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Everything posted by lummox

  1. a second city fan. war? waht war? you see the racks on them twins on real cancun?
  2. all i want is a steyr aug. belgians can do one thing right.
  3. what?
  4. Dumbest thing you ever did climbing: i enjoyed it. fucked up my life pursuing it ever since. relationships down the shitter and jobs and a couple careers out the fucking window as a result. fuckin a, aint life grand?
  5. look like a variation of a uni.
  6. som kinda tranny op?
  7. fuckin bullshit! you know what this does to the appraisal price of many a gunnuts collections?
  8. at least acording to the planned parenthood place. bring it ladies.
  9. Southern Oregon rock is more like hard dirt.
  10. what a posterboy corporate slut that dudes become.
  11. i think the sperm sales line of 'work' is way the fuck better than answering questions and bullshit. but ya gotta pass the fucking drug screen. is at the yang to the yin?
  12. i kina feel bad for the teasing shit we kids did to the tards in grade school. just kina bad.
  13. mermaids and lord blacks kicks ass.
  14. i was working as a box maker in a stone fruit shed in the central valley in california (and sometimes id palletize which means repetitive heavy lifting). fucking child labor bullshit, pulling in something like $4/hr. i flew over the craterage on a flight to seattle within weeks after she blew. it was fucking cool to see the pnw looking like her sister mountains of central america.
  15. that shit can happen with those fucked up wedge drive bolts sticking up high off the hanger.
  16. lummox

    uhhhh yeah

    ifn you really had internet power, youd be putting britney spearss face on porno chicks bodies. that shit is cool. only kelly osbournes face pasted onto some nude fat chik would be better.
  17. "Someone really needs to invent a metal-detector-like device that can scan tards for dangerous shit." idea of the new millenium, methinks.
  18. lummox

    Oregon Beer Tax

    dont forget that its time for crime in oregon cuz of the fucked up budget. no money for pds. haha. stupid fucking state voted for nader. mother fucker shops at goodwill. oregon goes down the shitter. cause and effect.
  19. you are weak and undeserving. thats why you are sick. your wah, or chi, is fucked up. i suggest a trip to the emergency room, or a doc in the box. ifn you cant get at least one phone number off the cute nurses, you are really sick.
  20. its been fucking hours since ive consumed and everything is coming into focus. i dont like it.
  21. i spent last week with a dude whos been 15 years on the wagon. he helped me get totally smashed drunk a couple times.
  22. lummox


    i made a stove outta little aluminum juice cans. 2 tablespoons of gas line antifreeze will boil enough water for ramen. it weighs 7 grams and is fucking delicate. about pots and shit, cheap ass mirro aluminum fuckers are the way to go. ifn it gets too nasty to clean anymore spend the $3 to get antoher.
  23. i am lummox. i am an alcoholic. easy does it. one day at a time.
  24. get your mind out the bedsheets. i werent talking nbout my love muscle. but maybe she was.
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