is done singing gumbaya and sucking each other off, someone please move this whole topic to spray!
  20. by the way, the mentioned person's name was not Kuckuzka, but Kukuczka.
  21. glassgowkiss

    so true

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