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Everything posted by cracked

  1. Anybody who claims that Moore is not extreme needs to have their head checked. Dunno enough about Hannity to comment. j_b, YOU....are a FUCKING....MORON... Oh, yeah, *very* slightly dodgy site...might be un-work safe.
  2. While in general I don't give a rat's ass about the bolting 'discussions' on this board, this was one example where responsible group action such as this seemed necessary.
  3. Ooooohhhhh, you meant Volants. I meant K2s. Nevermind!
  4. They still aren't there, Iain.
  5. Keep trying, Snowy. Hanging with friends occasionally seems to pay off, since it's 1am and I got the
  6. I believe that Mgear has a selection of sizes. http://www.mgear.com/pages/product/product.asp/level1_id/0/level2_id/0/level3_id/0/item/772074 But I got mine for $100.
  7. Link? I can't find em on there.
  8. Golite Belay Jacket, 20 ounces, EPIC shell, quite warm, trim, perfect for skiing, is on sale at sierratradingpost.com. And very warm when drenched. I know this as a fact. Something like the Golite Six Month Night, WT Belay, or Patagonia...I forget the name, heavy thing.... will be overkill unless you're belaying for an hour at a time in winter. For skiing or slogging, a lighter jacket will do very well. Weight is not as big an issue as bulk, in my experience.
  9. Thanks, Dave, I needed a laugh.
  10. Tele skiers call the PR soft, go figure.
  11. In the exit 32 parking lot there was a huge new shiny gas-guzzling SUV. It was the biggest car in the lot. On the rear window, there was a C4K sticker. The hypocrisy was palpable.
  12. I just carry a .44 magnum, like Scott Harpell, so I can shoot the cougar that's stalking me.
  13. Get the brakes if you're a n00b. In tough snow you will fall, a lot, and a leashed released ski will smack you around. I speak from experience, unfortunately.
  14. Why would anyone want to tele?
  15. I've always wondered if there are people who don't like skiing. Do they exist? I suspect there are two groups of people, those who love skiing, and those who haven't tried it.
  16. I learned to ski in the backcountry. I've skied lifts about seven times in my life.
  17. Happy B-Day, B!
  18. cracked

    Stupid Car Names

    Honda Element. Its composite, hello?
  19. Picket abuse might be justified. Only 20 feet of ice? We could straightline the ice, and......
  20. For a light ski and mostly backcountry, I would personally go with Dynafit Comforts with brakes.
  21. What, you mean like this:
  22. There are several kinds of falls. The most prevalent one is when you lose hold of the rock and gravity accellerates you at 9.81 m/s^2 towards the center of gravity of the planet. The others I'm less familiar with. Not much you can do in the air. When you fall, it tends to happen quickly. Fall only if the fall is clean. If the fall won't be clean, don't fall. Oh, and don't fall on ice, don't fall on low angled terrain, don't fall when there's bad pro, don't fall when you'll go 100 feet, etc, etc. And since you seem to want to alpine climb, focus on not falling in general. As for the rope/leg issue, think about what will happen if you were to fall. It's pretty simple. When you're above the pro, rope between your legs. To the left, the rope should be to your right. And vice versa. Visualize the fall, and you'll see if the rope position is correct. It's not rocket science.
  23. And Squid, that pic is also
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