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Everything posted by cracked

  1. cracked

    VP Debate

    Edwards is getting served. Cheney is handing him his ass on a platter and he refuses to respond. He goes back to the topics that Cheney already tore apart and keeps repeating the same stupid shit that has already been refuted. Flush the Johns!
  2. Skis are like trucks. The bigger the ski/truck, the bigger your dick. If you're looking for a light setup, why are you using Fritchis?
  3. In the X32 parking lot there was one really huge new shiny SUV. On the back windshield there was a Climbers4Kerry sticker. The irony nearly killed me. Whoever the owner is:
  4. I want to put a Bush/Cheney sticker on my bike helmet, but I'm afraid someone will run me over for it.
  5. cracked

    F'n dogs

    That was better than Uncle Tricky's TRs.
  6. Why am I reading this thread? Oh, yeah, for the This is some boring shit, gents.
  7. I still can't believe that someone on a dial-up views the photo gallery.
  8. ...Now run along, Dumja, before someone drops a house on you! http://qapla.com/ju/kerrycom.mp3
  9. Tour? Or Hike for turns? You mean tour for straightlines?
  10. You're right, Bill, but which one blows harder?
  11. But now he can finally write a positive political post on his blog!! The excitement!
  12. Learn to spell, you retard.
  13. cracked

    Funny Post

    Go build a bridge, Rudy. That dude's a retard. Apparently he like pulling his pant legs up half a foot until he has enough fabric bunched up in his crotch to accommodate his balls. Gussetted crotches work, I don't give a shit about how they look. What a sportposing wanker.
  14. I think Scott nailed it there. Are all presidential debates so lame?
  15. I watched some video and I gotta say that Bush can't speak well in public to save his balls. As for content, I didn't see a real advantage of either. Kerry spent too much time attacking Bush rather than detailing what he will do. As usual. Bush dealt with facts much more than Kerry and his vague statements. I'm not convinced that Kerry has much of a plan for Iraq. He sprayed a bunch of hyperbole. I didn't like him saying that the war shouldn't have been fought, then admitting that he said the war was necessary, then saying that he'll end the war ASAP, then saying that he'll take however much time it takes. What? Oh, fuck, maybe I won't vote after all. or ?
  16. I'm watching the videos. Too bad evil Fox News is the only place I can find em. I'll be back!
  17. Not Found The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it. Please inform the site administrator of the referring page. Quit trying to keep me uninformed, asshole!!
  18. Already read it.
  19. cracked


    Damn it Scotty, you're making me look bad!
  20. Anybody have a link to a full transcript? I unfortunately missed it on TV.
  21. Fuck off.
  22. I'd worry about a light pack with more volume than necessary. A well stuffed pack needs no frame...but no frame and an almost empty pack makes life miserable. Check www.wildsnow.com for a review, I haven't used it.
  23. Unless Greg named his boot "reality", then the alleged "threat" is, obviously, not to be taken literally. Even a six year old would understand this.
  24. In MY head? Mostly little bits of fluff. For the rest it's empty.
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