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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. when was this picture taken? what time of the year. looks like fun winter project in the right conditions. helli ride?
  2. All the porn addicts, militia members, prostitutes and axe murderers I lived with in the backwoods of Michigan need not apply (you know who you are). Someone who climbs would be a bonus. PM me for more info. - Chris now that's interesting....that eliminates all the gun taunting, jizz gurgling porno surfing hookers, that's like the majority of women in the PNW.
  3. thursday, february 12 at 7pm. a free clinic at footworx (in barkley village). topic most common lower body injuries. this workshop is geared toward runners, but we can also answer some climbing related questions. it will be good, informative, so just show up. for directions to the store call 360.676.WORX.
  4. fat people suck! i was stuck on the plane from chicago to seattle (after flying from poland) with this fat, stinky guy. fucker wanted to lift his arm rest! i said no fucking way wanker. wtf? organization to accept fat slobs? eat shit and live is their motto. why do i have to accept that? the number of overweight people doubled in the past 10 years (according to group health publication). during the same period the number of overwieght children trippled! this is #1 issue. ossama bin jizzwad could not come up with better weapon. judging by the number of people with diabetis, heart desease, joint deformities united states will run out of money to cover the cost of health care. meanwhile the food supply in the us is so fucked that it is beyond repair. we are just harvesting the crops of corporate expanssion of the 60's and 70's.
  5. there is going to be (but not climbing related) on Feb. 12 at Footworx at Barkley Village. it is a shoe store. it will be held at 7 pm for about 1 hour. so any people from the area should be ther, since we are going to leave time for Q/A. and it is free.
  6. no they don't. check will gadd's book for pictures of modified tools.
  7. no, not there. it had to be lost no longer then 10 days ago. it was most likely lost last sat. i can't edit my original post. it is a technical ice tool, not some shitty ice axe. like i said it had to be lost in the past few days. would somone post this in gyms in van and seattle? i did call rec center at western and aai to hang a note. i want to return this to the owner, so i am not telling where or what kind it is- if you lost it you'll know. hope to hear from someone. ciao- r
  8. hey, i found an ice tool last sunday. tell me where and what kind and it is yours (u might pay for shipping since i live in b-ham)
  9. hey, i have carbon-fiber "Option" snowboard for sale. used 2 times, with bidings. $275 plus shipping.
  10. i have only one day off and i am sick of drive to littlewet. looking for somone to go to "tool shed" "rap wall" or the "farm" for a day. anybody?
  11. as far as portland i'd be glad to that. so far prg did not return my phone call. i will be there for the weekend of Mar 27/28, but i'll be busy working rugby tournament. if you feel like it i'd do it, but someone would have to organize this. it's just too far of the drive to wing it. so if any of you portlanders feeling like doing a bit of leg work contact me. u can call my office @ 360.319.7311. ciao-
  12. whistler had 45 cm of snow last night. think this- if the avi danger is so high they are closing the road you would not want to be in most of the places anyway. even rambles can most likely cause slides in these conditions (there are no trees for a reason). the farm in whistler is in. i don't know how highway 1 is for driving right now, since they had all this freezing rain. last tue we saw several semis in the ditch. a lot of car wrecks too. road from hope to the border was a sheet of ice. it too us over 2.5 hours to drive from hope to bellingham.
  13. I wanted to inform everyone about a clinic. It will be held in Seattle VW (Ballard gym) on Monday, March 29th between 7 and 8:30pm. The gym contacted me and this is the time for now.... There is going to be general explanation of inflammatory process. It will be followed by some specific most common climbing related pathologies (medial epicondylitis, shoulder problems, low back problems). I will leave at least 30 minutes for Q/A and some specific pathologies. I will stay for about 30 minutes to answer any questions one on one. During this workshop I will also teach people some self care techniques, like cross fiber friction, some pin and stretch and muscle activation. I will also teach using tennis balls for self massage, show the pressures and directions of movements for some of these techniques. There is going to be a small fee (don't know what VW is charging per person) to pay for my gas from Bellingham and my time to go to Seattle. Last note: please pre-register. If there is less than 4 people registred prior to March 26th I will cancell this event. Hope to see you then- r
  14. on the drive back we saw some stuff re-forming near sailors bar tunnel. i don't know the names and how long they are supposed to last, since the weather in hope calls for 6C in the next few days warm spell destroyed a lot of ice. right rambles - the mixed pitch has a lot less ice. the little WI4 on the left side on rambles right was quite dry and in good shape. carlsberg has less ice then a couple of weeks ago. synchronicity was looking ok from the road. marble: icy-bc first pitch looked like crap, a lot of shitty icycles. no deductable lost a lot of ice. dihedral and deeping wall are pitted hook fests. wait for spring is in, but very, very thin and i don't think you could get even stubbies for pro for the first 40 ft (ice is about 2 ft wide and 2-3 inches thick). i tr'd a line just to the right of deeping wall, out of the left side of the cave (about M6+/7). 4 bolts would be enough to do it on lead. a couple of years ago someone climbed a line straight out of the back of the cave (M8), also on top rope only. so these 2 lines wait for the FA. from the road small creep was still in. cherry ice looked formed, also honeyman falls lookd in, but with a couple of open holes in the middle. it snowed quite a bit on mon and tue. the fresh snow was light powder, but it was sitting on some hard snow, possible with some rain crust in the top, so check avi conduitions before you wonder into some of the drainages. there was a lot more snow on duffy lake road then in lillooet itself.
  15. it's supposed to be cold and clear, at least till tuesday. i can take tuesday and possibly wed off (already made plans for sun/mon). let me know if interested, no newbies this time- want to go alpine- r pm here or write sms to 3603197311 at vtext dot com
  16. i am without a partner for this thursday? anybody? if interested call me or write me an sms 3603197311atvtext.com
  17. why in the hell would you bo going there in the first place anyway. the snow level was like 5500feet fot the weekend, so why bother?
  18. carolyn - what i was reffering as custom foot beds are heat molded superfeet or similar. esentially they are non corrective orthodics. they are molded to your feet. the generic one don't work and footbeds made by sportiva, scarpa and others blow chunks all the way. even 2 or 3 milimiter "sink" can cause a shit load of problems with your feet, like toe bunions, heel spurs (not talking crampons here), knee pain or hip pain. we are talking repetitive motion injuries. so not only strenghtening, but keeping them flexible too.
  19. it might have different cause. crampons will force your posterior calf muscle to work harder and tighten down, hence blocking the blood flow. putting custom foot beds into your boots would reduce this, since it would lock your arch better.you should strengthen your foot and posterior calf.
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