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Everything posted by cracked

  1. Go pick on someone your own size, Sprayshaw. You're a gaper, evidence right here:
  2. I see no reason to bash this man for his beliefs. I certainly don't agree with him, but it's not like he's actively pressing his doctrine upon the rest of us. Let him believe what he wants and as long as he's not affecting you, shut the fuck up.
  3. Layton. I never really thought of you as a sport climber, though.
  4. How old is this? A year?
  5. you are right...i'm bitter...but you're still F A T Don't be bitter, be HAPPY! I see you've finally figured out the very complicated avatar image system. Good for you. Another reason to be happy!
  6. cracked

    rope vd?

    If you can't bite your rope, then how do you get enough slack to clip a draw above your head?
  7. Are you bitter cuz summer is over? Are you bitter cuz you'll be spending the next six months driving to Smith for day trips? Are you bitter cuz we don't respond to your sport-viddy posts? Where's the LOVE? Freshiez are coming, be HAPPY. And my ankle is almost healed, so I can go SKIING again!
  8. I used to think that engineers were smart. Sport climbers.
  9. Not true. www.scottybob.com. Too bad I don't tele.
  10. Those morons at Teletips are such gear sluts. My God but G3 hit upon a good marketing strategy. "I already have 40 pairs of new skis, but I think I need another pair for this season". Personally, I'm happy to have another bc ski maker on the market. Those things look pretty cool. to G3.
  11. He has been strangely quiet lately, after all.
  12. Well, Justin's the guy who pulls his draws between attempts to send the gnar-gnar.
  13. cracked


    I hear peyote is also powerful medicine to help you make those connections.
  14. cracked

    VP Debate

    Will, you need to drink a beer and settle down to your usual rational self.
  15. cracked

    VP Debate

    Quit sniffing glue, SnowByrd. Pretending that you're trolling after someone calls you on your bullshit is weak. I watched most of the debate, and I saw it as a clear win for Cheney. Even many rabid liberals say that Edwards didn't do a great job. I'll be curious to view the polls in a few days.
  16. I'm on the floor here.
  17. cracked

    VP Debate

    I like my new sig. I like MisterE's plan, I'll just ignore those who have legitimate points, but don't agree with me. Life is much nicer when you put binders on.
  18. cracked

    VP Debate

    I didn't see Edward's cleaning Cheney's clock on ANY issues. He did better on domestic than international, but Cheney won. I don't like anybody who wants a socialized healthcare plan. I don't know much, but I know that it sure as hell won't work.
  19. cracked

    VP Debate

    Why, actually, I DID vote for John Kerry....right before I voted against him.
  20. It has no brim. How's it gonna keep you dry in the rain/snow/wind? Are you a ID rep or something?
  21. cracked

    VP Debate

    I'm pretty well undecided. But I'm leaning towards Shrub. Fairweather, I agree with you, yet again.
  22. cracked

    VP Debate

    No, I think it's a Fox mind-control type thing. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take my Soma.
  23. cracked

    VP Debate

    Say that twice and click your heels and maybe that will be true. Seems pretty even to me at this point. They both seem to be using the tactic you describe above. Hey man, don't hate the playa, hate John Kerry. Just my opinion.
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