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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. those otters, i'd have to duct tape before fucking these furry little animals (sheep are much better). anyway firefox vs MS is like a title to a bad jap monster movie. maybe someone from macroshaft should make one. at the end MS (use gatses head squashes unruly mozilla firefox by shoving the head of the monster into it's own ass and setting it on fire.
  2. yeah, btw i don't get this. like people can't drive worth a butt dingleberry, but every ohter new gass guzzlining suv has to have a dvd player?
  3. and on your flat screen tv do you watch bear vs shark?
  4. i guess what i witness on the freeway is just what happens when the area is full of self-centered ignorant bunch of brainless assholes.
  5. al this shit doesn't change the fact that sheattle has the worst drivers and is full of commies!
  6. what a bunch of computer geeks! friggin' 3 pages about some internet browser programs! get a life people
  7. small furry rodents and duct tape? how about that poop?
  8. being polish and out of shape eliminates me out of the pool
  9. this fucking sucks! maybe we should find poop and dwainus and smash their faces just for a good mesure. just kidding. but all i can say- petz glue-ins. they are theft proof- even in places like poland.
  10. surfing the net i found this: http://www.smithrock.com/flash/videos/index.html there are videos from glory days (late 80's/early 90's). funny to see brook and scott climbing. some of the videos are as boring as watching the paint dry..., but fun to see some short clips anyway. btw- i don't think many of them are from actual "sends" (like i don't think brook ever redpointed white wedding??- correct me if i am wrong), also funny to see someone wearing shorts one moment and long pants the next, pretending they are redpointing the route, hehehe.
  11. hey poop, you'd be way more productive and funny if you shoved a 12" dildo up your sorry fat ass.
  12. poopfest. pls move this to spray
  13. wtf are you listening to? how about some foulfly?
  14. yo fuckface, maybe i'd go climbing if i could put a fucking harness on my ass. i bet you wouldn't be so fucking quick picking your ass up if you wreced at 70mph. and even after an injury i bet i can still outclimb your fat ski ass anyway, so fuck off. and btw, how many ice and alpine climbs have you done this winter?
  15. firefox rules, way better then ie. at least i don't have to download "critical error patch" every other friggin day. macroshaft products suck ass.
  16. that site is so suck ass that i did not visit it for the last 3 months. but most of the internet climbing sites suck ass. what happen to the day when you actually had to go climbing to be able to spray?
  17. i think as of last couple of years climbing this face in the summer is like playing russian roulette. i did this face in mid october. the temps were very good and no snow on the face- hard alpine ice requiring 3-4 swings. did the whole thing with running pro here is the pic: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=441&size=big&sort=1&cat=500 btw, if the snow turns to mush mid day descent AA col, it's much safer then long decending traverse to silverhorn. here is a link to current temps:http://www.theweathernetwork.com/features/parks/pages/CAAB0617.htm
  18. what is the situation with camping in the park- is camping by the hut free? btw, a couple of my friends from poland will need a ride to the bugs late july or early august (from vancouver bc or squamish). does anybody have a free space in their rig?
  19. so i am still waiting for the insurance company to call me with an offer for my jetta. i figured longer they wait, more they'll have to repay for a car rental. almost 2 weeks later i still have bruises (visual) on my body. tried to go to a gym last fri night. about 25 minutes of light bike and some extremly light weights left me almost unable to move the next morning. and the ringing in my ears did not stop since the day of my accident.
  20. http://www.bdel.com/. i am sure they have new gear....
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