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Everything posted by cracked

  1. You suck. Abusing a return policy is the best way of getting said policy dicontinued. You bought them small and were aware of it, it's your fault.
  2. RuMR, we already fucking know how you feel about snow. STFU and quite acting like a six year old. Enough already.
  3. Bwahahahaha! Doesn't Allyoucaneat have a test on Thursday??
  4. Can I get a FUCK YEAH? Now it's time for mattp to tell us that early season skiing sucks and that he'll only join us in January.
  5. It 'snowed' on me this morning in Seattle as I biked to school. Wait, tiny ice particles count as snow, right?
  6. cracked

    Team America

    "Matt Damon, F.A.G"
  7. Oops, it's $250. Still an excellent deal.
  8. If you want to climb a sport 5.12, just spend three days a week, three hours per day, in the gym. Sport 5.12 is easy to climb if you spend enough time regularly pulling hard.
  9. Eh? $200 student pass to Alpental this winter.
  10. I've been using Itunes. It's great, unless you're a dumbass like me and delete the file that holds all the music. Doh! Backups are good.
  11. cracked


  12. cracked


    I beg your pardon? I'm serious, I hate summer. Fall, winter and spring are all good , but summer is seriously depressing.
  13. Jesus, settle down Jon. I'm planning on being there 6-8 either MWF or MTh, gotta use that pass!
  14. cracked


    I only get SAD in the summer. When it's all sunny and shit for months on end.
  15. cracked


    How did so many guys here get PMS?
  16. Lawgoddess, I though you were washing dishes part time in some little ski town in colorado last year. How the HELL do you pay for all that? Rich boyfriend?
  17. Patagonia Spectre Pullover those silly skinny mammut slings BD Betalight
  18. cracked


    I thought you don't ski?
  19. cracked


    Now that's just mean! Good thing it's still fun, though. FRESHIEZ!
  20. cracked


    Strange combination... a)old b)bitter c)immature d)burnt out e)obsessive Just because you can't ski doesn't mean that skiing sucks. On the contrary, you suck, for being so jealous of people enjoying a sport you can't. You must feel excluded. Kinda like the Mounties who plod down a glacier slog when a skier comes zipping by, hooting with glee. Sour grapes, perhaps? Sad.... But wait. I know that you do know how to ski. Maybe you just can't stand not being elite in a discipline? That's also too bad, the rapid discovery and progress when learning a new sport is wonderful. While you're getting frustrated flogging yourself on 10 feet of rock, I'll be having fun in the mountains, floating through the fresh. Don't be jealous.
  21. cracked


    Coming from the guy who needed Snoboy's help to set an avatar image, that really hurts.
  22. cracked


    Rudy sux... anyone wanna go skiing? oh yeah, Rudy sux... any questions?
  23. cracked

    Funny Post

    Climbing sux... Anyone wanna go skiing? Oh yeah, climbing sux....
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