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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Anyone has contact info for Sean Courage? Pls pm me.
  2. Toughing the void, The North Face (German movie), Return to Sender.
  3. r u pissed because FW or KKK didn't felch on your ass after cornholling session, or is it because the best part of you run down from your mommas ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress? Now do us all a favor and piss off you inbred rednecky tosser.
  4. it's obvious republifaqs are in the pocket of big business, even more- they just negate and cut. not once they proposed any logical reforms in the past 10 years. btw- if you want to cut wasteful spending, they should start with their salaries and benefits.
  5. You can use mountain bike half way up on the approach. I know several parties that did the Kain route in 3 days round trip.
  6. Actually I am thinking about making a little film. If anyone wants to give me cash for travel, so I can shoot that would be great! I estimate 2-3K should be enough.
  7. I'm not sure what exactly this means? j_b loves sausage like your mom....
  8. don't forget he is from canada- in some parts even a moose cock is delicacy!
  9. Yes Guinness was thin of first pitch in December. How was avi hazard on Twisted approach?
  10. I have second thoughts about these units. I have learned a couple of weeks ago that an old friend of my almost lost his finger due to the tether. While taking a whipper the other tool popped and hit him in the finger almost severing it off. I don't know if it was isolated incident and just bad luck or are going to see more of such injuries.
  11. Picking on the ladies? Way to be a douchebag.... If you want to get into a dick measuring contest maybe choose an opponent who actually has a dick... Until then, fuck off.... Since you are pretty young I'll blame that for your utterly stupid remark, when you grow up voice your opinion. till then keep checking your diaper. Tosser is the guy, who turn a discussion into a personal pissing match. My remarks were towards a situation and how people reacted to the situation and mainly their attitude, not towards anyone in particular. As a response I get a fucking personal attack from some wanna be douche nozzle. get a freeking clue. don't bother responding as I don't fucking care what comes out of that fart brain of yours.
  12. since i can outclimb you on ice off the couch any given day maybe you should be the one staying home. At least I would not have to deal with tosser like yourself.
  13. The point of my posting was to also show what happens when you are over you head and nobody was saying anything. The pictures of a climber sawing a 30ft ice pillar in Leavenworth was just frightening to me, and it also showed that the leader was way over his/hers ability. What really pissed me off were the responses like: way to go after it and such nonsense, simply and clearly encouraging such dangerous behavior.
  14. Are people so fucking dumb or what? there are 2 alternatives: either we live in civil society, where some expenses are shared (like school, roads, utilities) or the other side is anarchy. It takes funds to pay for these things. In the meantime I don't see the same rhetoric when a utility raises their rates for electricity, gas, water, sewer, garbage and so on. So WTF is with taxes? Both federal, state, and local? why do we ask people referendums on highways, capital projects and such? I mean what people like KK or FW (both A(ss)T(o)M(outh) douchenozzles) know about upkeep cost of one mile of a highway, which they drive on every day? Oh yea, let's keep giving tax brakes to the corporations, so they can move profits off shore, let's keep cutting taxes for the top 1% and let's have everyone pay for (now) 3 wars we are in, while bleeding middle class to the extinction. Great fucking American Dream.
  15. Read it Just a little follow up to the discussion in Leavenworth Ice update here
  16. Hey, j_b, Google's hiring. You should apply! I am sure there is a job as a lickbagger somewhere- you should apply
  17. oh yeah, btw FW, don't pm me threatening to ban me. Everyone knows you lick bag.
  18. I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle! Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL. as typical califuckingfornia raised lickbagger you can talk a lot of shit salty breath. now fuck off. pizda ty zhopoglaznaya KK is choking on dick, again More like on scrotum. FW stated some time ago he is the best ball licker west of Mississippi.
  19. I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle! Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL. as typical califuckingfornia raised lickbagger you can talk a lot of shit salty breath. now fuck off.
  20. What a moron, just like republifuck base
  21. I forwarded your email to a friend of my, should hear some good info.
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