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Everything posted by cracked

  1. Ya but friends suck.
  2. Dude, that's not Paul, you can see the background.
  3. I want the equivalent to a 2.5.
  4. Dude, quit talkin' shit about Skykilo! He'll kick yer ass! Bwahahahahaha!!!
  5. Rudy, 'fat' is not the same as 'not anorexic'. Now go eat your blueberry, it's not healthy to skip lunch.
  6. Yeah, only most of that money goes into repairing parking lots that have been torn to shreds by slednecks driving over them.
  7. cracked

    lazy idiots

    I hate people who are not exactly like me. I ridicule everybody who doesn't act, talk, or think like me, and sometimes I ridicule those who do. Whatever they do annoys me, whether it affects me or not, and they should be held responsible for them annoying me. EVERYBODY SUCKS BUT ME!!!! Some of you are some anal-rententive fuckers. I'll make a point of leaving my cart in the lot, walking on a treadmill, and NOT picking up branches on the sidewalk, just to piss you off. Iceguy, you are one badass mofo. I wish I could be as cool as you.
  8. cracked

    lazy idiots

  9. No it won't.
  10. You mean like Snowdome?
  11. I just carry a bolt gun and a few dozen half-inchers. Then I don't have to worry about perfectly equalizing anything!
  12. Fuck that. I like skiing.
  13. Since I have no clue what the particulars of the case are, I don't feel qualified to get my panties in a bunch.
  14. First off, the story is very vague. Exactly what 'ID requirement' was he 'subjected' to? The requirement of showing identification before boarding a plane? Gee, that's stingent! Basing a conclusion from this one story is ridiculous since the article doesn't really contain any information at all.
  15. And that dude's a dumbshit. Period.
  16. I saw a black helicopter today. Luckily I put my tin foil hat on and they left me alone.
  17. Hey Gaper_Jeffy, so that you fully understand the implications of my photo, I have added a bit of text:
  18. 4700 vertical feet of hiking, 2800 vertical feet of skiing. Why are you so skeptical? The biggest descent of the season I did on July 4. I've had fantastic August and September turns. And pow starts in November. October is the only lean month, and when you're skiing 11/12 months already, why not make it 12 and have something to brag about?
  19. Whenever I use a sliding X I back the power point up to one of the pieces with another sling or QD, so the system doesn't rely on one sling.
  20. throat freshiez 5 hours 15 min to Muir ...you coulda kept up with me! Being sick sucks.
  21. could you be any more jealous of the incredibly stellar fresh corn, you Oregon Gaper? How WAS the Palmer?
  22. Too bad Asswor....uh....Ashworth... missed out on the FRESHIEZ.
  23. Oh, I got mine alright.
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