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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. i figured this out. yes, i am talking to you left lane suv driving wanker! you wake up one morning and you realize your life sucks big donkey dick. your house is in the suburbs, you drive to work 2 hours every day. you used to be athletic, but you are turning into fat slob. the only entertainment at your useless job was surfing for porn, but they put filters on, so you can't even check out the latest update on your favorite teen porn site. your wife is fat, ugly and stupid and didn't fuck you for the past 12 months(i mean youd have to be serously twisted to stick it into Shamoo). your kids drive you insane. so what do you do- drive slow on the left lane to piss as many people as possible. you shove your head up your ass to escape your miserable reality and your time in your leather heated sitts subaru is the only time off from this fucking hole your life turned out to be.
  2. i do flash lights and they don't fucking move. standard practice on east coast or in eastern canada and oll over europe. like i said- area full of assholes. as far as doing something- there should be a law about driving on left lane- law that is being enforced. looks like fucking police just gives tickets for speeding in this part of the world. the cops are another story all together. they hire these fucking stupid beef heads with necks size of a bull but with the brain size of hummingbird. heard about another case where DA had to drop the charges just because cops were too stupid to collect evidence proper way. way to keep us safe morons! fucking classic is railroad ave in b-ham, where lurkers sell heroin on the street corner, while a cop gives speeding ticket to a minivan driven by milf with a bunch of kids. i guess city needs a revenue sourse, since they don't bring any fucking jobs to the area and you actually have to spend funds defending drug dealers.
  3. yeah, yeah, i am talking to you left lane driving maggot. wtf people have no concept what freeway is? like when you merge- you are supposed to acelerate to the speed of the traffic and then merge. and what's up with this fuck left lane driving? you are supposed to be on the right. only when you pass you are supposed to go into left lane. and passing doesn't mean another vehicle 1 mile ahead. and get off the cell phones you miserable jizz gurglers. if you are not passing and you drive on the left lane you are miserable fuck asshole. let the police worry if i am going too fast you sheep shagging deepshit. if you talk on the cell phone- you are miserable fuck asshole. if you are putting make up while driving- don't worry- you are ugly, fat and brainless and nobody decent wants to fuck you anyway. now.... i feel better. what a bunch of arrogant, self centered brainles clownpunchers in these parts of the world. get a fucking clue people.
  4. i don't have mac. has to work with pc. i looked at final cut, but i am not about to drop 2000 for comp and another 900 for software just to try out. sorted out with macromedia- i can use it for posting films on web page, but not for editing. did read a lot in last couple of days. looks like the top program for pc is adobe. again a lot of $$$, but they do have a 30 day try out.
  5. holly shit! check this out! http://www.spaceimaging.com/gallery/top10_2003/top10_3.htm# see it in full screen version!
  6. what is macromedia Director MX program for and can i edit footage from my camcorder with it?
  7. sounds like typical tendon pulley injury. there are several articles in climbing and R&I, as well as discussions on this bb about the subject. remember- it might take up to 6 mo to completly get over this one. keep climbing with this and you'll see what pain really is. take time off and heal it properly.
  8. hey scott, just bad wording in the post about FR. I spoke to someone who was in mazama last jan and he told me you were mostly skiing and also busy with guiding. so it's good to hear you are also doing some routes. as far as walkers go- well, i'll need one soon if my foot starts getting any worst. as far as rating, as talked on many ocassions i am a proponent of not using seriousness grade in the technical grade of the pitch/route. will gadd had a pretty good write-up some time ago. so when are you going back on that face to send this nice looking chimney just to the left of the ice corner? looks like an awsome pitch!
  9. glassgowkiss


    wtf?? distel was supposed to post a pic of gerboa. where is it you littel wanker? wtf, too busy to visit this page from time to time?
  10. hey scott, good to hear you are climbing! - i think that pitch is more like M5 at the most.
  11. i use rock empire harness. light, comfy and very cheap! best buy for your$$. MEC sells it.
  12. "But seriously, those Australian and Canadian chicks were hot! " "If only she knew about the sheep..." beeeeeeeeeee
  13. A-strain. that's a good tick. now young skywalker- don't get any frostbite before going to high peaks. how was suffer machine- did you do that bolt ladder free?
  14. like the song says: stary, stary night....
  15. very fun route. 2 notes. while starting the ice corner pretty substantial "spindrift" hit us. i would be cautious going up there after a snow fall. after rapping down west ridge- i would recommend another way down. from the summit rap to the snow gulley between main summit and south buttress pinnicle. then just walk down the gulley and do 2 more raps on the bottom to the snow basin.
  16. hard to say about the conditions. there was a bit more snow then normal, but on the other hand the snow was very stable in february. i looked at the peaks from the visitor center lot. a lot of blue ice. nf of athabasca was blue, a lot of ice on andromeda. as other ascents go: wild thing on chephren was done in a nice 3 day climb. also asteroid alley was done in february. a few parties climbed Slipstream. There was a new rote on nf of white pyramid, to the right of rality bath.
  17. i think this is 8b or 8b+ in frankenjura.
  18. http://www.boulderrausch.de/blackball1.htm
  19. ride'em cowboy! fucking choice! internet rules. yeah, typing out of jail. btw, there were not ice climbing trips to the east coast, baaaaaaaa fucking a, i hit 1000 post, i am an internet junkie!
  20. like we talked about. proper footbeds, and muscle balancing.
  21. hey, what's up everyone working or what?
  22. check you mail, tried to call but no answer.
  23. posted some ice porn from my last trip in ice galery.
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