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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Bush on TV

    fairweather- once again you just show us how fucking bumb stupid and uneducated redneck you are. there is no point in arguing with someone who has no idea about the subject. period. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DOLT!
  2. i don't think she has furr and 4 legs.....
  3. archenema, using multiple computers again?
  4. what's up with rain this year. every time i try to go climbing it's raining! this blows!
  5. squish is very, very wet this spring. also black flies and more mosquitos then most of the years.
  6. cairns, the is a lot of differeces between flash and os. you either know something about the route by watching or you know some betta or you climb veni vidi vici style. chalk is not really help, i mean how many times did you reach for a hold just to find out you are fucked and can't reverse a move. there is plenty sucker holds to support this point. and you can see the holds, but you still on harder routes have to figure out a sequence. it's also true on harder trad lines, where you have to really savy how you place gear. my point is that climbing is a after effect of colorado scene circle jerk and they will publish almost anythin sent to them without much thought or checking. that's why i stop my subscription many, many years ago.
  7. good route, very good. maybe better then lib crack and far better then thin red. do it!
  8. ok let's just end this wank fest. a competent party can climb this route easy in a day at 10+ A1. if you can climb at 10+ there is a whole 40 ft of aid on this climb plus couple of other A0. it's 12 pitches long with a lot of 8/9 higher up. so it's an hour a pitch. just fucking go, do some training climbs, then go and do this one and stop this nonsense on this bb of tortured sould wank fest. you can do it with a set and a half of cams, some stoppers and a few brass nuts. people were climbing this climb for a few decades now, it's in at least like 4 guidebooks. so stop playing sherock, and start training. the amount of time people spend on this bb vs training is so out of whack- it's just plain stupid. just shut the fuck up!
  9. Cairns, what's your hardes redpoint. then we can talk. other wise fuck off into wank heaven
  10. and you know it by talking to him personally in polish....
  11. I did not know you were the authoritarian on what "climbing" means. no i am not. but it is a common opinion of people like Kurtyka or Wielicki. i think they know a bit more about the subject then you and i together
  12. people you are missing the point. imagine- you go on a sport climb. let's say 13a. you can redpoint 11a max. so you pull on every draw, step on slings and use cheater stick to clip a piece above you. you clip an anchor. and many of you will say- i did a climb. that's bullshit. you did get to the anchor, but you did not do a climb in a style it deserves or is established and common. it's the same with high altitude climbing. your typical suplementary oxygen lowers the altitude by roghly 1000m. so when the summit of everest is 8848 oxygen makes it into almost sub-8000 climb. hence the masses who didn't pay their alpine dues are able to get to the top. yes they stand on the summit, but not at 8848m. and without fixed ropes and help supplying camps they would do 2 thing jack and shit and jack just left town.
  13. Alex, i think you are mixing 2 things. DH and his circus of circle jerk friends was just a fraud. it wasn't about the style, but if he did the route in such and such time. my point is this though- you might claim you climb for yourself- fine. but as soon as you step into a public spotlight that argument goes out of the window. like i said- it's a slippery slope. i catually saw her during one of the fundraisers. and i can tell you this- there were a lot of big misrepresentations while she was speaking about this climb in particular. political correctness is stupid- you have to call bullshit when you see it.
  14. my point is if you take away sherpas (ie. people who carry all the heavy shit and fix ropes) and O2, 90% of people whould not move past the basecamp.
  15. well, the question is if jugging fixed ropes (set by sherpas) and using suplementary oxygen is a valid ascent. i think messner called it murder of impossible. maybe it can be a good hype for main streem media targeting fat MILF's from mid west, but i put all these ascents into questionable category.
  16. i just think climbing is about style. of course there are no comissions validating ascents. a lot of people argue that they climb for themselves. but when you start hype and marketing and money raising speaking circut you are no longer climbing for yourself. you are entering slippery slope of public domain, where criticism is a part of the game. i actually saw her speaking in b-ham at footworx. i was not that impressed. i personally don't think jugging up fixed lines, that they were not set on her own and oxygen use are the 2 primary aspects in question. i don't think she would be able to get to the top on her own, by "fair means".
  17. depends if she did it with oxygen or without. any peak in this day and age climbed with oxygen is just another wank fest- regardless of your age- period. and wether you are nice or a total asshole (i personally preffer to be the later one) has nothing to do with acompishment cryteria of high altitude climbing.
  18. 2 people are looking for a ride after july 25th.
  19. i am going to squish this weekend (sun/mon) so stay away you washington wankers.
  20. so what that you can pass some stupid test and can't drive worth a crap. i'd rather drive in NYC or chicago or toronto then in seattle any given day. all i can say hesitation wank fest. and bacik east people know that left lane is for passing
  21. it's a pig farm. pig can eat 4 lbs a minute of human flash chewing through the bones. hehehe
  22. not bad for a "stranger" master.
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