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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. thrill, you can call me like everyone else- bob. second, nothing personal. just i noticed a lot of people on this bb hide behind avatars and say shit they would not have guts to say in real life. i agree- it's rude not to ask while trying to pass, but it is equally or more rude not to offer to pass by a slower party. what people call here crowding is nothing compared to what's happening in some areas in europe. my point is- you can usually observe on a multi pitch climb if there is someone behind you and how fast they are. and leting someone fast go through is not rally that big of a deal- they will be long gone before you know it.
  2. already did it twice- how many time do you want me to do the same route?
  3. thrill, it's easy to hide behind avatar and play cool. most of the pople on this bb board know who i am. but if you don't- this is polishbob. you did say a lot of bullshit so far. so how many years have you climbed? what's your hardest os, what's your hardest rp? what's your hardest ice/mixed climb? what exact routes have you climbed in the alps or dolomites? basically calling your bullshit here. let's hear it. and don't give me this crap "i am not going to brag about my abilities"
  4. so thrill, if i am doing a nose in a day i have to wait for your sorry ass? i don't think so. and because of people like you french, italian or british climbers don't really like americans in their areas.
  5. hey nibblenuts- there are only a handful of people in this part of the world, who climbed longer then me. second i still can climb semi- hard on ocasion. you said something stupid and you were cought, so shut the fuck up. i know two thing for sure: you never climbed in the alps (or you would not post a bullshit answer like that) and you come across like a self centered dick without a sense of humor. i'll give you a benefit of the doubt as internet is not the best medium for this sort of shit. one thing for sure- you don't climbvery much. because if you did you'd know that sometimes you will pass and sometimes you'll get passed, such is life. and there is no reason to get your panties all bunched up. you just do it- really simple
  6. being slow and inexperienced doesn't give you licence to act like a dumbass. my policy for people like you is to bend you over, shove a camalot #4 up your ass till it goes click... and then make you lick your own ass. hey mr west-coast-i-am-the-center-of-the-fucking-universe, you know there are other climbers too. fuck you very much wanker
  7. hey jedi- i would strongly advise to find someone whom you climbed before with. alaska is a remote place- first of all spend some time with that person. are you going to be able to stand him/her for 3 or 4 weeks? second- can you trust this person when the "shit hits the fan"?
  8. hey rolleyes, rude is not getting your shit together. rude is bringing your fucking dog to smith. rude is top-roping route over and over by a large group.
  9. just because you were there a bit earlier doesn't give you right to slow everyone else. that is for s ingle pitch and for multi pitch routes. and if you climbed in europe for a day- you'd agree with me. this is typical west coast passive-agressive-fuck-the-rest of the world mentality. i climbed several times with other parties around. the only few times i did run into this sort of crap behavior was by fumbly-gumbly-hidden-chip-on-my-shoulder-bar-spewer. bacause if you spend enough time at the crags you'll see that it is impossible to avoid sharing routes in most of the popular areas.
  10. next time tell the bitch with pms (yeah, the name mad cow desease was taken!) to go and fuck herself. and i am dead serious obout this. smith is not "private idaho" for climbing and if you go to the park on the weekend, specially to the dihedrals you have to have quite fucked up idea to expect to be "on your own". she was weak and wanted an excuse and blame someone else for her failure.
  11. this is so fucked up. all these fat cows - students from nursing programs! form my observation if you took students of nursing programs the average body fat index would be abouve 60%. i am shoure most of them would not be able to even ride a bike for 1 mile.
  12. most likely any sport clinic md would be able to help you
  13. well, it sounds like you are developing a toe bunion. again- it boils down to your foot mechanics. better foot beds sometimes will help. superfeet! if not the next step would be custom made superfeet. you might also have a problem with sesamoid bones. it is impossible to even advice over the internet. go and see someone. i would start with a physical therapist. just find one who knows what they are talking about. as far as your left heel- my take is your gastrac/ soleus/ achilles tendon are way too tight.
  14. number one would ba pain under arch of your foot. it is usually located near your heel bone or across your foot, but not always. usually you notice this the most with the first few steps in the morning, sometimes pain increases also in the evening.with more advanced condition the pain in your foot will remain the entire day, with varying degree of intensity
  15. the only problem with "pasive" devices is that they really don't prevent the cause of the problem. with plantarfaciatis (inflammation of plantar facia) the causes are: -collapsing arch/ improper footware -general oveuse -too thight posterior calf muscles (not only gastrac and soleus, but also muscles of posterior compartment) -running on hard surfaces like pavement as to collapsing arch: it is among runners the most common cause of chronic low back pain, as well as knee pain and "toe bunion". returning to the topic of splint for plantar faciatis, yes it can help, but you have to fix all these other things also or you'll end up with a naging, chronic condition. such condition have tendency to flear up with incerease usage of the area. my aproach and recommendation is always: -get rid of the inflammation and preserve the range of motion you have left -treat the scarr tissue and restore the range of motion to as close as you can get it to pre-injury state -strengthen the area to avoid repeat of the injury also accept the limmitations you might have as the result. every injury will leave you with some residual effects. the degree will vary and sometimes they will be impossible to notice. so for someone with your condition long distance running might be something to avoid, as well as carrying heavy loads. learn to accept them and work WITH them rather then try to push through. most important- learn to listen to your body. as to this specific device, there is going to be as many opinions as there are therapists. i for one don't favor them too much. but it might be something that works for you. imo, you'd be better off spending your hard earned $$$ on a pair of orthodics. from my experience with proper foot support/ correction of body mechanic, icing, some tissue treatment and excercise this should go away within 4- 6 weeks.
  16. so this just tell the tale about people in this coutry. about 60% said kerry won this so called "debate" (how in the hell can u call it a debate, sice they could not talk to each other and they knew the questions beforehand???!!!) anyway, 70% of the same group said the debate did not change the way they are going to vote. so the moron loses this verbal match and still people will vote for him?
  17. start with icing your foot. add superfeet or heat molded superfeet. stretch your calf muscles. after the pain is gone start strenghtening your foot. put a towel on a ground, put 2 cans of soup on the corners and try to bunch it up with your toes. you can also try to pick up tennis ball with your foot. train both feet though. you can roll your foot on a tennis ball first and then go to something harder, like a golf ball.
  18. yeah, first u kill them, then u shag them- safe sex in wa - you don't get all scratched up
  19. after reading some of the 7 pages of total jizz fest about bolting i am convinced most of the posters here are total wack job wankers who don't know first thing about climbing. maybe you should actually go climbing from time to time instead of talking about climbing you nitpicking puffs. better yet- get some velcro gloves, high boots, your salt lick outfit... after all it's full moon... trust me- they do push back at the edge of the cliff, you bunch of sheep shaggers
  20. Good aeriation.... no, more like total destruction of whatever managed to live in this fragile/hostile setting. after watching a 12 person "train fron hell" (team of mounties) on sitkum glacier i don't need no further evidence. if you go to any more popular area, like boston basin, you can see how ground gets torn up with crampons. on raineer there is a foot deep trench on poular routes, so how is that for non-impact? as well as piss stains, turd marks? fame away
  21. for all of you anti- bolting nazis you are using totally double standards ethics. so how about ban on use crampons/ ice axes/ ice tools and ski poles in wildrness areas. the impact of these things is obvious to me. holes from ski poles on trails are obvious, as well as crampon marks on scree and moranes. as the matter of fact they are mechanical devices designed to help you move in the back county. no fucking cell phones or gps either. same with artificial lights. after all- they can disturb nocturnal animals. while we are at it everyone who enters wildrness should be wearing calostromy bag and catheter and most of all no spring loaded camming devices. after all it is a mechanical tool. so how about that nitpicking motherfuckers? as the matter of fact i should start a campain of letter to FS, BLM and NPS to ban these things too. maybe that would level the fiels a bit?
  22. stefan- top roping IS NOT climbing. you have to lead a pitch. always was always will be. like i said, fucking go climbing wankers.
  23. you guys have way too much time on your hands, locked up at your desks dreaming about climbing... pretty pathetic if you ask me. go fucking climb something. this topic is so fucking boring. and one more thing- when you are sketched you will clip that bolt and you won't ask a question if it was bolted with power drill or not. climbing 5.11 or 5.12 is not climbing hard by modern standards. and for all of you bolt anti-bolt wankers why don't you visit places like Elbsanstein or Teplice. then you can spray how brave you are. other wise you're just another sprayer-wanker. T-A=0
  24. as far a pain relief in people i work or worked with in surgery is not the answer. usually there is a light or moderate improvement up to about 2 years and then the pain returns. the surgery might help with loss of strenght, motor function or numbness/tingling in the area. looks like you are trying right things. try also someone work on your gluteus muscles and your it bands. with L4/L5 my experience is working with iliopsoas, gluts (gluteus minimus), quadrutus lumbarum and hamstrings brings a lot of pain relief. be patient- you were screwing up your body for a long time to get to this point, so it will take some time to reverse this condition- there is no magic pill formula. remember- this is going to stay with you for life. so proper stretching, strenghtning and icing will be your regular routine. good luck
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