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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. foraker, you are talking out of your ass here. you have absolutelly no concept (living in this coutry) what repressions are, what cult of personality is. you can read about it, but never experiencing it on your own skin- you can't even imagine what it is to live in a place of that sort. you are lacking historical knowlege too, so the discussion with you is at this point completly pointless. all you do is repeating some pinko hyppie slogans without knowing historical facts. and the facts are that Lenin signed orders to exetute thousands of poeple and Stalin, Lenin, Chruszczev, Brezniev should be on trial for crimes agaist humanity. after all it's lenin (dzierzynski- who established NKWD), who designed first concentration camps. read some books by Suvorov or Solzenitzin and then talk. complaining about US government vs soviet reminds me of a blond bimbo mentality- oh! i broke my nail, so my life sucks at the moment.
  2. my point is still driving in the left lane. it should be for passing only. with about 10 cars ahead of me (all doing about 65-70mph) and a semi in the middle lane i had no room to move. of course this woman hitting me from behind- it's her fault. but speed has nothing to do with that, but lack of awareness and lack of skill. this is what i think in general- in PNW people have no concept of driving on the freeway all together. drivers don't merge properly, don't signal changing lanes, no concept of "flow of traffic" it's gas/ brakes, talk on the cell phone while driving and behave like nobody else is around and the the whole friggin' road belongs to you.
  3. yeah fairweather! i din't know this book was translated into english. before you speak you pinko pseudo hyppie commie pukes read this book and then we can talk.
  4. also millions of morons raised their arms saying "heil hitler!". just because you are with the crowd doesn't mean you are on the right side of the issue.
  5. glassgowkiss

    Bear v Shark

    i'll take beaver any time
  6. puff suckin'shit through the tube
  7. fuck you too you fucking piece of shit cunt.
  8. 2 email letters to nick licata are still unanswered. so i guess next step would be talikng a fucking blow torch and cut the fucker down, right?
  9. Matt, i did hire an attorney. actually it's beacause i didn't want to have a full time job. lucky me- i've been dealing with PIP insurance claims for the past 6 years, so i know really well the system. i also talked to DA from snohomish couty and there are going to be charges filed against the other driver for leaving the scene of the accident
  10. taking first shit after 4 days of constapation.
  11. hey asseyes- if you lived under soviet occupation you'd sing a different tune.
  12. didn't see any lenin monuments in canada so far..... i don't know if i have my facts straight. but as far as i know this monument was taken from Nowa Huta- part of Krakow. if it is true, this monument was sitting on a city square and was a site of many bettles between polish police and citizens through the 80's. as i said- to me it is one most offensive things. i bet if it was hitler's monument all the pinko hyppies and holocust enerprise money making machine would be demending to take it down.
  13. this is pseudo- history. like why in the hell extermination of Armenian citizens : http://www.armenian-genocide.org/genocidefaq.html#What
  14. yeah, yeah, i am talking to you fuckieg sheattelites. a bunch of commie fucking bastards if you ask me. and why? look at the statue of lenin. i mean wtf? this thing is as offensive to me as hitler's monument would be to jews. why don't you also put hitler, pol pot, stalin and other mass murderers?
  15. i am back, fucking sicker then a dog (headcold). anyway, my back hurts like fuck and my ears don't stop ringing since the evening of the accident. my right hand hurts, so is my forearm. went to pick up my stuff from the car and found out someone ripped my speakers from the trunk (which is imopssible to close due to damage. car is total, but i wanted to take them out, since i bought them a month ago. fuck!. life sucks, can't climb at the moment. lost another day at work too.
  16. fuck marks- let's face it! the system he designed killed more people then any other, including hitler. fuck you you pinko commie puking shit for brain bastard.
  17. hehehe, u know it's a myth now. and i am polish and way i look at it- shit happens. nobody is going to sue anybody, but i am retaining an attorney. after my last experience many years ago i am not about to get stuck with a bunch of unpaid bills. i kind of feel pissed that she just drove off. a shitty thing to do considering she just send me onto a 70mph roller coaster on the median. yeah, people are really caring these days.....
  18. gimp is ok too. fucking wild day though.
  19. glassgowkiss

    rear ender

    so get this, of course this is prime example of why driving on the left lane slow is dangerous. i was on i-5 driving back to seattle. right past camino island exit i am on the left lane stuck behind some nimrod doing about 65 mph. here comes this subaru impreza doing at least 85 (looked like about double my speed). i catch the site of this car a split second before hits me. BAAAAM, right into my trunk. onto the left shouder, off the inbnankment, spin 2 times on the wet turf, managed straighten my car and stop about 30 yards away from the highway. so here i am tottaly fucked. as i am getting my cell out to call the cops, i see that she stopped about 500 yards down the road and now she is driving off! i can't fucking believe this shit!, she just drove off. anyway, after about 10 minutes a cop showed up, took my info. then drove off, as apperently she drove to the next exit and called state police! now why in the hell would you leave a scene of an accident you just caused. to cut a long story short, i managed to drive my mangeled car to park and ride where i met with the cop. he gave me her ins info and told me he gave her a hefty ticket. my neck low back and right arm hurt like fuck and i am supposed to fly to toronto tomorrow at 7 am, so don't expect any updates. the moral of this stupid story is if the left lane was free of aslow moving vehicles none of this would happen. and i guess i managed to sell my jetta to the insurance company, since the whole trunk is about 10 inches shorter.
  20. so get this, of course this is prime example of why driving on the left lane slow is dangerous. i was on i-5 driving back to seattle. right past camino island exit i am on the left lane stuck behind some nimrod doing about 65 mph. here comes this subaru impreza doing at least 85 (looked like about double my speed). i catch the site of this car a split second before hits me. BAAAAM, right into my trunk. onto the left shouder, off the inbnankment, spin 2 times on the wet turf, managed straighten my car and stop about 30 yards away from the highway. so here i am tottaly fucked. as i am getting my cell out to call the cops, i see that she stopped about 500 yards down the road and now she is driving off! i can't fucking believe this shit!, she just drove off. anyway, after about 10 minutes a cop showed up, took my info. then drove off, as apperently she drove to the next exit and called state police! now why in the hell would you leave a scene of an accident you just caused. to cut a long story short, i managed to drive my mangeled car to park and ride where i met with the cop. he gave me her ins info and told me he gave her a hefty ticket. my neck low back and right arm hurt like fuck and i am supposed to fly to toronto tomorrow at 7 am, so don't expect any updates. the moral of this stupid story is if the left lane was free of aslow moving vehicles none of this would happen. and i guess i managed to sell my jetta to the insurance company, since the whole trunk is about 10 inches shorter.
  21. it's all about timing. shit bill eating @9 pm mack and cheese won't help you to lose weight. diets suck as they are not sustainable. also excercise- you'll need heart rate monitor. if your heart rate is too high you excercise un-aerobically, hence you are not burning fat. by no means i am qualified to advise people in this subject matter. this is what i know: -no meals after 6 or 7 pm. maybe a very light snack (like some fruit) -not enough fruit and veggies in the "diet" -too low water intake -diets suck- you can eat all, but moderation is the key. portions in the US/Canada are fucking huge. and what they are made off. something like a latte' and a muffin will ring up around 1000 calories. quality vs quantity. americans stuff their fat asses with a bunch of tasteless crap and then the wonder why you are THE FATTEST SOCIETY on the face of the planet! as far as video game all i can say is "i told you so". they are stupid and they waste a lot of time. the best way is to sit down with nutrinionist and figure it out. btw, i see a lot of naked bodies almost every day and i must say this is scary! i would estimate about 70% of people are overweight. and look at the numbers. so someone at 6 ft 2 inches 190 lbs is most likely border line. for an athlete 6-10% body fat is what it should be. also you should not loose more then a couple of pounds per week. oh bill, here is a link: http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bmicalc.htm . so even @190 lbs you would be at upper level of "normal" (and remember what normal is is statistics like that). that means you'll have to lose about 30-35 lbs to be somewhere in the proper range.
  22. i need to start driving less. but it pisses me off when it takes me 45 minutes from n.80th exit to bellevue, just because there is an accident on 520 in the oposite lanes. like wtf do people have to slow down? therre is a concrete divider, police is there. like i said, people get a fucking clue. the traffic problem in seattle is largly to be blamed on drivers themselves. people don't merge properly, are hesitant. poland has something like 38 mil. people on the area smaller then wa state and somehow you can get from point a to point b without bullshit. there is a reason for it. if you are slow you have to yeld to faster cars even on 2 lane highway or on the street. nyc has something like 10 million people and somehow you can move around there too. same with chicago. and one of the main reasons, that this area is one of the worst cities to drive in, is caused by plain stupidity of local population
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