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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. how about: soth france, north, central and south italy, spain, thailand, new zeland, australia, arizona, new mexico, texas, mexico, sothern california, nevada, southern utah, the whole south east of the good ol' usa? skeels you need: thinking brain and will to get punished in order to get stronger. hit the road jack...
  2. dru motherfucking brilliant!!
  3. guys- penis size problems? you are right- i don't read tr's. first off all shortage of time (today i am spraying since i am down with cold). second- some of them would get F even in a basic ESL class. third- it's more fun to go and find out for yourself. it's like reading review of a movie or watching it. everyone is in title to his/hers opinion. but remember- it's just an opinion. so wtf people are getting so worked up on this board when calling tr's spray? is your dick so small you can't take a hint of criticism wanker? pathetic- really pathetic
  4. community this clownpuncher. i am sure your mother could not read to you since she was gaging on my cock most of the time you bunghole explorer
  5. do you need a tissue and depends PP? no need for stick clip on this one wanker. if you need a stick clip go on something that's at your level there is like 2 or 3 routes at smith you need a stick. THAT'S WHY THERE ARE BOLTS! learn to whip and learn working routes on lead! fucking panty ass crying wanker
  6. So a TR should not be posted and has no value unless it is from a hardman putting up a new route? Whatever. hey, just chill. if i want a route description i will open a guide book and read it, without all the side bullshit. the shitty thing about web sites like this is- they are a good way to kill some time at your useless desk job while you are daydreaming about you next adventure punching your clown to some mountain porn and shunking a shelaque syrup load onto your screen. tr's are spray
  7. ok i don't know if it's just me, but i think there is a major problem with search feature on this site. i was trying to find a post about back of beyond climb in bc. after typing name it brought pages of usless crap, like tr's from bc, rockies and all sort of crap. like i stated before, we need a separate part for new routes. information gets lost in the river of useless spray. i consider 95% of tr's as spray, as they are about routes already described in multiple guide books.
  8. Don, like i said. the intention of my spew was not to diss steve or marko, but to point out some facts of media hype. i was talking specifically about climbing and r&i- in both cases they used phrase "a new route". similar story with infinate spur "in a day". i think these ascents are fantastic on their own and they don't need to be hyped up. i think these 2 magazines are doing HUGE disservice to our climbing community. a repeat of Lowe's route after 30 years is news on it's own. even more spicy, since a shell of a boot is dropped! 25 hours non sttop on a remote alskan route (fastest ascent before was 7 days!) is so far out there it is hard to imagine! enough rambling, time to train
  9. NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!we don't need another clown punch fest. go to canmore, even better- go to colorado. "Gathering of the tribes" was fun, no sponsors, no banners, no fucking clinics and no hype! craming 50 people into marble canyon makes me want to trade my gear for a machine gun and some hand granades.
  10. this waqs NOT w inter ascent, since it wasn't winter! i don't want to diss these guys, as they put up a mighty nice effort, but share a few thoughts on subject of media hype. first of all winter ascent would be between dec 23 and mar21. just because route is in winter condition doesn't mean it is a winter ascent. second point is- quite a few climbers from Calgary/ Canmore area have hard time calling house/prazej a new route. the majority of hard climbing (headwall) follows Lowe's route. this is most likely due to the fact of media hype and lack of actual writing material for rags like climbing or r&i. ascents get inflated, so do ratings leaving crowds confused from all the bullshit they try to shove up everage joe's ass. forget was was happening in alpine climbing in the 70's 80's or 90's. let's try to pretend that "single push" was invented by a couple of americans in alaska in the late 90's.
  11. looks like you did 4th ascent of the route, very nice, specially this year as the weather is kind of crappy there. also check http://members.shaw.ca/raphael2/ for some more info of this route. congratulations
  12. i haven't seen squamish scrambles guidebook yet
  13. hey, at least looks like you had some decent weather for a change. nice job.
  14. well. it was easier to keep going then to rap. climbing wasn't that hard, just scary-crappy.matt did wonderful job leading it! it did not look so bad from the glacier. i think it would be a fantastic climb for winter ascent. gullies are not so good right now, when temps drop they might be in better shape
  15. at this moment the gully routes are just bowling alleys raked with stonefall. central gully has rock section in a middle. getting to the left one would be a big problem-looks like horizontal bergshrund overhanging about 5 m. twisting colouir- leva this one for some colder temps. as far as rock- the whole mountain is just a steep pile of rock turd
  16. Climb: Joffre-Flavelle-Lane Date of Climb: 8/12/2004 Trip Report: Joffre in the summer in just a choss pile. even worst candian rockies choss has nothing on this mountain. flavell-lane is just bunch of stacked up blocks with moss thrown on the top of it. central pillar looks like the same deal, but at much harder grade. australian gully doesn't have any snow in it. used the south-east face descent. nothing like described in the guide. so here is the betta for the descent. if there is snow- use the australian colouir. if not- follow the ridge facing Matier. just walking and a bit of scramble will bring you towards the cliffs. go to the climbers left and there is an anchor. don't go to visible one on the slab- there is no safe way of getting to it. we put in one right above a chimney on the s-w side of the mountain. from there 3 30m raps bring you to the ledge (chock stone and 2 kb). follow this ledge to a little col and drop onto glacier. from there just walking. gullies looked like hell, a lot of rockfall all over the place. technically not a hard route, but to put it mildly- very unpleasant Gear Notes: starndard rack, bring a few pitons (kb's)
  17. ice the area. you can freeze some water in a paper cup and massage the area (few times a day). start liightly with stretching your forearm flexors. keep the elbowa straight and extend your wrist (both in pronation and supination = palm down and up). also stretch your anterior shoulders and lateral neck. a lot of arm/ shoulder problems start with tight neck and chest muscles. nerve tissue is fed by axoplasm- you can read some about double crush theory. once the pain is gone think about some balancing excercises. a lot muscular problems start with muscle imbalances. use cross fiber friction (cyriax method) for about 2 minutes every other day. rest and don't start climbing too soon.
  18. reasons 2 brush: 1.keeps it nice for the next person (popular crag or not) 2.keeps the visual impact down (chalk stains running down from holds after the rain) 3 gives you something to do on your way down 4.chicks dig guys with brushes same people who don't brush at the crags leave unfushed turd in your toilet and piss in your shower. they usually live in a trailer park, drive elcamino still wear mullets, watch jerry springer.... same mentalty at least... carry on redneck trash...
  19. chirp, you are a certified wanker- punter. you are so full of shit your eyes turn brown from turd overload. and if you don't brush off holds you deserve to suffer a big dildo up your ass
  20. yeah, maybe on 5.7's. try to get on something more then 12 and then you'll stop talking out of your ass pal
  21. as everyone should in a sport climbing area, what's your point dru?
  22. went to checkemus due to bad weather. fuck- out of something like 20 people climbing there last afternoon not a single wanker even carried a tooth bruch to clean holds. newhalem is caked too. eny of you fuckers even has common decency to clean your crap for the next person???
  23. lost arrow- hope not to burst your bubble. did u ever read a study done by UW on back problems and back surgery. the conclusion of it was that: 1. there is a very little evidence between actual disc hernation and pain. there is a clear evidence between disc hernation and loos of motor function, loss of strength, numbness, atrophy of the muscle or muscle group. 2. over 5 year period there pretty much no pain relief. there is an improvement at first, but the pain returns. 3 the main conclusion of the study was that 90% of back surgries don't even fit criteria for the surgery, hence they can't be sucessful. my advice- do a proper rehab, have the scarr tissue adhesions treated now, stretch, watch your body mechanisc or you'll pay for it later.
  24. climbingirl- your forearm flexors common tendon runs right over ulnar nerve. you have too tight forearm flexors and too weak extensors. use ice masssage (freeze some water in a paper cup) on the inside of your elbow to decrease inflammation. also some cross fiber friction on this tendon would be good. a few years back there was a pretty good article in "climbing", i'll try to find it at some point. also stretch your forearms. remember- your flexors cross your elbow, so keep them straight. recommended Active Isolated Stretching by Aaron Mattes. there was a link to his web site somewhere on cc. since your injury is caused by work not really by climbing, taking time off climbing will not do much for you. maybe file for L&I claim as a work related injury and take care of it now. side note- i worked on 2 people who had surgery to free the nerve, there was zero improvement in both cases. as the matter of fact in both cases the long range outcome was very bad. ciao- r
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