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Everything posted by cracked

  1. cracked

    Burn Out or Rust?

    I want to die like Don Whillans....in bed, asleep, at 80 years old, after spending a night drinking with my buddies.
  2. Don, I'd be curious to hear your anwer to Rudy's questions as well. How about answering them?
  3. You sound like Rudy on Prana tops!
  4. Well now, if we're calling Muir flat, then the Palmer doesn't count at all.
  5. An extra 23 pounds of training weight is worth the joy of skiing in late summer. I made more than three turns, since the snow wasn't sludge, it was fresh, fast, smooth corn!! It was FUN! I know you're just jealous because you couldn't ski if you wanted to down in Oregon, but try to not let it get to you. I know, I've never skied anything over a blue run! I wish I could ski steeps like AlpineK, but I'm just not 'core enough!! Maybe next year I'll be able to ski the Southwest Chutes! I'd be soooo happy if I could do that. I went rock climbing yesterday and had a blast. Next weekend I'm going to try to climb one day and ski the next, so I can spray about it on Monday.
  6. This isn't a "personal attack"? Kinda funny how everybody basically agrees with what "your buddy" says, but he's so arrogant that everybody hates him anyway. Don't like my contribution? Then leave.
  7. This afternoon, I jammed and crimped some fine granite with good company in 11worth, and truly enjoyed myself. This evening I took a look at cc.com and was reminded why I quit climbing for a while. Don, Eric, I am saddened by your attempts to kill the joy found in climbing with all this petty bickering and backstabbing. Thank God you are in the minority.
  8. cracked


    Not Iraq, but human-induced global warming!
  9. Football sucks. Oh, and , by the way.
  10. cracked

    Gun question

  11. Ugly. You couldn't pay me to go up there right now, and I want that route.
  12. cracked


    Quit yer yammering, they're busy dealing with hurricanes and shit there.
  13. cracked


  14. Be my guest, but the gully is discontinuous and looks very very nasty. Bring a helmet.
  15. $10 on mattp!
  16. http://fecesflingingmonkey.com/
  17. Greg_W's gonna jump all over this.
  18. That's your opinion and I believe a mistaken one. Gilmore is one of the co-founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an organization which is similar in ways to the Access Fund but which deals with cyberspace rather than a physical place. Electronic Frontier Foundation--Defending Freedom in the Digital World The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was created to defend our rights to think, speak, and share our ideas, thoughts, and needs using new technologies, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web. EFF is the first to identify threats to our basic rights online and to advocate on behalf of free expression in the digital age. You might want to take a look at some of the current issues surrounding the use of the Internet, for example, some of the proposed legislation such as the Induce Act. Personally, I believe Gilmore is an advocate and is at the forefront of many pertinent issues regarding freedom of speech and other rights. I honestly don't see why showing ID before boarding a plane is an invasion of my privacy. Likewise, I don't feel that my privacy has been invaded when I'm asked to sign a credit card reciept, either. What's the dude's problem? I took a look at the EFF site, and it's interesting and necessary, but while I might agree with what the EFF's doing, I don't have to agree with this guy about the issue of presenting ID before boarding a plane. Totally different issues.
  19. cracked

    lazy idiots

    Did you smack her upside the head to let her know how she ruined your day, too? So inconsiderate!
  20. I could never get through that.
  21. Dude, you suck at Photoshop.
  22. The real me:
  23. I'ma sic the Mountain Mafia on yo' azz!
  24. So, like, what's this dude's name?
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