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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. spend more, tax less
  2. I think taking away freedom and rights in the name of liberty (or balanced budget) is the same ballpark as waging war to promote pace. Didn't really work all that great in the soviets. hence i am not hesitant to say republican party= communist party at the moment.
  3. anyone is more then welcome to join my channel on youtube! I am planning on a couple of more releases soon!
  4. More like 5%. where the fuck are you getting these numbers? fox news? The IRS. With the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts, this is how the 2011 federal income tax brackets will look: Tax Bracket Married Filing Jointly Single 10% Bracket $0 – $17,000 $0 – $8,500 15% Bracket $17,001 – $69,000 $8,501 – $34,500 25% Bracket $69,001 – $139,350 $34,501 – $83,600 28% Bracket $139,351 – $212,300 $83,601 – $174,400 33% Bracket $212,301 – $379,150 $174,401 – $379,150 35% Bracket Over $379,150 Over $379,150 fuck off moron, this is a complete bullshit, I mean yes, but on what income? I know several people who gross way over 100K and pay incomes on less then 30. Marginal tax rates for federal income taxes are what is being discussed, and how taxes are controlled: they are progressive and are computed after deductions. A 35% marginal rate only kicks in after deductions AGAINST income over $379,150, for example. Under Clinton this rate was 39.6 percent. For someone who repeatedly calls others "dumb" (prefaced with expletives reminiscent of a 7th grader) you prove again and again to have a piss-poor understanding of anything. Wieperdalaj! for someone who never was self employed or own a business you can talk a lot of shit. T-A=0, wypierdziocha koniu
  5. More like 5%. where the fuck are you getting these numbers? fox news? The IRS. With the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts, this is how the 2011 federal income tax brackets will look: Tax Bracket Married Filing Jointly Single 10% Bracket $0 – $17,000 $0 – $8,500 15% Bracket $17,001 – $69,000 $8,501 – $34,500 25% Bracket $69,001 – $139,350 $34,501 – $83,600 28% Bracket $139,351 – $212,300 $83,601 – $174,400 33% Bracket $212,301 – $379,150 $174,401 – $379,150 35% Bracket Over $379,150 Over $379,150 fuck off moron, this is a complete bullshit, I mean yes, but on what income? I know several people who gross way over 100K and pay incomes on less then 30.
  6. with 30% (single biggest liability) going to Pentagon you can't be serious about cutting deficit without touching the defense spending. We spend as much as entire western europe and japan put together. we spend 4 times more (adjusted for inflation) then during the peak of cold war- i mean wtf? no wonder if there are no bid contracts and the same corporations which get all sort of tax brakes in form of loop holes bill the tax payers 150 bucks for a 10 dollar hammer. Oops, 10 billion in Iraq is unaccounted for- show me one fucking person going to prison for that. are you so fucking dumb, that you don't even see you are getting royally fucked without vaseline?
  7. More like 5%. where the fuck are you getting these numbers? fox news?
  8. The funniest thing is that the morons who are at the bottom of the barrel, so called republifuck base are destitute to a complete economic struggle, yet they blindly support system that keeps their lame loser ass there. Any attempt to actually change things to the system from 20 or 30 years ago is viewed as "anti-American". Looks to me that the main change that is happening is that everyone is equal, but some people are more equal.....
  9. Like what? teachers, police and firemen are overlords? like the guy who makes sure you have running water or didn't you just bitch about unplowed streets a while ago? guess what? these are the public employees. same goes when you apply for passport or renew drivers license. So to be frank, with your fuck the rest superior attitude maybe you should move somewhere. like most commie like republifux you are just part of the problem and not part of the solution.
  10. I think your carrier as a male stripper would be as short as your dinky cock. my dinky cock = ur lame soundtracks truth hurts, your mom told me, douchenozzle. need a tissue?
  11. I think your carrier as a male stripper would be as short as your dinky cock.
  12. Looks to me like republifux want uneducated and uninformed society, so they can shove every piece of shit down people throats. Cutting funding for education, cutting funding for NPR are just the moves to ensure that. 20 years ago this country stood for something, now it stands for fuck all. I think if 400 people own as much wealth as other 150 millions I think things are bit out of whack.
  13. Just what republifux want!
  14. http://www.goryonline.com/SARDYNIA_wyspa_skarbow,1048,146,0,0,F,news.html
  15. Andy, there is an italian guidebook for the area with a lot of good info. I'll ask my friends in Poland for a link to the site.
  16. The gate was open, so the approach was only a couple of hours.
  17. yes, i used go-pro. as far as music- i am not in habit of ripping musicians off, so i use what is free. plus i can support my buddies- musicians. if you don't like it that much, just turn off the sound
  18. Wrong! All extras jobs in California studios are union. Every film I have been on, extras were getting paid. Getting costumes and catering is the norm.
  19. [img:center]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-LEmxgbwfXho/TWxbCeaxQLI/AAAAAAAAAIM/W7Dx7LiZ9go/s1600/IMG_0418.jpg[/img]
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